Prince Lark Gale of Lorfin

{ Phoenix }

     A relatively new addition to the Order of Galeknights, Phoenix—which is the name he uses as a knight—has quickly become a favorite among his peers, as he has shown nothing but unwavering devotion for the queendom of Lorfin. His true identity, however, is none other than Prince Lark Gale. He secretly joined the Order after the knight serving as his personal guard was murdered.

     About a year prior to Lark's decision to join the Order, he found himself being trailed by an assassin while out on a walk near the castle walls. The prince was alone, since his personal guard (a man named Brant Grey) was on bedrest after having come down with a fever. The prince managed to disarm the assassin, but he ultimately decided to let the assassin go with his life.

     Only a few days later, the same assassin broke into the castle, gloatingly showing Prince Lark the sword that he had taken from Brant Grey—claiming to have killed him. The assassin then left the prince alive to grieve and warped away from the castle, and he hasn't been seen since.

     Following the incident, Prince Lark decided to join the Order of Galeknights in order to make up for the loss he feels he is at fault for. Because Lorfin is ruled only by queens, the prince often is left to his own devices outside of the paperwork that frequently is pawned off on him. With some help from his retainer, the prince routinely uses this freedom to sneak out of the castle so that he may serve as a member in the Order of Galeknights. Not even Commander Mavis, who is his aunt, knows that he is the prince in disguise.

     The only ones that know the truth of his two identities are Peregrine Merle (a mage serving the Order) and Arden (the prince's retainer).

(character sheet coming soon!)