Aframe extras

2) Glitch.con - Web VR Starter Kit

Example of How to Make your own animated 'out of this world' Planetarium (in 4 parts)

3) More Complex A-Frame Skills...

More in-depth & detailed course of webVR tutorial Videos can be sourced at Learn AFrame

Check out folders 5 and 6 for Level 3 Complex skills of adding physics and interactivity.

  1. Introduction

  2. AFrame Basics

    1. What is A-Frame

    2. Installation & Testing

  3. Adding & Modifying HTML Elements

    1. Basic Primitives

    2. Position & Relative Positioning

    3. Rotation & Relative Rotation

    4. Scale, relative scale & reflection

    5. Image textures and Materials

    6. Image and curved image primitives

    7. Breaking primitives down

  4. Modifying the Virtual Environment

    1. Ground

    2. Sky & 360 image

    3. Camera Primitive

    4. Loading and displaying 3D Models

    5. Animating Objects

    6. Adding Lights and shadows

    7. The AFrame Inspector

  5. Interacting with the Objects

    1. Cursor Primitive and component

    2. Event-set component

    3. Gaze-based Interactions

    4. Selective Intersections

    5. Controller-based interactions

    6. Interaction gestures

  6. Enhancing the Virtual Environment

    1. Physics and collision

    2. Sound and positional audio

    3. Video

    4. 360 Video

    5. Stereoscopic Images

    6. Antialiasing

  7. Enhancing the Interactions

    1. Semantic Animation

    2. Animation component

    3. Text component

    4. Look-At component

  8. Moving Around in the Virtual Environment

    1. VR locomotion and its limitations

    2. Smooth artificial locomotion

    3. Movement controls component

    4. Navigation meshes

  9. Testing Your WebVR Scenes on Mobile

    1. Using Glitch

    2. Installing and using a web server

    3. Installing and using ngrok

    4. NOTE Camera offset on mobile devices

  10. Resources for Your WebVR Projects

    1. Web links to resources used during lectures

    2. Web links to FREE 3D models & software

    3. Web links to VR related websites

  11. AFrame v0.8.x - what has changed

    1. Introduction

    2. Camera Heigh Offset (ECS syntax)

    3. Sky colour

    4. Colour Correction for glTF 3D models

  12. AFrame v0.8.x - Known Issues

    1. Introduction

    2. Camera moves slowly on Chrome

    3. Raycaster bug

    4. Sound component not playing audio asset across multiple entities

    5. Best practice for colour space management