
{ El }

     An amnesiac spellsword that was found lying unconscious on the outskirts of Lorfin's crown city, El was hired as Peregrine Merle's personal guard as a way of giving him something to wield his sword for while he searches for a way to find his missing memories—and figure out who it was he served before.

     El was found unconscious in a field by Peregrine Merle, who was on his way back to Lorfin's crown city after retrieving Milo from the docks. After coming to, El found that he had lost most of his memories—including any and all memory of what caused him to end up unconscious. The only things he is able to remember is that he goes by El, that he's a spellsword, and that he wielded his sword for someone—but he has no memory of the person that he served.

     Feeling indebted to Peregrine, El agrees to work as the mage's personal guard until he can find a lead that will help him regain his memories. While he's technically not one of the Galeknights, El is considered part of the Order by everyone in the Order.