Chapter 25

Chapter 25

  Lu Ming gave Bing Bing a call.

  "Change?!" Bing Bing froze, "Why do you want to change? Didn’t you tell me just two days ago that you are making progress and that the hopes of you two getting back together is high? Why do you want to get a new relationship counselor?"

  God forbid, where would he go to find another relationship counselor for Lu Ming? Would he really have to go to his mother to ask?

  Bing Bing felt a headache. He thought the matter had been settled after he had done the job and received the money. How come he now still needs to act as customer service? This Doctor Liang really doesn't know how to do things. What’s so difficult about coaxing Lu Ming? Simply taking him out to eat a few more times would eliminate his anger completely. 

  Oh wait, according to Lu Ming, Dr. Liang also seems to have cheated. Bing Bing asked, "Is it because the counselor is useless, and your ex-husband is cheating on you again?"

  Lu Ming said: "He has no problem! It's the counselor, who has no sense of propriety! She even curses with me! Talking bad about Liang Yesheng! I *** ......"

  Bing Bing thought about the real identity of teacher L. Maybe Liang Yesheng really does have problems.

  But changing counselors is impossible, so he can only placate: "How about you communicate a little more? To be honest with you, she’s a psychology PhD, and is only doing this as a side job. If you want to get a different counselor, it won’t be as good. Besides, didn’t she make the relationship better for you two?"

  This is a good point, ever since teacher L, Lu Ming and Liang Yesheng's relationship has progressed exceptionally smoothly. The suggestions that Teacher L gave to Lu Ming were generally very effective.

  Maybe doctors are a bit strange in temper. Lu Ming consoled himself with this, struggled for a few minutes, and went to find Teacher L again.

  "Please don't talk like that," Lu Ming said righteously, "it's too unprofessional. I can ask you to refund the money, to be honest."

  Little L teacher said, "I didn't accept the money in the first place."

  Lu Ming then scrolled up in their conversation window. It turned out that the money he had transferred really had not been accepted. This was too strange, what is she trying to do?

  "I thought about it for a long time yesterday and thought I couldn't accept your money. The consultation I did for you was actually quite bad.”

  "Why?" Lu Ming asked. He thought it was quite good.

  "I told you, because your wife is an idiot," Teacher L said.

  "Why are you repeating it again!?"

  But the psychology doctor was really toxic and actually started to explain it to Lu Ming. Teacher L said that, after reflecting on it, she had always advised Lu Ming to trust his wife more and to improve communication. But now that she thinks about it, the other party obviously also has a big problem.

  "He never speaks his mind, and always makes you guess. He still hasn’t properly explained anything, right?" Teacher L said to Lu Ming, "Even if you guys get back together for now, if this continues, you will have conflicts again."

  "Please don't just jinx us," Lu Ming then asked, "What should I do then?"

  Teacher L seems to have gotten into the character: "You have to be assertive. I think he’s just asking for trouble, and has too much leisure time. It’s just a small misunderstanding, but wouldn’t properly talk it out. And once you get a little suspicious of him, he gets angry and wants to divorce. He has brain problems."

  "I’m warning you again ......"

  "You should let him clock in three times a day," Lu Ming doesn’t know what is going on with Teacher L, his level of professionalism is far worse than before, and is now simply spouting nonsense, "he should properly report to you whenever he has to travel for work. How does he even have the nerve to play a game of disappearance."

  Lu Ming actually doesn't think this is a big problem, but teacher L repeatedly warned him, "I am saying this for your own good. Otherwise why would I come back to tell you these things instead of just taking your money and running away with it?"

  Lu Ming answered honestly, "I think you might be trying to put in a long line to catch a big fish to cheat more money."

  Little L teacher: "...... you are quite alert."

  Of course Lu Ming is alert. Now that he and Liang Yesheng will soon be remarried, he doesn’t want to listen to these provocations, nor does he want to pay more money. All this money he has is earned by Liang Yesheng. He can’t even imagine what expression Liang Yesheng will have when he finds out that he spent his money on such things.

  "I do have a thing I want to ask you." Lu Ming said, "New Year's Day is coming soon, and I may have to go back with him to see his parents. What gifts should I buy? He also told me that his mother is not in good health. Should I buy some health care products?"

  "......" Teacher L was silent again. She waited a while before replying, "I do not think it’s necessary."

  Lu Ming does not think so, "I've only seen his mother once, but at that time I felt she was quite healthy."

  "He probably didn't even think about it." Teacher L said, "You shouldn't waste your money."

  Lu Ming thought, does this count as an extra service to be charged? Forget it, he will figure it out himself.

  After half a day of thinking, he didn’t come up with what to buy for Liang Yesheng's mother, but instead remembered something else: it seems that he had never given Liang Yesheng anything that could be called a gift.

  He used to be a rough fellow, but now he is not much better. He was someone who relied purely on natural intuition and recklessness to get together with Liang Yesheng. But he is now a person who has experienced setbacks, and almost let Liang Yesheng run away. So naturally he is now more cautious. For example, right now he realized that his actions were not quite right.

  Whenever he finds something delicious, he would order it for Liang Yesheng. But sometimes, Liang Yesheng would tell him which ingredients he was allergic to, and Lu Ming ends up eating the entire thing himself. One time he thought that the sofa at a friend’s house was very comfortable, so he placed order. But when he went back to tell Liang Yesheng, Liang Yesheng told him that sofas that are too soft are bad for the cervical spine, and that the furniture at home is actually made by a luxury brand, so he had to get a refund.

  Why didn’t he do anything romantic? Even buying a rainbow-colored rotating dream light would have been better.

  Lu Ming completely ignored the advice given to him by Teacher L and began researching what to give Liang Yesheng as a gift for their reunion.

  Lu Ming doesn't know what Liang Yesheng is doing now, but he wants to see him again already.

  Dr. Liang, who is temporarily on a break, is still haunted by his past mistakes.

  He didn't want to lie at first.

  Most people don't know much about the divorce process. Liang Yesheng and Lu Ming weren't very clear about it either. But you really can’t blame them, after all, it’s their first divorce. They’re inexperienced.

  For example, when Lu Ming signed and left in a hurry, he didn't see that Liang Yesheng had picked up the pen, but hadn't signed.

  If one party does not sign the divorce agreement, then of course, it can not be effective. And there is also no divorce certificate.

  But after Lu Ming left, he was nowhere to be found. His phone also couldn’t be reached, and Liang Yesheng almost thought something bad happened to Lu Ming. But when Liang Yesheng finally got in contact with Lu Ming, it turns out that he was actually drunk, and lying in other people's homes.

  When he went over to pick up Lu Ming, Lu Ming also had to make him mad by saying things like, “we’re divorced…where I sleep has nothing to do with you,” and “this person next to me is my adulterer.”

  At that moment he was thinking, if he tells Lu Ming that they actually didn’t get divorced successfully, judging by Lu Ming’s nature, he probably would only go to do it again. He didn't want to let Lu Ming get what he wanted, and he also didn’t want to become strangers with Lu Ming. 

  Lu Ming clearly has a lot of problems, but he himself is no better, which is why there have been all kinds of bumps and bruises in their relationship.

  Yet, he still wants to be with Lu Ming.

The author’s notes:

  Dr. Liang: I don't want a rainbow-colored rotating dream light.