9-10 DTEC - 2022

End of Term: Learn CGI - Vector Graphics

Adobe Illustrator (licensed) and Inkscape or Gravit Designer(both free) are apps that create computer graphics with shapes and lines.

You can also get Adobe Draw for free for your mobile phone. See the video (right) for a basic How To tutorial.

All of these apps create Vectors images (maths code for lines / curves) that can be enlarged or shrunk without losing quality. This is compared Bitmap / Raster images made of pixels.

Watch these videos (right) so that you can explain the difference.

Go to the Adobe Illustrator Tutorials page for help then complete the tasks below.

How to Draw on your experience

Design your own tractor or ideal vehicle

Task 1a) Create an abstract art page in Illustrator

  1. Beginners:

    1. Use a range shapes (rectangle, circle / ellipse, triangles, polygon stars).

    2. Edit them with scale & colour (fill / stroke)

    3. Use the abstract Spirograph Pattern Lesson.

  2. Intermediate:

    1. Use the Pathfinder panel (Windows - Pathfinder) to make composite complex shapes by combining (unite) or subtracting multiple shapes.

    2. Use the Gordan Walters Lesson Plan (right) to create an abstract design

Task 1b) Representative images in Illustrator

  1. Use the Fan Tails Worksheet (right) to practice filling more complex shapes.

  2. Create a Taniwha Illustrations for a children's book,

  3. Or draw a tractor in illustrator (see videos right)

Gordan Walters

Task 2) 2D drawing with CodeGuppy.com

Using Javascript Canvas we can draw 2D shapes with this Draw With Code PDF.

  1. Type out 3 or more examples to learn the basics, e.g. Car, Snowman, Flower. Be careful to check spelling, capitals and punctuation. Try out different settings, like stroke width. Change the fill colours with a RGB colour picker.

  2. Adapt & Synthesis: e.g. make a) tractor on a farm in a field of yellow flowers with blue sky, or b) a house with a snowman in the garden.

  3. Examples: https://codeguppy.com/code.html?t=draw_with_code

Example of 3 circles to make a tractor wheel

Task 3) 3D drawing with TinkerCAD.com CodeBlocks

Using TinkerCAD BlockCode we can create 3D shapes with code.Bookmark this Getting Started interactive guide

  1. Type out the table example 's code from the video (right) to learn the basics of BlockCode

  2. Adapt & Synthesis: e.g. make your own a) chair

  3. Deconstruct: Try Out the Other Design Examples, such as a) Rocket to Mars, b) chibi character

Mid Term: Learn Photoshop - Bitmap (raster) graphics

9-10 DTEC Photoshop

PROGRESS: Please Upload your flat file (JPG or PNG) into a class Google Drive folder


personalise a copy of this slideshow to show your cycle of "Design Thinking"

Photoshop_ VR Gallery - Student book.pptx

Start of Term: Learn HTML & CSS

  1. LEARN: Progate Guided Lesson


  1. CREATE: Reference Material

Need help with HTML and CSS? - W3schools has everything you need to know!

  1. SHARE: w3spaces Hosting


HTML & CSS Cheat sheet.pdf