Chapter 26

  Chapter 26

  Lu Ming's friends were texting him again in the chat. They wanted to get dreadlocks and asked if Lu Ming wanted to go with them.

  "I'm not going," Lu Ming is, in fact, still not feeling well. Although his fever has receded, Liang Yesheng has tormented him for too long last night, and his waist is sore and painful. He also had a strange feeling of discomfort from the lower half of his body.

  "You can also get a tattoo here!" someone tried tempting him.

  "I can watch you guys get your tattoos live over video." Lu Ming was afraid of pain. He always envied people with sleeve tattoos but wouldn't dare to try it personally.

  "The owner frequently goes abroad to get stock. There are a lot of cheap trendy brands for sale," someone else said and sent a picture of the shop to the group chat.

  "Where is the address?" Lu Ming asked.

  But when Lu Ming rushed over, he saw someone who surprised him.

  "Why is Chen Dog here?" Lu Ming asked someone quietly.

  Before he could get an answer, he saw Chen Zi dawdle over and reluctantly say to Lu Ming, "Sorry."

  "Huh?" Lu Ming was puzzled to suddenly receive an apology.

  "I shouldn't have called you a dead faggot." Chen Zi said, "It was Xu Ou who asked me to come over."

  Lu Ming looked at Xu Ou: "What's wrong with you? I would've let it pass anyway since I didn't know he said such a thing. You just had to have him say it to my face."

  "Well, now that he has apologized," Xu Ou felt no guilt, "just forgive him, and we can consider him a friend."

  Lu Ming didn't know why he would ever want to make friends with Chen Zi. At first, he thought the reconciliation with Chen Zi was just for show, but now the situation has gone down a completely unexpected path. Chen Zi seems to feel the same; he immediately shut his mouth after apologizing and shrank to the side to listen to music with headphones on.

  Lu Ming asked Xu Ou: "What's wrong with him? Why is he still here?"

  Xu Ou said, "His wallet was stolen yesterday, and he has no place to live, so I'm letting him live in my place temporarily."

  "Don't you only have a single room?" Lu Ming thought it was weird. Without a wallet, Chen Zi can still pay with his phone, even he could think of something as simple as this.

  "Yeah, and because there is only a single room and a bed," Xu Ou said, "when I told him to make do with me tonight and sleep in the same bed, he kept complaining how he's not homosexual like you are. He really deserves a good spanking, don't you think?"

  "So what happened at the end?"

  "I slept on the floor," Xu Ou said, "to make him come to apologize to you, you see your buddy is very loyal."

  "Clearly, I got the bed because you realized you are no match for me." Chen Zi somehow ghostly appeared behind them again and even tried to strike up a conversation.

  Lu Ming took a step back: "I'm leaving."

  He didn't end up buying any clothes. When he passed by the counter, he was accosted by the owner: "Not gonna buy anything? We even have imported wine here ......"

  "Holy shit, you sell everything here," Lu Ming exclaimed, "don't tell me it's a drug trafficking site too."

  The shopkeeper froze, then picked up the phone and began to call the police.

  When they finally stopped him, Lu Ming was scolded by the shop owner, who told him not to make such jokes.

  "I used to want to focus on my studies, but it's that roommate of mine who stopped me from doing so. There's always the smell of cocaine in the room, not to mention the parties that he throws every day. Made me want to vomit!" The boss said, "That roommate's family was also filthy rich. When we both returned to China, I didn't find a job yet, but he immediately got a good offer, fuck!"

  "That sounds a little ......"

  Lu Ming interjected, but before he finished his sentence, he heard the shopkeeper continue: "Then he started doing the more advanced drugs and suffered a sudden death."

  Lu Ming thought he should apologize again. To compensate, he decided to buy a couple of foreign rap albums after looking around the shop for what seemed like a long time. 

  Actually, Lu Ming wasn't just making things up. It's because there's been a lesson learned from the past. As a long-time OG in the hip-hop industry, one of Xu Ou's biggest flaws is that he makes too many friends, some of whom are unreliable. For example, a rapper friend recently came to City C and invited them to dinner. Yet, a couple days later, he was on TV for getting arrested. He was trying to sell cocaine for a high price, excluding shipping, and got into a fight with the buyer, who reported him to the police.

  Lu Ming was watching the news at that time and was scared to death. He asked Xu Ou: "Why do I remember that he brought us a gift? He didn't stuff anything illegal in it, right? You check. I don't want to get arrested."

  "You wish. He just wanted us to treat him to dinner. Why would he give you something as expensive as drugs," Xu Ou said, "he hasn't even paid me back, yet he wanted to borrow from me again. I bought the gift on Taobao with my own money. If my friend came empty-handed, it would've made me look bad. You can eat it with confidence; there's nothing wrong with it except it's too sweet."


  While Lu Ming concentrated on picking CDs, some guy was holding his phone live streaming and saying aloud, "Welcome to Xing Hong International Commercial Plaza, Block C808, here you can get dreadlocks, tattoos, and whatever else you want ...... what? You guys want to see Lu Ming? Ming Ge, come smile at the camera!"

  Ming was a little embarrassed. He covered most of his face with the vinyl records, "why are you filming me?"

  "To promote our store," the person did not give up, "say a few words, Ming Ge, these people want to see you."

  Lu Ming couldn't refuse, so he just repeated the store's address. Not only did Xu Ou and the others not help, but they were also laughing at him, telling him to become a celebrity so that he could make money to support their company.

  Naturally, Lu Ming told them to get lost: "Celebrity my ass, I'm married."

  The person who took the video was also a fan of their music and was surprised: "I only knew you said you were gay on Weibo last time, but you're married?"

  Lu Ming was overwhelmed by the good news in the past few days, so he felt that changing his marriage status in advance was not a big deal: "That's right, if I was single, I would've had no reason to come out."

  This is undoubtedly a very wrong point of view, but unfortunately, in the presence of almost an entire group of straight men, no one expressed opposing views. And naturally, Lu Ming didn't notice the change in Chen Zi's expression.


  Lu Ming went home happily with the few CDs he bought and showed them to Liang Yesheng: "You said yesterday that I always go out all day to have fun. I was actually looking for inspiration for my music."

  Liang Yesheng didn't look at it too seriously: "Is having fun a bad thing?"

  He does like to see Lu Ming just concentrate on what he likes to do, making songs that are sometimes really bad and sometimes amazing. Lu Ming occasionally pretends to tell him inadvertently that his production fee has gone up quite a bit, although he usually spends most of it. Lu Ming is the kind of guy who always feels that he should help others as long as he can get by, so he never knows how to save up for himself.

  Liang Yesheng, however, strangely enough, does not hate nor stop Lu Ming from such bad habits. For most people, doing what they love is already hard enough; if they could do it without any strings attached and without running around for things they didn't want to do, it was like hitting the big time or dreaming. He hoped that Lu Ming could always live in such a dream.

  Lu Ming didn't like that saying, "That makes me sound even more like a softie who lives off of you!"

  "So, how hard do you want to be?" Liang Yesheng actually started talking dirty.

  Lu Ming felt that Liang Yesheng had changed a bit. He used to always have to guess what Liang Yesheng was thinking and wonder what Liang Yesheng was suddenly sulking about. But now Liang Yesheng will kiss him while saying, "I never cared about any of it. I'm yours, so everything of mine is yours."

  When Lu Ming told Teacher L about these troubles, Liang Yesheng even felt a slight disbelief. He never knew that Lu Ming felt uneasy and thought he had taken advantage of Liang Yesheng. 


  This person obviously did not listen carefully during the property settlement or the divorce consultation. Liang Yesheng made his way up, kissing Lu Ming's reddened ear: "If you think that tiny amount of money you had spent is enough to buy a Lu Ming, then I would've bought enough Lu Mings to fill an entire house a long time ago."

  Lu Ming, who was insensitive to romance, pushed Liang Yesheng away: "Don't lean so close ......"

  He found Liang Yesheng's physical capacity to be very impressive. He was exhausted after one night, yet Liang Yesheng managed to keep at it. Lu Ming wondered if it was because he had a kidney stolen by this cold-blooded doctor when he passed out. Otherwise, how is Liang Yersheng so energetic. 

  Liang Yesheng knew Lu Ming very well and stopped, "Just one kiss."

  In fact, it was far more than just one kiss, but Lu Ming thought he heard sadness in Liang Yesheng's voice. He can only do a little to make up for it, kissing him back like a little animal trying to please him. Liang Yesheng didn't do anything else, letting Lu Ming hold on to him, and the two slowly became sleepy.

  When he was almost asleep, Liang Yesheng heard Lu Ming saying, "Liang Yesheng, I know you liked me too."

  It seemed like he was talking nonsense, but at the same time, it seemed quite meaningful.