7-8 Computing
How Do Computers Work?
Year 7-8 Computer Science
Year 7-8 Computer Science
CS is about more than just coding. It's about thinking and problem solving and how to use algorithms and computers to help us to solve problems.
How Computers Work - Code.org video series
How Computers Work - Code.org video series
What is Computer Science?
What is Computer Science?
Computer Science helps you get the big bucks and solve big problems (by breaking them into smaller problems.)
Computer Science helps you get the big bucks and solve big problems (by breaking them into smaller problems.)
Alan Turing is on the fifty pound note ($100).
Alan Turing helped to win the WWII by defeating the Nazi Enigma codes. The film "The Imitation Game" paid tribute to him.
We will learn how computers work and how they encode data and decode information for users.
Binary Bracelet - encode letters
Binary Bracelet - encode letters
Binary Tukutuku
Binary Tukutuku
Download the Bracelet Worksheet for 8 Letters of your Name.
Can you weave a Binary Tukutuku?
Binary - encode numbers
Binary - encode numbers
Activity 1)
Activity 1)
Use the Binary Piano Flippy Sheet / Interactive to complete the Binary Worksheet.
Data Representation of Images
Data Representation of Images
Bitmap Art - a map of bits - Pixel Painting
Bitmap Art - a map of bits - Pixel Painting
1 - Computer Binary MINECRAFT - Simple Encoding Task p6-9.pdf
2 - MINECRAFT binary pixel p3-7.pdf