
Online Numeracy courses


student code: 4322E27

Khan Academy:

ClassCode: GEK5GCSB

Number Conversions

Measuring, Area & Volume

Problem 1: How big is your family?

Use a NZ metric tape measure to find how tall are you and your family are (in CM)?

  1. Convert your heights into millimetres or mm (e.g. CM *10)

  2. Convert your heights into meters or m (e.g. CM / 100)

Problem 2: How big is A3 paper in cm?

  1. Width? Convert 420mm to cm, (divide by 10, e.g. 1000mm = 100cm)

  2. Height? Convert 297mm to cm

  3. What is the area of A3 paper in cm^2 (cm squared)? (e.g. if it was 10cm x 20cm = 200cm^2)

  4. What is the area of your bedroom wall? e.g. 4.5m * 6.5m

  5. How may A3 pieces of paper would cover it? (e.g. use your Answer 4 divided by Answer 3)

Problem 3: Calculate the Volume of following skips*

*sizes and availability vary so take an average (e.g. 1.5 - 1.7m, average = 1.6m) .

Remember that Volume = Length * Width * Height (e.g. 1m * 1m * 1m = 1m^3 or 1 metre cubed)

Q 3a)

Length - 3.6m - 3.9m

Width - 1.5m - 1.7m

Height - 1.8m - 1.84m

Nominal Volume = ?

Q 3b)

Length - 3.6m - 3.9m

Width - 1.5m - 1.7m

Height - 1.38m - 1.42m

Nominal Volume = ?

Q 3c)

Length - 3.3 – 3.6m

Width - 1.5m - 1.7m

Height - 0.71 – 1.5m

Nominal Volume = ?

Q 3d)

Length - 3.3m - 3.5m

Width - 1.6m - 1.7m

Height - 0.6m - 0.7m

Nominal Volume = ?

Problem 3: How big is US family?

You want to find out what size clothes to order from an American online store (but they don't use metric)

Use a NZ metric tape measure to find how tall are you and your family are (in CM)?

  1. Height in inches? Convert your height in CM to inches.

  2. Height in feet? There are 12 inches to a foot. So, divide this number by 12 to get your height in feet, e.g. 72 inches divided by 12 inches per foot = 6 foot.

(Or e.g. 6.5 foot in inches = 12 inches *6.5 feet = 78 inches.)

Problem 4:

Measure rooms in your house and record their Lenght, Width and Height in Meters

Convert their Length, Width and Height into Yards

1 yard = 3 feet

Convert these amounts in yards into feet.

Create a personal budget for yourself or someone in your family with either a spreadsheet or the EveryDollar app.

Every Dollar Link: