Master Qa'loë, the Alchemist

{ Master Qa'loë }

     While the majority of Jara'uëns keep to themselves, Qa'loë has taken to life outside of their place of origin—although they do still spend the majority of their time alone with their companion bird (named Y'heo). Upfront and slightly aggressive at times, Qa'loë is regarded as an unconventional sort of practitioner.

     As one of the last Master Alchemists in existence, Qa'loë's task of finding an apprentice is both incredibly crucial as well as near-impossible. Few beings willingly choose to pursue the practice, and even fewer stick with it past their first year as an apprentice. Qa'loë's age is unknown even to journers, but they claim that they've wasted countless years teaching apprentices that give up after only a few months of training.

     While Qa'loë's origin is mostly unknown, records of their deeds have been in logbooks for several decades, giving some reference in terms of their age. Qa'loë was given life in the city of Caën in Jara'uë by the late Master Alchemist Noë'le and her partner Wu'yoë. Despite Noë'le's trade, she had Qa'loë join the local coven with the intention of providing the child with something more engaging than the practice of alchemy. Qa'loë's impressive capacity for magic was surpassed only by their knack for alchemy, and in the end they decided to pursue both practices.

     After being granted the title of Master Alchemist, Qa'loë has contributed greatly to the field in several ways, such as discovering cruelty-free substitutes for a multitude of compounds needed to brew various potions. 

(character sheet coming soon!)