Master Peregrine Merle

{ Peregrine "Levine" Merle }

     One of the most powerful mages in all of the realms, Peregrine Merle was recruited to serve the Order of Galeknights in Lorfin when he was just eighteen years old. He has since been made the Order's official tactician, but he was assigned a mentor/partner due to his youth and assumed inexperience. His friends call him "Levine" as a reference to his lightning magic that many consider powerful enough to challenge the divine gods.

     Peregrine spent most of his early life in Cortigvo without much financial stability, as his father left his mother while she was pregnant and his mother has struggled to find work. The apothecary that saved his mother's life during childbirth stayed with her as a companion and romantic partner, and the two of them worked to find a way for their son to receive some kind of education.

     When Peregrine was six years old, a magician's mark appeared on his chest—which was the thing that turned his entire life around. He was immediately accepted into a mage's guild and trained there until, when he was eighteen, a recruiter from Lorfin arrived to draft the strongest mage into the Order of Galeknights. Peregrine's mentor attempted to hide him away to prevent him from being recruited at such a young age, but one of his peers gave him away, resulting in Peregrine being taken to Lorfin to serve the Order. (He still frequently visits his mothers, seeing as he has the ability to warp without the assistance of transport crystals.)

     Several years later, while running an errand for Commander Mavis, Peregrine came across a man named El that was lying unconscious in a field—and, after waking him up, learned of his ability as a spellsword and hired him as a personal guard. (His motive for this remains unknown.)