Rainbow Amber c4

Chapter 4

Perhaps it’s because they see it so often, Luo Yan and Zhang Jin are pretty much immune to their own boss's beauty. But Chen Li isn’t. The little girl didn’t stand still, and fell back onto the seat, with her mouth half open and face red.

Zheng Yu An did not move, and he slightly nodded his head. He thought Yan Shu Wang wouldn’t come over, but his gaze paused, and the next second, the leather shoes turned direction.

Yan Shu Wang’s legs are long, and within a few steps, he has reached the table of four. He stretched out his hand towards Zheng Yu An, with a gaze that felt condescending, and said: "Yan Shu Wang, WE GO's financial director."

Zheng Yu An stood up and shook his hand: "Hello Mr. Yan, I'm Zheng Yu An from JZ Bank."

Yan Shu Wang's palm was warm and dry, his finger bones were long and slender, he shook it for a few seconds and had to restrain himself to let go. Zheng Yu An got closer and realized that Yan Shu Wang was half a head taller than him.

"Did you only order these dishes?" Yan Shu Wang's gaze swept the table. His speed of speech was not fast, and his voice was very mellow, which for some reason really suits his looks.

Zhang Jin: "It's not all served yet, you're here early."

Zheng Yu An gave him an unexpected look, after all, there was no prior agreement to eat lunch together. Had he known that Yan Shu Wang would come, he would not have come to their staff restaurant.

"I have a lunch meeting." Yan Shu Wang did not intend to sit down. He turned his head to look at Zheng Yu An, lips slightly pursed, revealing a light smile, "Enjoy, Mr. Zheng, we will talk about business in the afternoon."

It is said that a beauty who does not smile only takes one third of the soul. It is at this moment that Zheng Yu An actually understood the essence of the words of the old ancestors, he was somewhat captivated by the sudden smile, and wavered for half a beat before slowly agreeing: "Okay."

Chen Li did not wake up from the shock of beauty until after Yan Shu Wang left, she covered her face and exclaimed in a low voice, "Oh my gosh!"

Luo Yan obviously understood her and sighed, "I've been working with Mr. Yan for eight years, and the motivation for me to come to work every morning with makeup at the age of forty is Mr. Yan's face."

Chen Li breathed out and smiled, "Then I'm not at a loss, Mr. Zheng's face is also worth my makeup."

Zheng Yu An did not say anything but smiled.

Luo Yan tsked: "Xiao Zheng is also a handsome man, just now you and Mr. Yan standing together was really pleasing to the eye."

Whether it's a pleasure to the heart or not, pleasing to the eye or not, Zheng Yu An has no time to care. After all, Qin Han Guan chasing after him for gossip is more of a headache than anything.

"You met?" Qin Han Guan asked. Everything was good about Qin Han Guan, except he is a bit too concerned about gossip.

Zheng Yu An was about to go to the conference room. Chen Li gave him a cup of coffee, and Zheng Yuan softly said thank you.

"I am here to talk about money, not to matchmake." Zheng Yu An held the mouth of the coffee cup and gently shook it, "How can we talk about money without seeing him?"

Qin Han Guan laughed: "How about it, Yan Shu Wang is an actual beauty, right?"

Zheng Yu An did not speak. Qin Han Guan, although a bit silly, was not wrong this time.

"Don’t feel pressured." Qin Han Guan inexplicably began to comfort him, "you guys have different styles, you are a female “killer” up and down five thousand years, have a little confidence."

Zheng Yu An: "......"

For large enterprises with high net worth, financing loans is not a difficult thing, the larger the amount, the more important is the regulation, in addition to banks and enterprises, securities joined to form an iron triangle, ensuring mutual cooperation and supervision.

300 million is not a small amount, and the JZ Park branch is able to grant it, but the final talk really depends on the interest rate.

Zheng Yu An thought that this money negotiation may be tricky, he just did not expect it to be this tricky.

"We’ve cooperated for so long already, and I am aware of JZ Bank's sincerity." Yan Shu Wang took off his suit, revealing a figure quite inconsistent with his face, "It's just that in terms of interest rates, many banks are offering lower rates than yours."

The fat and oily streaky pork that everybody’s fighting for. Zheng Yu An once again sighed in his heart, he previously heard that nearly a month WE GO contacted no less than two dozen banks, including the universe's largest bank. The fact that JZ Bank has not been kicked out is probably based entirely on their past cooperations.

"Back in the early days of WE GO’s creation, Mr. Yan signed the financial statement on the payroll every month, right?" Zheng Yu An said suddenly after being silent for a while.

Yan Shu Wang perhaps did not expect him to suddenly mention this, his gaze seems to be obscure, he waited half a second before smiling perfunctorily and asked, "What do you want to say, Mr. Zheng?"

Zheng Youan's expression was slightly nostalgic, he lowered his head slightly, as if embarrassed. Scratching his forehead hair, he raised his face again, looked at Yan Shu Wang and smiled: "I was still at the counter at that time, handling many of the sheets signed by Mr. Yan, I was very impressed with your handwriting."

The interest rate is negotiable, but the emotion card must be played.

Zheng Yu An made himself a cup of instant coffee in the lounge, thinking about some things related to work. Zhang Jin and Luo Yan were called into the conference room, Zheng Yu An took the opportunity to get some fresh air. Sitting down, he subconsciously checked his pockets, only to find that he left his suit inside, along with the cigarettes and lighter.

Zheng Yu An was silent for a few seconds, his emotions slightly broken, he leaned his back against the wall, put the coffee cup aside, and could not help but sigh.

The door to the lounge was pushed open from the outside.

Yan Shu Wang had a cigarette in his mouth, while unbuttoning his collar, lifted his legs and stepped in, his eyebrows twitched when he saw Zheng Yu An, then he nodded and greeted, "Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Yu An sat up straight, his smile had been rehearsed in advance, not overly flattering, not too humble either. In the words of Qin Han Guan, it’s the killer smile that can charm up and down five thousand years of women.

Yan Shu Wang stared at his face for a moment.

"Mr. Zheng, do you smoke?" The way Yan Shu Wang holds his cigarette is quite different. His index finger and thumb pinches the middle, the palm blocking the lips unintentionally, the action of smoking on the cigarette looks like a kiss.

Zheng Yu instilled a bit of distress: "My cigarettes are in the conference room, I forgot to bring them out."

Yan Shu Wang's gaze did not move away from his face, he knocked the cigarette case in his hand, clipped out one with his fingertips, and then very naturally handed it to Zheng Yu An's lips.

"......" Zheng Yu An's mind inexplicably recalled what Zhang Jin once said, Yan Shu Wang never handed out cigarettes to others, he hesitated for a moment, then held Yan Shu Wang’s hand to take the cigarette into his mouth.

"Excuse me." Zheng Yu An’s voice was muffled as he spoke with the cigarette between his lips, he asked, "Is there a lighter ......"

Yan Shu Wang laughed a little, he said, "No need."

Zheng Yu An only felt a shadow fall in front of his eyes. Yan Shu Wang bent down, aligning the cigarettes, his lip moved like it was ready to kiss, pursing the mouth of the cigarette, he slowly and gently sucked a mouthful.

A wisp of smoke floated and swayed, the spark lit up a few bright spots, reflected in the bottom of Yan Shu Wang's eyes.

When Zheng Yu An tasted the familiar taste in his mouth, he remembered.

He and Yan Shu Wang smoked the same brand of cigarettes.