Chapter 27

Chapter 26<<     ToC     >>Chapter 28

Chapter 27

       Lu Ming decided to get his wisdom tooth removed after all.

       Wisdom tooth pain is too torturous, and it’s not easy to eliminate. Lu Ming doesn’t want to go through it again in the future. He told Liang Yersheng, who didn’t react much. After all, for him, pulling out a tooth was a matter of routine.

       There were too many people today, and while waiting, Lu Ming started messaging Teacher L again.

       “I have to be frank with you,” Lu Ming said, “Actually, there’s something I didn’t tell you, my wife is a man. Though I don’t think you would mind.”

       Having been in contact with this marriage counselor for some time, Lu Ming felt that she must be pretty tolerant.

       “Oh, that’s really surprising.” Teacher L said, but judging from the tone, she didn’t seem surprised.

       “I used to think that because he’s a doctor, it doesn’t seem like a good idea to let others know about us, and I rarely went to his workplace. But now, well, he just switched to a new hospital. The other day, I accidentally let his assistant know, and his assistant did not say anything. But I think you had a point before. He’s always keeping his thoughts to himself, I should tell him not to do that.”

       Lu Ming remembered Li Yubing, too. Ms. Li was quite nice to him, except she liked to gossip and ask questions. Today, he also has something to ask her.

       Li Yubing was unsurprised that Dr. Liang had once again brought his family member to work. Of course, the excuse was a toothache, and he also paid the doctor’s fee.

       Lu Ming was quite enthusiastic today and greeted Li Yubing as soon as he saw her. He also seems to be trying to avoid Liang Yersheng, pulling her to the side to ask: “Sis, you told me last time that Liang Yersheng was injured?”

       Li Yubing was puzzled: “Yes, and you said you knew.”

       Lu Ming, of course, knew about Liang Yersheng’s injury. Back when Liang Yesheng worked in the Third Hospital, he came back one day with several blood marks on his face and neck, which gave Lu Ming a real shock. Liang Yersheng said that he encountered a disturbed patient. But before he could finish his words, Lu Ming ran downstairs and returned with a bunch of medical supplies as if to save a seriously injured patient.

       The only thing that was used in the end was the ointment to get rid of scars. Liang Yesheng didn’t think it was necessary, but Lu Ming had to put it on. While dipping his fingers in the ointment and putting it on Liang Yersheng’s face, he scolded the patient for scratching at his face, which was too shrewish, and what if it left a scar.

       Liang Yersheng said it was fine and that, in fact, the chaos started because he didn’t like the person and spoke a little too harshly.

       Lu Ming thought Liang Yersheng indeed speaks quite harshly sometimes, even to him. Still, he’s a forgiving person, so he didn’t bother with Liang Yersheng. But even if it’s true that you speak harshly, they can’t just hit you in the face! 

       Once he said that, Liang Yersheng seemed a little angry again but hadn’t had the time to snap yet.

       At the same time, Lu Ming has finally finished smearing the ointment. He looked at it and sighed: “How could they bear to hit such a good-looking face.”

       And then the temperamental Liang Yesheng suddenly subsided again.

       When talking to Li Yubing last time, Lu Ming thought she was talking about Liang Yersheng’s facial injury, so he immediately said that he remembered and helped treat Liang Yersheng’s wound. Li Yubing was slightly surprised, “He also said that you took care of him, I thought he was making it up.”

       They quickly ended the topic, and Lu Ming started to share the new game he found with Li Yubing. After losing to Li Yubing in several games, Liang Yersheng called Lu Ming away.

       It was only last night that Lu Ming suddenly recalled this incident again.

       Liang Yersheng is too cunning. He had clothes on even when they made love. Not to mention that they rarely made love these days. Once in bed, Lu Ming’s brain turned to mush, and he couldn’t think about or look at anything other than Liang Yesheng.

       Just last night, they didn’t do anything but kiss a few times. When Lu Ming was sleepy, he leaned over and hugged Liang Yersheng from behind, his chin rubbing against the back of Liang Yersheng’s neck, and quickly fell asleep.

       “He has a scar on his stomach!” Lu Ming said, “I felt it. It wasn’t there before! The security department in this hospital is really lacking, do you also have patients who try to commit murder? I can’t believe you allow patients to bring murder weapons.”

       Being a doctor is too dangerous, Lu Ming felt his heart palpitating. But what he was even more confused about was why Liang Yersheng didn’t tell him. He tried to recall it but didn’t even know when it happened.

       “Didn’t you say you knew?” Li Yubing felt strange, “It was when he just came to our hospital and went to volunteer at a school in the mountain areas. A tricycle driven by a parent flipped over, and the parent was fine, but it hurt him. He also had to stay in the hospital in the nearby town for several more days before returning.”

       “Shit!” Lu Ming had a headache from listening to this. It hurt so much that he wanted to curse, “How can this be!”

       Teacher L was right. Liang Yersheng was a fool. He purposely left the cut on his face untouched so Lu Ming could see it when he returned home. But when he’s really injured, he covers it up. No wonder Liang Yesheng didn’t contact him back then, and when he came back, he even locked the door whenever he showered. This was what caused Lu Ming to have suspicions, except his guess was very wrong.

       Not only did Liang Yersheng not tell him, but he also got exceptionally angry when he guessed wrong. Lu Ming really couldn’t understand what Liang Yersheng was doing.

       At this time, Li Yubing could not help it: “You’re really ...... have you ever been in a relationship before? Telling you not to worry is one thing, but completely not caring is another. If I go out to eat with my boyfriend, and I say I’m full, you eat first, is he actually going to order food for himself and eat first?”

       Lu Ming thinks that this problem is worth exploring. For example, if you say you’re full, then you can’t blame the other party for ordering food for themselves. But looking at Li Yubing’s expression, he thought he’d better keep his words to himself.

       Liang Yersheng is difficult to coax, which is a fact that’s long been known, but Lu Ming can’t help but sigh again in his heart. But not coaxing Liang Yesheng is not an option either. Last time, he allowed his temper to flare up and argued with Liang Yesheng, and the price he had to pay was the divorce. Looking back, it was his fault. He did not notice that Liang Yersheng was injured. He was an injured patient, so it made sense for him to be more fragile.

       Lu Ming was precisely this type of person. When he quarrels with Liang Yesheng and gets angry, he will think about why Liang Yersheng is this kind of person and why he got married to him. But after arguing and calming down for ten minutes, Lu Ming would order takeout and knock on Liang Yersheng’s door to ask if he wanted to come out to eat.

       Now they’re in the hospital, and there is no food to order, but Lu Ming still decides to go to Liang Yersheng.

       He took one of the apples that Li Yubing had washed for him. But before he could walk over to Liang Yesheng, he couldn’t resist and took a bite.

       Liang Yesheng saw him come in and asked, “Didn’t you say you were going to find another doctor to pull your tooth? Why are you back again?”

       Lu Ming said in the morning that he could never hold back his laughter when Liang Yersheng stood before him, so he wanted a stranger to pull out his tooth instead.

       “I take back what I said.” Lu Ming immediately changed his excuse, “I searched it up and thought it looked just too painful. I don’t want to pull it out anymore.”

       Liang Yesheng was about to explain to Lu Ming, “The one you searched up might have been an impacted tooth, which is why it is very painful, but pulling out your tooth is a very simple procedure.......”

       But he didn’t finish his sentence. Lu Ming came over, half squatted down, and hugged Liang Yersheng’s waist.

       “I searched it up, I know it really hurts.” Lu Ming said, “I still don’t know why you didn’t tell me.”

       Lu Ming felt sad. He didn’t even know what he was feeling sad about. It does seem like he wasn’t trustworthy and couldn’t take care of people at all, but he was Liang Yesheng’s husband. How could he really just not tell him?

       Liang Yersheng realized that putting the overly gossipy assistant and Lu Ming together would indeed go terribly wrong. In the past, when he wanted Lu Ming to notice, Lu Ming was unmoved, yet Lu Ming is mentioning it now.

       But now is not the time to be angry with Lu Ming, he still needs to figure out a way to explain the two marriage certificates in the car. What’s more, Lu Ming was pitifully squatting in front of him, his eyes full of sadness, again making Liang Yersheng feel that it was better not to tell him.

       Lu Ming also tried to lift Liang Yersheng’s clothes to take a look at his injury. Liang Yesheng had to stop Lu Ming, holding Lu Ming’s arm to make him get up.

       “It healed a long time ago.” Liang Yersheng said, “Alright, don’t make that face. You should know that best, no? Who was it that was telling me the night before yesterday not to ......”

       Lu Ming wasn’t very eager to hear the nonsense he had said in bed, so he stuffed the apple in Liang Yesheng’s mouth to silence him and said, “Eat the apple.”

       “It’s sweet.” Lu Ming emphasized.

       Liang Yersheng didn’t find the apple very sweet but didn’t reject it either. He took a few bites and waved at Lu Ming to come closer.

       Lu Ming was a bit slow-witted, “do you want a kiss?”

       After he asked, he suddenly got smarter and took the initiative to kiss Liang Yesheng. Initially, he was bending over, but gradually, he couldn’t keep himself standing. When his head cleared, he realized that he was already sitting on Liang Yersheng’s lap.

       “Shoot, I didn’t even lock the door!” Lu Ming jumped again, “Luckily, there’s only a few people here, and no one came in just now.”

       Lu Ming was still a bit puzzled, “Why do I feel like you don’t have much business, can you really make money?”

       “This isn’t an assembly line operation,” said Liang Yesheng, “Do you think I’m going to line up the patients and fix their teeth one by one?”

       Lu Ming again exposed himself for never properly listening to Liang Yesheng’s words and was not ashamed: “Well, as long as you know what I mean. When I lose all my teeth, I’ll come back to you for dental implants.”

       He actually thought so far into the future, but whenever it comes to professional aspects, Liang Yersheng was a little less romantic: “What you should think about now is how to properly protect dental health, such as stop using your teeth to open beer bottle caps, rather than thinking of coming to me for dental implants. That way, your teeth can stay healthy for several more decades.”

       Lu Ming thought, damn, Liang Yesheng has really seen all the photos and videos he posted on Weibo. Liang Yesheng even knows that he opens bottle caps with his teeth. He really has no privacy left.

       It’s not fair. Liang Yersheng should be more straightforward like him instead of hiding so many things from him.

       “Someone gave me advice the other day,” Lu Ming suddenly said, “She said that I should make you send me your location everywhere you go and ask for a report whenever you go out of town. That way, I can prevent problems from arising between us and stop you from running away again.”

       “What do you think?” Liang Yersheng asked.

       “I think ...... Well, I am a person who’s not very lucky. My grades were not good, and when I tried hard and got into college, my family went bankrupt. I also keep running into clients who don’t pay. I feel like I can’t ask too much of you. It wouldn’t be worth it if my requests scare you away. But, just…stay close to me, don’t leave me.”

       A person will always be lucky once or twice. Lu Ming felt that he came to C City in a daze, the first lucky thing that happened to him was that he got to play music with his friends. And the second thing was meeting Liang Yersheng.

       Liang Yersheng said, “Okay.”

       Lu Ming felt quite good now that they seemed to have solved pretty much everything. He just had to wait for one more month. Once Liang Yersheng’s ID card gets replaced, they can fix that last crack, and there will be no more problems between them.

Chapter 26<<     ToC     >>Chapter 28