Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The eighth article of "The Bible of Love":

  "If you have tried each of the above seven articles or have tried four or more, and you have not been killed by your lover, then congratulations, they really love you. On the contrary, if you get an unfortunate result, then may the deceased rest in peace."

  Liang Yesheng's mother was forced to be sick on New Year's Day, but with her son giving monetary comfort, she reluctantly accepted.

  "Did you and Xiao Lu have a fight?" His mother sensed very keenly that something was wrong with Liang Yesheng, "You be nice to him, I don't know where you got that weird temper of yours from, and don't always think about giving money to solve problems."

  "No, we’re quite good." Liang Yesheng said, "He is still outside, he’s just not back yet."

  "It's normal for young people to be playful, he's younger than you. Look at me, I like to travel around all the time." Liang's mother said, "I think you're the one who's not normal, all you do is stay at home and sculpt teeth models, go out with him more."

  Liang Yesheng paused for a moment before saying, "Okay."

  Lu Ming had already fallen asleep on the sofa. Because of the cold, when Liang Yesheng came over, Lu Ming subconsciously leaned over and pressed his face against Liang Yesheng's arm.

  Liang Yesheng flipped his wrist, so that the palm of his hand was against Lu Ming's face. Now that the temperature was a little higher, Lu Ming was very satisfied. Liang Yesheng likes to see the way Lu Ming looks when he falls asleep after cuddling or before going to work. Lu Ming is always in need of sleep, but he sleeps in an indecent position, either holding the quilt, or holding Liang Yesheng. Because he now has nothing to hold on the sofa, he could only curl up into a ball.

  Liang Yesheng looked at the guest room where Lu Ming slept last night, and did not wake Lu Ming up. Bending down, he carried Lu Ming back to the master bedroom.

  Tonight, Liang Yesheng slept very well.

  When Lu Ming woke up, he was confused and startled, "Didn't I fall asleep on the sofa yesterday?"

  "You walked back by yourself. Sleepwalked." Lu Ming couldn’t tell if Liang Yesheng was joking or serious, "It had nothing to do with me."

  Lu Ming felt suspicious about the situation, but he was also very busy. They’re releasing a new song at the music festival. It was not a big deal, but now that their schedule collided with Flying Eagle, it would be really embarrassing to mess up on the show.

  While others were rehearsing, Lu Ming dazed off. Bing Bing called out to him, "Ming Ge, let's go eat! What are you staring at?"

  It seems that the divorce has hit him hard enough, everyone thought.

  Bing Bing sat with Lu Ming and continued to ask, "Ming Ge, what happened when you went back with our sister-in-law that day?"

  "What sister-in-law?" Lu Ming was a bit annoyed, “I told you, we’re divorced.”

  Bing Bing didn't think so, "It doesn’t look like you guys broke up. I think you’re still gonna end up living together."

  "Bullshit," Lu Ming was a bit mad, “I even put myself on his bed, but he still wouldn’t sleep with me. There’s no way he wants to live with me.” 

  Bing Bing replied with an “oh”, and blindly consoled Lu Ming with some of his heterosexual relationship experiences. While drinking beer, Bing Bing started to feel that something was not quite right. When he finally thought of what it was, the beer spurted out of his mouth. The others started to scold Bing Bing about what is going on, and that he shouldn’t drink if he doesn’t know how to.

  "Ming, Ming Ge," Bing Bing stuttered, "you're the bottom?"

  Lu Ming frowned at Bing Bing, "Are you fucking done?"

  They’re divorced anyway, what’s the point of discussing top and bottom. Why serve rice when all the bowls have been washed already, and why clean the room when the house has already collapsed to the floor? He doesn’t have that much time on his shoulders.

  No one else heard what he and Bing were talking about, the music festival next week is more important. The company said it wanted to blow up the whole place and let Flying Eagle see their power.

  Lu Ming, the source of the incident, is no longer the center of attention. Their company’s most popular rapper is now Xu Ou. But of course Lu Ming is also busy, Lu Ming is the producer of almost every one of Xu Ou’s songs. 

  "Chen Dog sent me a private message yesterday," Xu Ou said, "he said that he will definitely give me a surprise on the day of the festival. Should I call the police?"

  A rapper calling the police would be the world's biggest joke, not to mention that nothing has happened yet, the police may not even do anything. Lu Ming said, "I have an idea, you should buy pepper spray."

  "You're too girly, Ah Ming," Xu Ou despised, "What's wrong with you? I’m not a woman, why should I use pepper sprays?"

  "Yes, people who want to call the police a week in advance are the most masculine." Lu Ming scolded back, "Anyway, you guys leave early that day, I don’t want to cause any conflicts."

  People of the same kind fall into the same group, their company is full of cowards anyway. Xu Ou thought of a very realistic problem, "The festival is open in the suburbs, we go in the same direction. You should leave with me, carpooling saves money."

  "No need." Lu Ming immediately refused, "I ...... have someone to pick me up."

  "Who is it? You have other friends in the city?"

  "I ......" Lu Ming stammered for a moment and finally became annoyed with himself, "Fuck, I was talking about my ex-husband!"

  Bing Bing, who had just been scolded by Lu Ming, secretly thought, "I told you there was still a chance."

  It was soon a week later. The two major companies, Flying Eagle and Deer Mountain, met without cordiality. Both were extremely well prepared, but both company’s member forgot the lyrics. Xu Ou and Chen Zi, especially, forgot everything. The entire time, they were either giving the microphone to the audience, or simply saying "put your hands up!” The audience did put their hands up, but almost smashed the two unreliable rappers with their water bottles.

  Xu Ou is in a very bad mood, but he remembered Lu Ming's instructions and was ready to go out and take a taxi. After all, in addition to Flying Eagle, there may be audiences, who feel like they’ve been cheated out of money, ready to hit him. Just as he came off the backstage, a figure stopped him, it was Chen Zi.

  It is true that disasters cannot be avoided. Xu Ou simply took off his jacket, and said "I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, come on."

  "It's real." Chen Zi said.

  "What?" Xu Ou froze.

  Chen Zi showed Xu Ou the stack of chains around his neck: "See? This one is real gold! This one is real diamond! You apologize to me for saying that I wore fake chains!"

  "You must be sick! Aright, alright, daddy says he’s sorry, now you get out of the way!" Xu Ou said.

  "No," Chen Zi said, "how come I can never avoid you, I think you’re deliberately stalking me."

  "Holy shit, this time I’m really sincerely apologizing. I was wrong, brother," Xu Ou realized that Chen Dog really acts like a dog, "I shouldn’t have bothered with mental patients, your chain is real."

  "It's not a question of whether the chain is real or not," Chen Zi did not move, "I want respect. It was my first rap battle championship, and you come to tell me that my chains are fake. You think you are so great because you’re an OG? You never even replied to my private messages."

  "Dad, it’s my fault, I'll go back and reply to your private message." Xu Ou had to change his tone three times within a minute. He suspected that the next time he’ll have to address Chen Zi as his ancestor.

  "This is not a matter of replying or not replying to private messages, I want respect ......"

  "I absolutely RESPECT you!" said Xu Ou, "I'll even go back and give you offerings!"

  "Have you listened to the songs I wrote in the past two years?" Chen Zi asked.

  Nonsense, of course not. Though he did see some of Chen Zi's friends’ WeChat posts, most of which are super sarcastic. A certain few specifically cursed out Deer Mountain and Xu Ou out. But he seemed to have completely forgotten about Lu Ming, the original culprit. 

  Seeing how Xu Ou is not answering, Chen Zi pressed on, "You also mocked me in an interview saying that you do not like my style of trap! The songs I write are none of your business, you should worry about you outdated songs!

  "How am I mocking you? There are a bunch of rap styles that I don’t like!" Xu Ou finally scolded back.

  Chen Zi was even more angry, and he could hardly hold a chain in his hand, just when he was about to start a fight...

  Someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder: "Buddy ......"

  Chen Zi elbowed the person and behind him came a miserable cry.

  Xu Ou rushed to help Lu Ming, and seeing Lu Ming covering his face, Xu Ou stared at Chen Zi angrily. But Chen Zi himself was also confused, he did not hit hard. He thought it was just a very light push, was it necessary to scream like this?

  Chen Zi immediately understood, Lu Ming was here to scam him. Maybe there’s a hidden camera somewhere, ready to upload his crime to the Internet.

  "You are too much," he pointed angrily at Xu Ou, "I came to reconcile with you sincerely, but you set me up like this, where is the camera?"

  "What camera?! I think you really are sick." Xu Ou scolded him, "I'm too busy to care about you now, help me send Lu Ming to the hospital. You should also go to the psychologist, by the way."

  Xu Ou saw Chen Zi's expression, and guessed that Chen Zi didn’t mean it. It’s better to send Lu Ming to the hospital first.

  "What's wrong with him?" said another unfamiliar voice. Xu Ou looked up, it was a man who looked out of place in the atmosphere of the music festival. But this man looked a little familiar to Xu Ou.

  "You're ...... Dr. Liang?" Xu Ou remembered, "My uncle was your patient! Why are you here?"

  Liang Yesheng did not have time to answer him, and squatted down to look at Lu Ming's situation. Xu Ou thought, a dentist is also a doctor, Liang Yesheng’s temporary diagnosis would be good enough.

  "Do you really have to scream like this?" Liang Yesheng spoke indifferently, "it’s just a wisdom tooth."

  The tooth had just grown out, and the gum around the tooth was inflamed, so it made sense to experience more pain. Just now, Chen Zi's blow may have hit the inflamed area. But no matter how, it is not necessary to scream like this.

  "I have low pain tolerance!" Lu Ming shouted, "Shit, when did the wisdom teeth grow? I told you I felt uncomfortable somewhere these days."

  "You guys know each other?" Xu Ou is still asking.

  Lu Ming has forgotten all about the fact that only Bing Bing has seen Liang Yesheng, "Didn't I say someone would come to pick me up?"

  "Your ......  former husband?" Xu Ou's brain froze on the spot.

  During this mess, no one paid attention to how Liang Yesheng became very unhappy when he heard the word "former".

  Chen Zi is still pestering, now with a new charge, "You fucking framed me! I told you what happened, I didn't hit him! If I want to hit him, I'll hit you too!"

  "I’ll thank you for that." Xu Ou did not want to talk with Chen Zi for any longer, and walked out with Lu Ming. But since Lu Ming was not hurt in any way, Xu Ou did not want to tire himself out. Also, Liang Yesheng was next to Lu Ming. Liang Yesheng looks handsome, upright, like the kind of person that will give people a good feeling about gay people.

  And Lu Ming ...... Lu Ming is the kind of person that would advertise himself as a gay person, and everyone would laugh for half a day before realizing that it might actually be true.

  Xu Ou even felt that Lu Ming did not grow up at all.

  Lu Ming wasn’t old, his twenty-fourth birthday is still a few days away. So thinking about it, Lu Ming probably married right when he just reached the legal age of marriage. If Lu Ming’s husband weren’t Liang Yesheng, Xu Ou would have suspected that Liang Yesheng cheated Lu Ming out of marriage and money.

  Especially now, Lu Ming is tormented by toothache and vulnerable, and still chanting, "I don't want to pull out my teeth."

  "If it grows okay, it can stay that way." Liang Yesheng answered him.

  "But it hurts so much if I don’t pull it out, I'm in so much pain right now." Lu Ming added, "Why don't you, a dentist, carry painkillers with you."

  He was babbling in pain and started scolding Xu Ou again.

  "What the hell did you perform today? I couldn’t even stand to listen to it." Lu Ming said to Xu Ou, "We were both there with Flying Eagle, and I even have a bad toothache, but did I put the wrong music on? Did I make a mistake?"

  "Of course you did!" Xu Ou was shocked at the speed of Lu Ming's memory loss, "On the day of your divorce, you were sleepwalking around all night!!!"

  As soon as the words left Xu Ou's mouth, he remembered that it seemed that the party to Lu Ming's divorce was also present, and smiled awkwardly at Liang Yesheng.

  Liang Yesheng returned Xu Ou a smile, which seemed quite sincere.

  Lu Ming looked at Liang Yesheng sheepishly, but Liang Yesheng didn't intend to ask him now in front of Xu Ou. Lu Ming was just a little annoyed in his heart, and quickly walked forward.

  Liang Yesheng also quickened his pace, leaving Xu Ou alone. There was still Chen Zi, but Xu Ou wasn't going to count Chen Zi as a person. Xu Ou was now even a little tempted to kindly suggest that Chen Zi change his ID. He shouldn’t call himself something like Lone Wolf, but rather change it to Mad Dog instead. 

  "Where does your friend live?" Liang Yesheng asked, "We could send him back on the way."

  "No need." Lu Ming was still angry at being exposed by Xu Ou, "We live in the east and he lives in the west, it's too far apart."

  Xu Ou had no idea that Lu Ming had just moved his home to the west, he is still tangled with Chen Zi.

  "All your posts last month were hinting at me." Chen Zi said.

  "No, you're overthinking it." Xu Ou answered him.

  In actuality, it really was hinting at Chen Zi, but how can you admit such a thing?

  Chen Zi said, "Why did you say my chain was fake that year?"

  "I was wrong." Xu Ou is really going crazy. That year he and Chen Zi stayed in the detention center for three days. That was back when Chen Zi was still a normal crazy dog. They had battled inside the detention center, cursing each other out for three days. Ever since then, their encounters only existed in their circle of friends and they kept microblogging mockery of each other.

  Lu Ming, the heartless one, left him and ran away to be with his ex-husband. Xu Ou now feels that Bing Bing was right, at this stage, they are clearly getting back together again.


  Xu Ou wanted to ask if Lu Ming could help in the future. Liang Yesheng is a doctor of the Third Hospital, which is known for how difficult it is to register for the Department of Dentistry.

  But then again, why is Lu Ming still so poor?

  Just as he was thinking about Lu Ming, Xu Ou received Lu Ming's WeChat message.

  AKA不鸣则平: According to my gay experience, Chen Dog likes you. Come on, cherish the opportunity I created for you two to be alone.

  Xu Ou looked at Chen Zi, who was still next to him. He slightly imagined the possibilities and wanted to kill Lu Ming immediately.

  Da Ou: In fact, there is something that I also want to tell you for a long time, but have been hesitant. I always feel that telling you will hurt you, but today I really can't help it, I hope you forgive me.

  Idiot! It’s 不平则鸣1! Are you even cultured?

  Before Lu Ming could react and curse back, Xu Ou quickly blocked Lu Ming on WeChat.

1 不平则鸣 is a phrase in Chinese that means where there is injustice there will be an outcry. Lu Ming’s WeChat ID is the phrase flipped around, which would technically mean where there is no outcry there is peace.