Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The ninth article of “The Bible of Love”:

  "If you still love your partner, try again, let them see your true heart. Believe that hard work pays off. Love is like a beam of sunlight, it is able to melt even the coldest piece of ice."

  "If that doesn't work, then maybe your lover is not solid ice, they’re a rock. And you just pretend that I never said anything."

  Lu Ming sat in the car, remembering Xu Ou’s surprised look just a moment ago, and began to think about why he is still living in Liang Yesheng's house.

  No, it’s not exactly Liang Yesheng's house, it seems that Lu Ming's name was also added on the deed. But Lu Ming only remembered signing a few papers. He never had to worry about anything, so he forgot about it soon after. Liang Yesheng was also in charge of decorating, and only had to seek advice from Lu Ming about the recording room.

  Lu Ming now realizes that he really is a distinguished deatbeat.

  Liang Yesheng actually gave him the money the next day. But Lu Ming thought, “I’m so busy preparing for the music festival, how do I have the time to find a house and find a housing agency to avoid rental fraud? Whatever, I’ll stay at Liang Yesheng’s house for now, just until the music festival is over.”

  That’s how Lu Ming convinced himself. So he told Liang Yesheng that it would take him a few days to move out, and Liang Yesheng agreed. That same night, the guest room lock was somehow broken.


  Lu Ming didn't know why it was broken, but he went out for a while, and when he came back, the door wouldn't open. Lu Ming suspected that Liang Yesheng was behind it, but there was no evidence, and there was no purpose. Lu Ming did not want to sleep on the sofa again, and he was not pretentious, so he discussed with Liang Yesheng, "I'd better go back to the master bedroom to sleep. In fact, I think we can even try hooking up."

  Lu Ming was sincerely suggesting it. He has not had a sex life for quite some time. When he was not with Liang Yesheng, Lu Ming did not think it mattered, nor did he have much need for it. But this thing is like money, you will always spend more and more. Quitting spending money has already been difficult, but that was because he became poor and there was no money for him to spend. But quitting sleeping with Liang Yesheng seems to be a little more difficult.

  Lu Ming is becoming emotionally poor.

  But Liang Yesheng still refused him. They could sleep on the same bed, they could hug, but they couldn’t go to bed. This made Lu Ming feel defeated.

  He really can not find other people to consult with about this kind of problem. Guo Qianqian is a girl, so she does not seem like a very suitable person. His own gang of friends ...... they can not be counted on.

  In the end, it’s because there’s not enough affirmative action in the hiphop circle, gay people are simply discrimination against, so now he is lonely and unsupported. There is absolutely no channel to communicate about relationship problems between men and men, that’s why he and Liang Yesheng got to this stage in their relationship.

  The music festival is over today, and tomorrow, it's time to find a place to move. There is no excuse for him to stay here anymore, he’s done being a deadbeat, but also cheated 300,000 dollars, he should be satisfied.

  Liang Yesheng brought up divorce, he agreed, there were no complications, but Lu Ming always felt that there was something wrong.

  The car has been parked. Liang Yesheng unbuckled the seat belt, saw that Lu Ming was still frozen, and told him, "Let's go."

  But Lu Ming grabbed Liang Yelsheng's right wrist.

  Liang Yesheng was a bit confused and looked at Lu Ming. Lu Ming gulped and said, "Your car ...... looks quite nice."

  This was totally nonsense.

  Liang Yesheng was very quiet at this time. He didn't respond, but also didn't break out of Lu Ming's fingers to get off, and just listen to what Lu Ming really wants to say.

  Lu Ming decided to just go with it, "We have never done it in the car!"

  He was still not content, not because he wanted to do it once in the car with Liang Yesheng, but because it was better than nothing. It’s like the last big rush before the supermarket is closed for good.

  Liang Yesheng looked at him in surprise, but still refused, "There are no condoms in the car."

  Of course, normal people don't put condoms in the car.

  Lu Ming now does not care much about these, "It's okay, just don’t cum inside."

  Actually, Lu Ming thought that it’d be fine if he did, but it was better not to say.

  "I didn't take a shower." Liang Yesheng said.

  "I did," before going out today, Lu Ming deliberately took a shower, and also changed his favorite clothes. But unfortunately, Xu Ou messed up, so no one was in the mood to appreciate what the DJ was wearing, "you also showered this morning, that’s enough! You don’t have to shower twice a day to be clean!"

  "Are you sure?" Liang Yesheng was still asking, "You said that we broke up ......"

  He did not finish, because Lu Ming felt that at this time Liang Yesheng’s voice was too unbearable, and needed to be quieted down by his tongue.

  Liang Yesheng kissed him back, and they proceeded to kiss quietly in the car, one after another. It may be true that he’s been pushing down his desires for too long. Lu Ming soon had a reaction, and began to untie Liang Yesheng's belt. But this time, his teeth began to hurt again.

  "Fuck, that fucking Chen dog," Lu Ming pulled down his zipper with one hand, covering his face with the other hand and cursing Chen Zi, "I think his blow loosened my teeth."

  "Teeth are not that fragile." Liang Yesheng actually had the heart to correct professional issues at this time, and felt a bit strange, "Isn't that person called Lone Wolf?"

  "Yes, but his real name is Chen Dog."

  Lu Ming stopped. Very stiffly stopped.

  In a flash of light, he remembered something.

  "How did you know?" Lu Ming asked, "How did you know Chen Zi’s name is Lone Wolf?"

  Liang Yesheng was a bit puzzled: "NetEase1 Music would randomly recommend me his songs, I listened to them, and they were quite good. He also has a NetEase musician avatar."

  Lu Ming retracted his hand, very conspicuously, Liang Yesheng also saw him rubbing his hand on his pants before unbuckling his seat belt and getting out.

  "Let’s go back." Lu Ming said, "You were right, you should take a shower first."

  "What do you mean?" Liang Yesheng had already been stirred up by Lu Ming, but had suddenly been poured with a pot of cold water.

  "Just the literal meaning." Lu Ming couldn't help but sound louder, "You listened to his song, you're already dirty!"

  "This car is also dirty!" Lu Ming also pointed to the car that he said was quite good just now, "I suggest you go wash the car tomorrow as well, lest you’ll get sick one day!"

  Liang Yesheng was speechless, he looked at Lu Ming, thinking that this is not much different from the patient who suspected that the homosexual man at the next table would infect him with AIDS through bleeding gums.

  But Lu Ming had already run upstairs. Liang Yesheng sat for a while and also went back home.

  He really went to take a shower, the wounds that he had previously taken care to avoid had almost healed. Liang Yesheng hesitated, but put on his pajamas.

  Lu Ming was obviously pretending to be asleep.

  "It’s because I listened to your songs too much," Liang Yesheng sat on the edge of his bed and talked to Lu Ming, "that’s why it randomly recommended me songs of the same type."

  "Our songs are not of the same genre," Lu Ming said, "I hate 808 drums, I hate his triplets."

  But he was surprised that Liang Yesheng would listen to their company’s songs.

  Liang Yesheng said, "I can't differentiate between those. If I made you look at teeth, can you classify them?"

  "He even beat me badly today!" Lu Ming had a toothache and was in a bad mood, so he started to complain, "I'll make sure Xu Ou writes a song dissing him!

  Liang Yesheng couldn’t stand Lu Ming's lack of focus, "You can scold him tomorrow, but shouldn't you take some responsibility now?"

  "Responsible for what?" Lu Ming actually asked, "I don’t have anything to be sorry for, I have not touched Chen Dog a finger!

  "You just said," Liang Yesheng’s face did not change, "that I can cum inside."

  "......" Lu Ming was finally quiet, too quiet, his breathing was almost inaudible.

  Just when Liang Yesheng was about to run out of patience, Lu Ming turned around.


  But the next morning, Lu Ming began to hurt again, and he began to beg Liang Yesheng to find a pair of scissors to help him pull out his teeth.

  "You should be ashamed of your lack of medical common sense," said Liang Yesheng, "I finally understand, when I told you about the hospital, you were simply dazed and distracted, not listening to a word. Also, you can only take one painkiller, no more."

  "I won’t go to you anymore." Lu Ming was very unhappy, "I'll go find another doctor to help me pull out my teeth."

  Lu Ming again rode Liang Yesheng’s car, which he had said was dirty yesterday.

  Liang Yesheng said, "No one will pull your teeth even if you go, your gums are still inflamed."

  "Anyway, that’s what you say, how do I know if it's true." Lu Ming said, "I won't know until I go."

  Moreover, he wanted to see Liang Yesheng's current working environment.

  Li Yubing was surprised that Dr. Liang was not only late today, but also brought over a boy who looked quite young.

  "He's here to extract his wisdom teeth." Liang Yesheng decided to let someone else spread the knowledge to Lu Ming, "You find another doctor to talk to him, he doesn't believe my words."

  Lu Ming waited for a while and really received the advice that it was best not to pull the tooth now.

  Li Yubing felt amused and brought Lu Ming a cup of water, "Why don't you believe in Dr. Liang, his professional level is very over the top."

  Lu Ming pouted his lips and said, "Is he that good?"

  "Our hospital spent a lot of money to hire him!!!" Li Yubing thought it was strange that Dr. Liang brought in a patient who didn't seem very friendly to Dr. Liang, "Dr. Liang is very skilled. What’s your relationship to him? He's only been here for a short time, I don't even know him well, I only know that he has a wife."

  After about half an hour, there was a knock on Dr. Liang's door. Before he could say “please come in”, the other party opened the door and came in.

  "Just now Ms. Li and I talked," Lu Ming said slowly, "She said that Dr. Liang has a wife, who’s especially gentle and virtuous, and cooks for him every day, never letting him do a bit of housework."

  Dr. Liang's pen stopped.

  "When did you get remarried?" Lu Ming said.

1 NetEase Cloud Music is a Chinese music streaming platform.