Aframe Level 3

Copy of Adding Functionality to your Prototype
Copy of Part 1: Create a gallery
Copy of Part 2: Intro to interactivity
Copy of part 3: changing the sky

Simple Examples of Photospheres with Nav links

and Josh's example:

Other Level 3 complex Skills

Complete the projects below to develop the skills needed to demonstrate complex procedures into your VR application. You must implement 2 or more complex procedures or you will not be able to pass the standard.

Complex procedures for WebVR include:

1) Interactivity using Javascript (e.g. gaze or click hyperlinking)

2) Creating and integrating original assets, such as images, video, audio, 3D models

3) Responsive design for use on multiple devices - For example, does it work with Google cardboard (3DoF gaze), on a PC's web browser (mouse / keyboard), and on the Oculus Quest (controllers / hand gestures)

4) Applying industry-standard guidelines - For example, Health and Safety, Asset Management, using GitHub for version control.

Project 4 - Creating a Photosphere gallery with Javascript

Project 5 - Using audio, video and 360 video

Navigating in Oculus

Other Ways to Extend AFrame