Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The second article of "The Bible of Love":

"Don't tell your lover everything, that way, you can keep your relationship fresh and mysterious."

It's going to take some time to get back home on a detour. In order to avoid talking to Liang Yesheng, Lu Ming pulled out the charging cable in Liang Yesheng's car, and as soon as his phone was turned on, he started scolding Bing Bing for not being enough of a brother.

"I'll go back and delete all the files of your new song!" Lu Ming threatened him.

But Bing Bing said, "Go ahead, I don’t want it anymore, it’s horrible. I have a new inspiration now."

Before Lu Ming could ask what the new inspiration was, the cable was unplugged by Liang Yesheng. Lu Ming turned his head to look at Liang Yesheng, confused. Liang Yesheng said, "Usage of the charging cable was not in the divorce agreement."

For the millionth time in his life, Lu Ming wanted to abuse Liang Yesheng.

But he can't win against Liang Yesheng in a fight.

He boasts of Liang Yesheng’s pale skin and long legs to his friends—which wasn't wrong, only his legs are longer than normal girls and he has a height of 186cm, not 168cm. It’s almost the same, the numbers just changed positions.

The photographer responsible for taking pictures today posted the photos in the group. It was taken from a very skillful angle, a livehouse that only contained one or two hundred people was shot as if it was as spectacular as a concert. In the picture, they half crouched on the stage, behind them were the audience surrounding the stage, naturally hiding the empty venue.

Any other time, Lu Ming would have posted a picture to his weibo1, but today he felt too ashamed, he had made too many mistakes, people were probably secretly scolding him for being unprofessional.

Today was a bit chaotic.

He also tangled with Liang Yesheng in the Civil Affairs Bureau for a long time, negotiating about the divorce.

The documents they brought were not enough, they also needed divorce papers. Lu Ming told the staff member that they didn't need the papers, all the property would be left to Liang Yesheng. Right after he said that, he realized that Liang Yesheng was, once again, in anger.

"How can you be unsatisfied when you get all the property?" Lu Ming was confused. He said to the window staff, "OK fine, I'll give him money instead."

"There is a place to write the divorce agreement outside," the staff said, "discuss it before you go, you guys seem too impulsive. The divorce agreement includes things like child support. You can also go to the marriage mediation room next door if you haven't decided yet."

Lu Ming didn't feel that he was impulsive, Liang Yesheng was really too difficult to serve, in all fairness, he has taken good care of Liang Yesheng. Every time he ordered take-out he would leave some for Liang Yesheng. Because he was afraid that Liang Yesheng would find his music too noisy, he set up a separate recording room. But getting along with Liang Yesheng was really getting more and more difficult.

They walked out and sat down, and the person across the table asked them the same question again.

"We don’t have children," said Lu Ming, "we’re both men, it's not like he can give birth."

"You're speaking as if you could give birth." The uncle that was typing commented while continuing to ask, "Is there any debt?"

Lu Ming only knows that he has to pay back a lot of money every month for his credit card, but Liang Yesheng's financial situation was unclear. He elbowed Liang Yesheng, "Hey, do you owe money?"

Liang Yesheng glanced at him, "I went to the Macau casino and lost 30 million."

Lu Ming felt that Liang Yesheng was extra grumpy today: "Then there is no debt. Alright, that's it."

But the uncle stopped typing and turned his chair to face Liang Yesheng and asked, "Do you not want to divorce?"

"How is that possible," Lu Ming snorted, "he brought it up, and he told me to get out."

"I've seen a lot of couples like you guys," said the uncle, "look at him now, not speaking a word. Most of these kinds of people do not want to divorce but refuse to mention it. You young people are too spontaneous. In my opinion, the state shouldn’t have legalized same-sex marriage. Look at how many impulsive couples have married in the past few years before coming back for divorce, they don’t take marriage seriously. I have been here for so many years, heterosexual couples stay married for years, but homosexual couples don’t last longer than three years."

"You're talking nonsense," Lu Ming said, "the same-sex marriage law was passed only two years ago, where did you dig up gay couples who have been married for more than three years? Besides, I didn’t know he would cheat when I got married."

His brain was limited, he could only focus on the second half of the sentence, completely forgetting about the first half of the uncle's sentence. Or else he might have asked Liang Yesheng if he was just being stubborn and actually didn't want to get divorced.

"I cheated, didn’t you also cheat?" Liang Yesheng replied.

Seeing that they were about to start another fight, the uncle interrupted, "Don’t fight, that talk of cheating is very common in my place, why don’t you two go to the marriage mediation room?"

The uncle sounded as if he’s been through this hundreds of times, but it’s no wonder, he’s been here for such a long time, he must have seen many strange reasons for divorce. Lu Ming heard a couple behind them quarrelling, the woman said, "Do you still remember what you said yesterday? You said ‘why did you buy lipstick again, what is the difference between these colors anyway, it’s a complete waste of money!’"

The man was a bit helpless, "I was joking then, I didn’t actually stop you from buying."

"I bought it with my own salary," said the woman, "who are you to stop me from buying it? Joking? In the past you would have never made such jokes with me, you would let me buy whatever I wanted and ask me if I needed anything else. To put it bluntly, you just don't cherish me anymore now that we’re married."

Lu Ming was listening with interest, but suddenly felt someone’s sight casting on his body.

"Why are you looking at me," Lu Ming glared back, "my effects machine, mixer, monitor, and headphones and my takeout were also bought with my own money!"

Liang Yesheng sighed and didn't say anything again.

"Maybe property should also be written clearly?" Lu Ming continued to study the complex divorce agreement, "seems to just be a house and a car, give them to him. It has nothing to do with me anyway."

"Nothing to do with you?" Liang Yesheng repeated again. He really is a strange person.

Then Liang Yesheng flipped out again and said to the person who wrote the agreement, "Don't listen to him, give him the property, as well as all the stocks and funds and deposits."

"You must be sick, you divorced me and want me to have all your property." Lu Ming was not going to agree, "Just give it to him."

"I’m not going to write anything, you guys negotiate it yourselves." The uncle said, "Yesterday there were two people divorcing because they couldn’t agree on who to be top, and even told me to write it up. Why would I write this kind of crap? I'm sick and tired of it!"

He couldn’t understand why the state legalized same-sex marriage, his persuasive skills have repeatedly failed over the years, he could neither say “you’re a man, you should accomodate your wife”, nor could he say “can’t you guys not divorce for the sake of your children?” Sometimes he even gets involved in strange situations, leaving him confused and disoriented.


Lu Ming was still talking to Liang Yesheng, giving him friendly advice, "Liang Yesheng, this temper of yours really doesn't work, although we’re separated, I still hope you live well in the future. If you don’t fix your temper in the future, no girls can stand you."

"You've forgotten that you're gay again," Liang Yesheng reminded him.

Married to Lu Ming, then of course Liang Yesheng is also gay.


Lu Ming sat in his car and opened Weibo to see if the audience who came to the venue today had criticized him for his lousy performance as the DJ. But the results made him feel very unpleasant, although he's aware t that the underground circle is filled with all types of people, he still feels uncomfortable seeing sexy photos in his private messages.

Liang Yesheng stepped on the brakes suddenly, and Lu Ming planted forward, the phone also fell under the seat. When he found the phone between the gaps, it was turned off again.

"Your driving skills suck." Lu Ming protested.

Liang Yesheng did not refute Lu Ming's assessment of him this time and continued to drive. He wanted to ask Lu Ming about his relationship with the woman making a slutty pose on the phone screen he’d just been staring at. But Lu Ming will only say it's none of his business, and then just like before, repeat that they are already divorced, as if the other party wasn't aware.

But fortunately, the road was not much farther, Lu Ming remembered something else, "You do not have to rush, I will move out tomorrow."

Besides the pile of equipment, he had nothing else to take. Tomorrow, he would find a moving company, find a basement to rent, and it would all work out.

Thinking about it was quite easy, he can finally get out of the grave of marriage. But for some reason, Lu Ming felt a sort of tightness in his chest.

Even when he followed Liang Yesheng back home, found another cable, went into the guest room and closed the door to go to bed, this emotion had not been eliminated. Only when he heard footsteps and the sound of the door closing outside his bedroom, did Lu Ming realize that it was already dawn and he had kept his eyes open, while Liang Yesheng had already gone to work.

Lu Ming sat up and decided to make a phone call to his family.

On the other end of the phone, Lu Ming's mother's voice was thick with sleep: "Ah-Ming what's wrong, you better have something important to say."

Otherwise, disturbing people's dreams so early in the morning would be a felony, even if he’s her biological son.

"I actually couldn’t sleep," Lu Ming said, "I've never lost sleep in my 24 years of life! And this was the entire night!"

His biological clock has always been strangely accurate, no matter what the big deal is, sleep cannot be delayed. But he actually couldn't sleep this time, "I think it's caused by the divorce with Liang Yesheng."

"Don't you think you should talk about the divorce first?" His mother sighed, "Instead of your insomnia."

His dad seemed to be awake too, and his voice came faintly, "Who is it?"

"Your son, it's nothing, just a man who was dumped for being a deadbeat." Mom said.

"I’m not a deadbeat." Lu Ming replied, but his retort sounded weak. He could have said this confidently, if he didn’t ......

"Then why the divorce?"

Lu Ming thought about it, and could not come up with a definite reason. 

Cheating? To be honest, he is not sure if Liang Yesheng cheated, it seemed more like a trigger to their divorce.

Liang Yesheng went on a business trip the other day, but disappeared almost bizarrely, didn’t reply to any messages, didn’t answer the phone. Lu Ming was worried something happened to Liang Yesheng, but when he ran to the hospital, they told him that Liang Yesheng had resigned a month ago and asked him who he was. Lu Ming really felt embarrassed, said thank you and ran away.

When Liang Yesheng came back, he didn’t explain any further and only said that the phone broke.

"But he avoids me even when answering the phone," Lu Ming said, "his phone was on the table, and when a message came in I wasn't even thinking about looking at it, but his first reaction was to block it with his hands."

"It's okay, your father sometimes does the same thing, he just doesn’t want me to know that he is playing mahjong." Mom said, "I think Xiao Liang is quite good, he’s good-looking, serious, and a doctor. Unlike you, who makes music all day long, doesn't make any money, and makes strange buddies."


The family has seen the photos that Lu Ming sent in WeChat from time to time. Liang Yesheng even commented once, saying that ten of his buddies need to get their teeth straightened and a few serious ones need to get maxillofacial surgery. At that time, Lu Ming just rolled his eyes in his heart.

"But how come most of your friends in the photos you sent yesterday had their braids cut?" Mom asked.

"Mhm, recently there is a rap talent show to participate in, and they don’t allow braids."

"So how was the show?"

"They all got eliminated."

"Now that they’ve had their braids cut, they don’t even have any distinguishing features anymore." His mother lamented.

In fact, there is another important thing, but Lu Ming didn’t want to tell his mother. He always felt that it is better not to share his private life.

After Liang Yesheng returned, they have not been to bed. Several times, Lu Ming even tried to take the initiative, but Liang Yesheng always turned him away. He even locked the door when showering, as if Lu Ming would rush into the bathroom to take advantage of him when he’s undressed. The more Lu Ming thinks about the clues, the more suspicious he feels. Everytime he walks out the door, he can only see green2, it bothers him even to see others order a matcha latte. He is not a person who can hide things, one way or the other, he and Liang Yesheng quarreled to the point of no return.

Liang Yesheng told him that he was just overthinking. But when Lu Ming went back to the party with his buddies, the more he thought about it, the more upset he got. Listening to others complain about their girlfriends, he also could not help but join the camp.


"I really can't understand what he's thinking," said Lu Ming, "When I asked him what has been going on lately, he replied, ‘the busy producer has finally thought to ask a question’ and I said, ‘but there’s usually nothing going on, unless you’ve grown gold from planting teeth’."

The others snickered: "Ming Ge, sister-in-law just wants you to care more but ended up getting choked to death by your words."

"And he still has the nerve to accuse me," Lu Ming got even more upset and continued on, "he says that I spend all day going out with buddies, and that I should consider ......"

“...Consider who is more likely to cheat”, were Liang Yesheng’s original words.

Lu Ming only thought that Liang Yesheng had brain problems. How is cheating fucking possible? These people are all men!

Oh wait, he and Liang Yesheng seem to both be male. Then, Lu Ming began to think that Liang Yesheng had a guilty conscience, he was accusing Lu Ming of his own crime! He wanted to avenge Liang Yesheng by finding a good-looking homie to take an intimate photo with, so that Liang Yesheng could also taste the feeling of being cheated on. But no one would comply. Finally, he could only ask the barbecue shop owner to take a picture of his own left hand holding his right hand. He posted the picture on WeChat, making it visible only to Liang Yesheng.

He was regretting his life choices, had he known that a WeChat post would make them talk to the extent of divorce, he might as well just forget about Liang Yesheng cheating.

"So are you going to stay in City C?" Mom also asked.

"Of course, my company is here." Lu Ming did not hesitate.

"Then if you run out of money ......"

"No," Lu Ming said, "your son is not that poor."

In fact, he is quite poor, but yesterday the divorce agreement was written in the end, and he still got a share of the money. He wanted to refuse, but Liang Yesheng blocked him with one sentence, "Have you paid back your credit card this month?"

It seems like his account balance really is running out, a few rappers have approached him to produce songs, but they kept dragging out their pay and have yet to give him his money, later he would also have to pay to move his things. Thinking about it, Lu Ming sent another WeChat to Liang Yesheng.

AKA不鸣则平: Is it written on the divorce agreement to give 300,000 to me

Liang Yesheng: Yes.

AKA不鸣则平3: can you give me some money first? I have to pay a deposit to rent a house.

Liang Yesheng finally got back to him after several hours.

Liang Yesheng: The signal’s bad, I suddenly can’t see your message.

Lu Ming almost died of anger.

1 Weibo is a Chinese microblogging website 

2 In Chinese culture the expression "wearing a green hat" signifies that a man's wife or girlfriend has cheated on him.

3 不平则鸣 is a phrase in Chinese that means where there is injustice there will be an outcry. Lu Ming’s ID is the phrase flipped around, which would mean where there is no outcry there is peace.