Chapter 1

I recommend reading the notes under the synopsis first, it might clear up some confusions!❤️

Chapter 1

The first article of "The Bible of Love":

"It’s wise to admit mistakes to calm your lover's anger, instead of blindly thinking that you are right. When your lover is angry, say, ‘it’s all my fault, alright?’ Take full responsibility and solve the problem."

Everyone knew that something was wrong with Lu Ming today.

Today was the annual underground battle competition in the local area, because they couldn’t find anyone else, Lu Ming was asked to be the DJ. Lu Ming has always been very active, but for some reason, he was a little listless today. The same warm-up music played repeatedly, getting complaints from the audience. When the competition officially started, Lu Ming was even more inattentive. One contestant was ready in the pit, yet even after saying, "DJ drop the beat," there was no sound. Time froze. Only a few seconds later did Lu Ming finally start playing the music.

After the competition, Lu Ming got together with a bunch of buddies, but didn't talk much besides drinking. When he was a little drunk, he began to talk more. 

"What happened to Ming Ge?" his friend asked, "Did you quarrel with our sister-in-law?"

This aroused Lu Ming's anger. He downed the wine in the cup: "What sister-in-law, don't mention him to me in the future. We’re divorced! "

They definitely quarreled.

"What happened this time?" his friend instantly became interested. "You're married yet you quarrel all day. Honestly, can't you be soft on him for once? "

"You think I want to quarrel with him? !” Liu Ming felt a little wronged, "Every time I say, ‘I'm sorry, it’s my fault, alright?’, he gets even angrier...Huh? There’s no more wine. Ping Ping, bring me another one. "

"My name is Bing Bing, not Ping Ping!" Bing Bing was speechless, "Don't drink any more, no one will send you back like this!"

The first time Lu Ming met Bing Bing, an online friend, was at the train station. Bing Bing is a rapper. City C was the last stop of the livehouse tour, Lu Ming and his buddies, with the proper hospitality as hosts, went to pick Bing Bing up. But Bing Bing's cell phone ended up being stolen before he left the station, and when he chased the thief, he broke his right leg. When walking out, everyone saw Bing Bing with a crippled leg. But Lu Ming was the only one who said, "Bing Bing, how did you become Ping Ping1?" 

Everyone laughed, even Bing Bing, whose mood was destroyed by the thief got a lot better. Then, someone asked Lu Ming: "Where is sister-in-law? Didn't you say you were married?"

At the time Bing Bing was very surprised that Lu Ming had already gone into the grave of marriage. Although Lu Ming has been in the hip hop circle for a long time, he was still quite young.

That day Lu Ming said that his spouse has to work, and usually doesn't come to these places. Later, Bing Bing stayed in City C — not because of how much he liked City C, but because tickets sold too poorly, and the money was not enough to pay the livehouse’s venue fees, not to mention the cost to travel back. Bing Bing has been here for several months already, and now Lu Ming seems to be divorced, but he still hasn't seen Lu Ming's rumored wife.

"Did you actually get divorced?" The others asked, "Didn't you say your wife is beautiful, long-legged, and loves you especially? Why would you divorce?"

Lu Ming poured another bottle of wine: "Because he has problems!"

Lu Ming was thoroughly drunk, lying on the table and sleeping soundly. The others were ready to disperse, and said to Bing Bing, "Do you want to bring him to your place?"

"I rent a single room, there’s only one bed," Bing Bing wanted to decline, “how about I take him home, do you guys know his address?”

"He lives in Blue Court2, but I’ve never gone inside, and I think he said that his wife bought the house, who knows if he can still go. Hey, Ming Ge, did the court give you the house?"

Unfortunately, Lu Ming still didn’t speak, his phone was locked, and they couldn’t think of anyone to call to pick him up. The others either have to go home to their girlfriends, or have other plans, leaving Bing Bing, a single dog, to carry back Lu Ming, a newly single dog.

Lu Ming was probably pretending to be drunk so that he could stay at Bing Bing’s place, because he woke up as soon as he got to the couch, and complained, "This bed is too hard."

"Then you can sleep on the bed?" Bing suggested, and Lu Ming turned his head to look at the single bed at that end of the room and displayed an expression of disgust. The computer, tissues, and mixtapes were all thrown on the bed, and the unfolded quilt piled on the side. Lu Ming said, "I'd better sleep here."

Bing Bing wasn’t very sleepy, he pulled the chair over, and started to consult Lu Ming on life experience, "Ming Ge, didn’t they say that you got married young because you met your true love? Why did you divorce? Did you cheat?"

Lu Ming is not really a big brother, he was called Ge because he was the youngest in the label, but didn’t want to be called little brother. There are a lot of rappers but not a lot of producers in the hip hop circle. Lu Ming doesn’t charge much and always offers help, so he has a good reputation. Over time, people started getting used to calling him Ge. Unfortunately, Lu Ming married young. Lu Ming didn't look too bad, yet after every show, he was always in a hurry to go home while others continued with their night life.

"Who the fuck cheated ......" Lu Ming mumbled. He turned over and went back to sleeping.

Bing Bing patted Lu Ming's back: "Ming Ge, your phone is ringing."

Lu Ming impatiently hung up the phone, he was already unconcious. After a few seconds of silence, the phone started ringing again, and even though no one answered, the other end of the phone was calling repeatedly.

Bing Bing originally thought that Lu Ming was reluctant to answer his ex-wife's phone, and was not going to bother, but he glanced at the name on the phone screen and paused: "Liang Yesheng ...... Ming Ge, who is this?"

Could it be something important? Bing Bing thought about it, and decided to press the answer button.

Immediately after saying "hello", the other side asked, " is Lu Ming at your place?"

"Yeah, he's already asleep. You are?" Bing Bing was also a little sleepy and yawned, "Tell me what you want, I'll tell him when he wakes up."

The speaker’s tone changed instantly, "That's not necessary, just tell me the address, I'll pick him up."

Bing Bing was a bit puzzled: "No need ...... to do that, right? I am his friend, he has no problem with me. Are you his brother? He just divorced his wife today, he’s too drunk to get up."

The voice on the phone sounds quite young, it can’t be Lu Ming’s father.

Liang Yesheng laughed, only the laughter sounded very unpleasant, "I’m not, I am his divorced wife."

Bing Bing hung up the phone awkwardly and looked at Lu Ming who was sleeping like a pig: "Ming Ge, why didn’t you tell us you were gay ......"

Lu Ming's phone flashed. After a long day of work, it had finally ran out of battery. Bing Bing just remembered that he only told Lu Ming's ex-husband the address, but forgot to say the room number, what now?

He quickly learned the solution. As soon as Liang Yesheng's car arrived downstairs, he began to sound the horn.

Bing Bing broke down and pushed Lu Ming awake, "Ming Ge you better quickly get up, how is sister-in-law so ill-mannered!"

Lu Ming was still dizzy but Bing Bing led him downstairs. He didn’t understand what was happening, but only heard something noisy, and was slurring complaints. When he looked up to see Liang Yesheng in front of him, he jolted awake.

"Having a good time, huh?" Liang Yesheng looked at Lu Ming, "drinking with other people, and sleeping in other people's houses."

Bing Bing froze there, feeling odd about the situation.

"It’s none of your business," Lu Ming was going to explain, but suddenly remembered their current relationship, "We are divorced remember? Divorced! Huh, where is my divorce certificate?"

He turned his head again and asked Bing Bing, "Have you seen my divorce certificate?"

Bing Bing has been single since birth, and has not even seen a marriage certificate in his life, let alone Lu Ming's divorce certificate. He felt that he really picked up the wrong person today. He should have stayed to talk to the girl who asked for his WeChat, even though she had already asked for a dozen people's WeChat, including the three-hundred-pound bassist from another band. It would still be better than staying here. The way Liang Yesheng was looking at him made him break out in cold sweat, he wanted to immediately shake off Lu Ming’s wrist that he inadvertently grabbed when they were going downstairs.

"Anyway, we got divorced today, where I go to sleep has nothing to do with you," Lu Ming repeated again, he grabbed Bing Bing’s hand and raised it, "This my adulterer, see?"

Bing Bing, "???"

Liang Yesheng crossed his arms and looked at Lu Ming and didn’t say anything. After about a minute, Lu Ming whispered to Bing Bing, "Would it be humiliating if I put down my arms now? My arms are sore."

Bing Bing couldn't stand it and broke away from Lu Ming's hand.

Liang Yesheng said, "I have your divorce certificate."

So it's at Liang Yesheng's place! Lu Ming said, "Then give it to me."

"Your ID card is also here with me." Liang Yesheng continued to say.

Lu Ming felt his pocket, and it’s not there.

"The account book3 is also here." Liang Yesheng added.

Lu Ming is going to faint.

He remembered that when he signed the divorce papers today, someone from his company called. They said that the competition was going to start in the evening and asked when he would come over. He had completely forgotten about it as he was only concerned with arguing with Liang Yesheng and ended up only leaving with his phone. 

"Oh, so you're here to give me my papers." Lu Ming said awkwardly, "Then give me it."

"No, I came to check up on you." Liang Yesheng said, "I'm leaving, bye."

He opened the door into the driver's seat, ready to leave, but was surprised to see Lu Ming scurrying to the passenger seat.

Liang Yesheng looked at him, "Not going upstairs with your adulterer?"

While the two of them were talking, Bing Bing had long since slipped away. He was wronged and didn't want to be the third party adulterer between the two, not to mention being beaten into a mound by Liang Yesheng. Lu Ming's ex-husband doesn’t look like a man to be trifled with, besides, his leg hasn't fully recovered yet.

So Lu Ming was left in place, abandoned by his buddy. Without an ID card, it was difficult to book even a hotel room.

"Either return my documents, or I'll have to go back with you to settle for one night." Lu Ming said, "I can't sleep on the streets!"

"We are divorced, where you go to sleep has nothing to do with me." Liang Yesheng said in a tone that sounded a bit familiar to Lu Ming. The good thing is that he didn't really drive Lu Ming out of the car, Lu Ming sat in the car, watching Liang Yesheng drive further and further away.

"Liang Yesheng," Lu Ming couldn’t hold himself back, "have you been looking at me the whole time?"

Liang Yesheng humphed, "don’t flatter yourself."

He continued to concentrate on driving, not looking at Lu Ming at all.

"Damn you, you're getting off the wrong road!" Lu Ming said, "It’s going to be at least three o'clock when we get home, why weren’t you looking at the road!"

This time Liang Yesheng just ignored him and stepped on the gas pedal.

As a former legal partner, judging from Liang Yesheng's force on the gas pedal at this moment, Lu Ming can be more or less certain that Liang Yesheng is angry. He almost reflexively said ‘it was all my fault’, but then thought, "they're divorced, why should he still admit his mistake?"

1Bing Bing’s name is written as 兵兵, but without the right “leg” 兵 looks like another Chinese character, 乒 (ping) 

2 Blue Court is the name of Lu Ming's apartment complex

3 Hukou (户口) is is a system of household registration used in mainland China, and a hukou/account book is the physical certificate that the government issues.