Yumi Translates

A self-portrait 🤣 

Hello everyone! 

I’m Yumi (玉米), and I will be translating 恋爱错误宝典 (The Bible of Mistakes in Love) by 反舌鸟 (Fan She Niao/Mockingbird). It’s a danmei novel that I read a couple years ago and I remember really liking it. It's a bit silly but Gong and Shou are so cute together. There’s an audio drama, too, check it out here! Feel free to point out any typos/mistakes...please be nice, it’s my first time translating >-<  Enjoy!

I have just picked up 彩虹琥珀/Rainbow Amber! It is also a really sweet story, feel free to check it out!

All credits go to their respective original authors, only the translations belong to me.


📢  I am no longer co-hosting my translations because editing on two different sites has become too much of a headache. But please say tuned for more chapters on this site!

Comments section is working now!

I will go back and edit all the chapters after I'm done translating the entire novel, but feel free to give any suggestions that you think would help :)

If you want to re-translate my translations into another language, please contact me first.