Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The seventh article of "The Bible of Love":

  "When buying gifts for your lover, buy the opposite of what they like in order to give them an unexpected surprise."

  The bad news just doesn’t end, Lu Ming did not get his installment fee, but also received another bad news brought by Xu Ou.

  "Flying Eagle is performing on the same day as us," Xu Ou said, "and we’re right next to them, this is just fucking great!"

  Lu Ming also cursed, "Does the organizer of this show have a dog's brain?"

  "The organizer is not familiar with the hip hop circle," Xu Ou said helplessly, "big companies just host music festivals for fun. Everyone exploded when they saw the concert program today."

  "Then we refund the money, we’re not performing." Lu Ming decided.

  "You think we’re the only ones that want to withdraw from the show?" Xu Ou said, "Flying Eagle went to scold the organizer earlier, and said that they’re not participating. Chen Dog scolded too much, and as a result, the organizers are also angry, saying that those who don’t comply with the terms will have to go through the legal process."

  Of course, Chen Dog’s actual name is not Dog Chen, very few parents would give their child such names. He is the rapper who had a run-in with Xu Ou, formerly known as Chen Zi. His parents overestimated the cultural level of the hip hop circle their son would later mix with, and more people were used to calling Chen Zi Lone Wolf to avoid mispronouncing the second character in his name. Xu Ou felt like his name was insulting even to the wolf species, so calling him dog was better.

  Fortunately, Chen Dog went to test the waters, and now Lu Ming didn't have to make a pointless attempt to withdraw. If Flying Eagle can not afford to pay the compensation for the breach of contract, then it would be even more difficult for them. It is better to do some preparation first, so that this time there will not be any conflict.

  There are also those fans who would love to see the hilarity of the fight, Lu Ming thought about it and had a headache, "Get the guys ready."

  This time, Xu Ou jumped, "What are you doing, are we really gonna fight?"

  "What? I’m talking about the guys who will help us escape" Lu Ming said, "Like bicycles."

  They discussed the escape route for half a day, then Xu Ou remembered another important thing before hanging up the phone, "Ah Ming, so you turned out to be gay! I used to think that you like Guo Qianqian like I do."

  "You still have the nerve to say, I even left you guys alone to give you a chance." Lu Ming scoffed, "I've succeeded in chasing her blind date, and you're still a fucking single dog."

  "Chasing who?" Liang Yesheng's voice appeared overhead, scaring Lu Ming, who almost jumped up from the sofa.

  Lu Ming tilted his neck to look at Liang Yesheng, thinking he was talking nonsense: "Who else could I be talking about except you."

  Lu Ming couldn't lie, so sometimes he was unexpectedly honest. Hearing Lu Ming say that he had only ever tried to pursue Liang Yesheng made Liang Yesheng feel much better again: "No one else? You’ve never chased a woman?"

  Liang Yesheng said again: "But was that what you call chasing people? I never felt like you were. All you did was text, ‘did you eat breakfast?’ in the morning, 'did you eat lunch?' at noon, and 'are you finished with work?' in the evening."

  "Then I don't know exactly how to chase people even now." Lu Ming said.

  Liang Yesheng didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry. Once Liang Yesheng replied, "I have not eaten yet", and Lu Ming in turn did not know what to text back. After a while, he sent Liang Yesheng a sentence, "Oh, I ate, and I’m very full."

  He also sent a picture to Liang Yesheng, who was hungry in the middle of a meeting, to prove that he was not telling lies.

  Liang Yesheng was almost amused by how he was so concerned about eating, and sent a message to Lu Ming, "My colleague said there is a pretty good Spanish restaurant nearby, I’m about to go eat."

  At that time Lu Ming was not yet a deadbeat, and liked the feeling of being Ming Ge very much. He's always the one who grabs the check. After a while he sent a message to Liang Yesheng: "Oh yea, there is a hot pot place near your hospital and it’s not bad, you want to go eat there next time?"

  It is indeed not bad, and it costs more than a hundred per person, but Lu Ming usually does not go there to eat.

  So Lu Ming felt that he not only chased Liang Yesheng, but also spent a lot of effort doing so. But in the end, he got divorced in less than two years, which is the same as when he worked hard for countless TOFEL exams and finally got a barely passing grade to go abroad.

  After studying abroad for two semesters, however, his family suddenly became bankrupt and he had no money to pay tuition, so he immediately came back. 

  Lu Ming was really aggrieved, but nobody understood him. He said to Liang Yesheng, "You're stepping on my foot."

  Liang Yesheng took a step back and then sat next to Lu Ming. Lu Ming gave way to him, but remembered that Xu Ou was still on the phone. He looked down and saw that it had long been hung up. He wasn’t sure what it was that Xu Ou heard that made him hang up the phone. He was not prepared to dial back again, so he simply continued to watch TV.

  "Watching this again?" Even Liang Yesheng was incredibly familiar with it.

  “8 Mile,” a film about Eminem. Lu Ming’s not the only one who liked it, the film had a lot of influence in the underground circle. Eminem was bouncing between odd jobs and rap, his family was robbed, his girlfriend and daughter left him, he could only get second place in a competition, and when he was so desperate that he almost committed suicide, his producer came down from the sky and signed him, making him an instant hit. He even got back together with his girlfriend and got married. 

  Who wouldn't want such a miracle? A suddenly soaring career, countless money in the bank, if these wishes can’t come true, then at least ......

  He should be able to get back together with his wife.

  Even though the TV was on, Lu Ming didn’t watch it. He lowered his head into a deep thought. During this period of time, he would always suddenly get into a bad mood, which is undoubtedly the fault of Liang Yesheng. Liang Yesheng not only did not pay him in installments, just now Liang Yesheng also stepped on his feet.

  Liang Yesheng sat next to him and asked, "Are you very empathetic? Why is the movie making you sad?"

  Lu Ming did not really want to answer Liang Yesheng, he felt that Liang Yesheng turned the air conditioning temperature too low, he was so cold that he quickly shrunk into a ball on the sofa.

  "Because you also have no money?" Liang Yesheng continued, "You promise me one thing, if you agree, three hundred thousand will be transferred to you immediately."

  "What is it?" Lu Ming sat up when he heard about the money, "You want to have sex one last time?"

  Lu Ming thought, "Liang Yesheng is probably crazy, what kind of request is this? Judging on the degree of pleasure, he may be the one who needs to pay Liang Yesheng money.

  "......" Liang Yesheng said, "You think too much. I am trying to tell you that my mother is not well lately, don’t tell them about our divorce. There are still a few days until the holiday, and when I go back home, accompany me and wait till after the holiday to tell her."

  Liang Yesheng was using his mom as a shield, as if he’s really not doing it for himself, but for his parents.

  Lu Ming, however, believed him, especially since Liang Yesheng said that his mother was not well, and agreed, "OK, I haven't seen her in a long time either."

  Liang Yesheng was satisfied and ready to go back to his room. But just as he was walking away, Lu Ming called behind him again, "Wait, what holiday is in a few days? The National Day has just passed!"

  It’s the middle of autumn, and Lu Ming felt that the weather has been really hot. He thought about it, but there is nothing festive these days.

  "New Year's Day." Liang Yesheng said.

  That's in two months...

  Liang Yesheng went back to his room and also had something to do. He called his mother, who was partly surprised and asked him what was going on.

  "Where are you going this year to celebrate the New Year?" Liang Yesheng asked.

  "Rome." his mother said, "Why? Are you going on vacation with Xiao Lu?"

  "Don't go," Liang Yesheng said, "Stay home. Rest well at home."

  "What am I resting for?" his mother was baffled, "I am quite healthy. I am going to Italy to buy a few more Gucci bags."

  It was really difficult to explain, so Liang Yesheng stopped and opened the chat interface to quickly enter some numbers.

  "Look at your WeChat transfer," Liang Yesheng said, "find someone to buy you a bag, don't go, you need to rest."