Chapter 23

Chapter 23

  Lu Ming saw Liang Yesheng again in a drowsy, cold and hot dream.

  That was the first date between Liang Yesheng and him, can be called a date? Maybe. All in all, it was the day that Liang Yesheng met with him again after their first misunderstanding.

  Lu Ming only told Liang Yesheng that he was a musician, thinking that it sounded pretty awesome. After chatting blindly with Liang Yelsheng for several days, he waited until the weekend when Liang Yelsheng was off from work, and Liang Yelsheng said he could go out.

  But on his way to meet Liang Yesheng, there was a lot of traffic on the road and he was delayed for a long time. In Lu Ming's dream, the memories start here. The sunlight was blinding, and the traffic flowed like weaving. He jumped out of the car and ran wildly in the direction of the restaurant and saw Liang Yesheng.

  Liang Yesheng was already standing at the door. Lu Ming didn't know when he arrived, and repeatedly apologized. But Liang Yesheng told him it was okay, he also just arrived.

  "Chopin's Keys. The name of this restaurant is quite nice." At that time, Liang Yesheng did not realize the true nature of Lu Ming, and was still trying to guess Lu Ming with romantic thinking, "You guys engaged in music even eat in such......"

  "The pork head meat here is particularly delicious." Lu Ming said as he pointed to the menu. He looked up at Liang Yesheng, "What did you just say?"

  "...... nothing." Liang Yesheng acted as if nothing had just happened, and continued watching Lu Ming cheerfully order food.

  Lu Ming was single-mindedly focused on ordering food, as if he came solely for the purpose of really eating. He had just recently received payment from someone who owed him money for a long time, which is why he invited Liang Yesheng to eat at a more expensive restaurant. So, naturally he is in a very good mood.

  Lu Ming once again apologized to Liang Yesheng: "Sorry, I thought I would be on time. It turned out that they were repairing the road, and I lived far away, which is why I was delayed."

  "Where do you live?" Liang Yesheng asked about him.

  Lu Ming said, "Near the cafe we went to last time. It's not really my place, it's our studio, but I've been bunking there recently."

  The contract to his previous place expired, and the landlord wants to take it back for their own purposes. Lu Ming couldn’t find a suitable house for the time being, and he spent most of his money, so he simply decided to temporarily stay in the studio, which also helped him save some money. Xu Ou is a big brother who isn't quite like a big brother. He’s usually not a very serious person, but this time he paid the studio rent himself, and told Lu Ming to just live there and don’t worry about anything else.

  Liang Yesheng sort of understood. Lu Ming does not seem to be rich. Because of that he wasn’t able to finish college. He also doesn’t seem to have a place to settle in city C.

  If it really is a blind date, even between men and men, Lu Ming is unlikely to enter Liang Yesheng's sight. After his family knew about his sexual orientation, Liang Yesheng actually still can not avoid the talk of marriage. His family told him now that same-sex marriage is allowed, and he’s almost thirty, so he needs hurry up and get married. They also told Liang Yesheng that the son of one of their friends was a professor at a university C, so he should take the opportunity to get to know him. But Liang Yesheng felt tired enough from dealing with the enthusiasts in the hospital, and did not want to increase his workload. So he did not give much thought to his family’s feelings, and did not agree once.

  Fortunately, he didn’t.

  Lu Ming, who didn’t have much money, was still trying to pretend to be generous, telling Liang Yesheng to order whatever he wanted, and that today’s his treat. Lu Ming said it as if he’s very rich. If the most expensive dish on the menu wasn’t priced at less than 200 Yuan, Liang Yesheng would have thought he was eating at a Michelin three star restaurant. 

  Lu Ming said, "Actually, I asked you out because I had something to tell you......"

  Of course there is something. Liang Yesheng wasn’t not blind, and can see that Lu Ming is chasing him. Except the way he’s doing it seems a bit strange. Though it also achieved strange effects.

  "I have a friend. He wants to go to the dentist, but it seems that an appointment at your hospital is particularly difficult to make. He tried a few times, but couldn’t get an appointment slot. How do you go about making an appointment?"

  Liang Yesheng froze and said, "What does he want to see specifically? Does he need a filling, orthodontics, or implants? Does he have a periodontal disease, or does he want to do aesthetic restoration?"

  Lu Ming really couldn't answer, but Liang Yesheng was waiting for his answer, so he had to say, "Actually, I don't have any friends who want to see a dentist."

  His lies always lasted for a short time.

  "It’s just that since we met this time, I just don’t know if we can ever meet again. If I could go to the hospital ...... I can go see you. Plus, you said that people have to go regularly to do dental cleaning."

  Liang Yesheng can indeed provide dental cleaning services, and he’s also quite familiar with it. But he didn’t really want to date Lu Ming in the hospital. If Lu Ming made an appointment with him and came to his clinic, he would be looking at Lu Ming's glowing eyes while other people would come knocking on the door, constantly asking, "When will it be my turn? What's taking so long?"

  That would ruin the dates.

  "I gave you my contact information." Liang Yesheng said, "You don't have to go to the hospital."

  Lu Ming, however, didn't seem to comprehend what Liang Yelsheng was saying.

  "We can still meet next time to eat." Liang Yesheng said patiently, "You can eat pork, hot pot, or roadside stalls. You can even let me take a look at your teeth if you want."

  Lu Ming's response was somewhat sluggish. He just said "oh." At this time, the dish was served by the waiter. It was a dish Lu Ming liked. He picked it up with chopsticks, paused for half a second, and actually put it into Liang Yesheng's bowl.

  Then he took some for himself, lowered his head and began to eat. While chewing, he accidentally choked, and was coughing out tears. So he took a glass of water.

  When he was halfway through drinking, he suddenly asked, "Can I chase you if I want to?"

  The dream stopped here, and then things went black. Lu Ming waited a long time in the dream, but never got an answer, and he was very angry when Liang Yesheng shook him awake.

  Liang Yesheng said, "Take the medicine and then sleep."

  After drinking water in his dream, he actually had to drink water again when he woke up. Lu Ming swallowed the medicine, but did not immediately fall back asleep.

  He found that his clothes were taken off and replaced with his old pajamas. The kind of sticking feeling on his body was gone. He vividly remembered that he was covered in sweat during the performance, and some even splashed drinks and alcohol on him ......

  "No going to sleep anymore?" Liang Yesheng asked.

  "You haven’t promised me what I said to you today yet," Lu Ming said.

  "You didn’t say clearly what you need," Liang Yesheng said, "I don't know what to promise you."

  Lu Ming felt that Liang Yesheng was knowingly asking. But he was now very vulnerable, and he neither wanted nor had the extra money to go to teacher L again. Liang Yesheng probably just wanted to hear him say it again. After all, if he didn't have feelings for him, he wouldn't have brought him back from the car and taken such good care of him.

  So Lu Ming said, "How about we remarry, and I won't let you do housework anymore."

  Liang Yesheng thought, what does the second half of the sentence mean?

  In Lu Ming’s tone, why did he sound like a girlfriend who always had a temper? And now, it was as if he was a housewife who was let down by Lu Ming?

  "I never did housework," Liang Yesheng said. It is necessary to shatter Lu Ming’s filter of him. After all, when money can solve things, Liang Yesheng does not know why they have to do the work themselves. "You typically go out and play with your friends during the day, which is probably why you don't know that the cleaning ladies come every week."

  Lu Ming thought, "Shit, this is the only promise I can think of and it’s useless.”