Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The fourteenth article of the "The Bible of Love":

  "You are welcomed to order teacher L's exclusive WeChat counseling service (shabicaixin123). You can ask any questions you have about love, teacher L is here to help solve your relationship problems online 24/7."

  "I was talking to his assistant the other day and I felt that something was wrong." Lu Ming is still talking about the traces he found, "I said that doctors are very busy, and she said, ‘it’s not that bad, dentists have relatively more free time. After all, there is rarely any life and death matters, there are breaks on weekends and no night duty.’"

  "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Bing didn't understand.

  "The problem is that he always goes out on weekends in the past year," Lu Ming was going to faint just thinking about it, but it may also be that he drank too quickly, "he told me it was because of work, I fucking ......"

  Lu Ming soon stopped swearing, because he passed out from being too drunk.

  Bing Bing was woken up by Lu Ming in the middle of the night, but he couldn’t fall asleep anymore. Swiping through his phone, he suddenly received a private message, it was an invitation to a performance.

  "Hello Mr. Bing Qi, I am the owner of X time bar. When I listened to your performance last time, I especially liked your songs. I would like to invite you to perform in our bar. If you are interested, you can add me on WeChat to chat in detail."

  It’s hard to find such discerning bar owners, Bing Bing thought for a while, and decided to add the bar owner on WeChat. He doesn’t have much money in his WeChat wallet, anyway, scammers can’t cheat any money out of him, so there’s nothing to worry about.

  The bar owner was surprisingly generous, immediately after adding Bing Bing, he gave Bing Bing a five-digit money transfer.

  "This is the deposit." He said. 

  Bing was stunned, "Brother, I’ll sing whatever you want me to, as long as you’re not killing people, I can do anything!"

  After a few seconds, BingBing sent another one, "drug deals are not okay either."

  Tens of thousands of dollars, and it’s still just a deposit, he already has a guilty conscience.

  The boss, however, said, "How come he can't settle it by spending money."

  Bing Bing froze, looking at the flashing phone screen, his heart was not too steady.

  "I just lied to you, there’s no performance." The boss sent a voice message, "Do me a favor, if you don't want to, you can return the money, if you do ......"

  He said a number.

  Bing already recognized the voice, he had only met him once, Lu Ming's ex-husband.

  "Brother I really have nothing to do with him." Bing said, "He made it all up, I have nothing to do with him from flesh to mind!"

  Liang Yesheng, however, did not come to ask this, he never believed there was anything between them anyway. He was just angry at Lu Ming for making up this kind of thing to make him angry.

  "I didn't ask you to castrate yourself," Liang Yesheng interrupted him, "aren’t you short of money? Do me a favor, and the money will be yours."

  He really knows who to target, Bing Bing is now indeed short of money, not to mention that what Liang Yesheng asked him to do is not only not illegal, it even sounds ...... like a good thing to do for the good of mankind.

  Anyway, even without Bing Bing, Lu Ming doesn't look like he can get rid of his old love. He also just wants to live his single life, he doesn’t want to solve Lu Ming's strange love problems from time to time nor let Lu Ming hog his couch.

  Although Liang Yesheng's behavior is indeed confusing, he could have just asked him directly, instead of turning the corner to find him. But for the sake of money, Bing Bing was able to barely understand it and convince himself. It’s just like he wanted to persuade Flying Eagle and Deer Mountain to stop dissing each other up online—but using his identity to post such things makes it feel like a sign of weakness on behalf of Deer Mountain. So, the only way is to open a new account, and go to the comments section as an ambassador of peace.

  When Lu Ming woke up, he received an account recommendation push from Bing Bing on WeChat, it was a relationship counselor.

  "What is this thing," Lu Ming frowned, "this female avatar looks like my elementary school teacher."

  "Teacher L," Bing Bing said, "you come to us group of men everyday to complain, but the problem is getting worse and worse, and now you’re divorced, have you not realized? I'm good enough for a friend, buddy, I even specifically went to my aunt to ask for it."

  Has he fallen to the point where he needs a relationship counselor? Lu Ming still can not adapt. But Bing Bing has a rare enthusiasm in convincing him, "My aunt said that several of her friends were able to solve their problems after consulting teacher L, and now live very happy lives. What's your expression? If you don't want to, forget it. You take your time to try to think of a way, and see if you guys can get back together tomorrow."

  Seeing Lu Ming’s hesitation, Bing Bing simply took Lu Ming's phone over and helped him click “add friend”, "She charges only after successfully solving the problem, you try talking to her first, there’s nothing to lose."

  If you don’t add, I’ll be the one who’s losing money, Bing Bing thought.

  Teacher L immediately accepted the friend request and sent an emoji bubbling with love.

  "You can ask me anything you want," teacher L said, "Just think of me as a friend who cares about you."

  Lu Ming hesitantly looked at this warm avatar with a sweet expression and suddenly looked up and asked Bing Bing, "You said your aunt's friends are looking for her."

  "Yeah." Bing didn't know what Lu Ming was trying to ask and was panicked a bit.

  "Then your aunt's friends should all be women," Lu Ming said to himself, "so what am I, a divorced woman?"

  Black-hearted money really can't be earned, Bin Qi1 painfully thought. 

1 Bin Qi (宾七) is Bing Bing’s legal name.