Chapter 17

Chapter 17

  Xu Ou found that his buddy, who was supposed to be deeply hurt by love, was not as sad as he thought, and even in a sense quite idle.

  "Look at what I found!" Lu Ming turned the computer screen to face Xu Ou, "See? Chen dog's alt musician account! Back then his name was lil genius, I found it through his fan’s weibo."

  "You’ve got problems," Xu Ou scolded, "Why would you go through his weibo? Why don’t you just become his fan?"

  Lu Ming stopped talking nonsense and directly pressed play, "You watch this first!"

  When the prelude sounded, Xu Ou froze. It was one of Xu Ou's classic works, which was covered by Chen Zi. Before singing, Chen Zi also cleared his throat, and said, "This is a song I like very much, this is for you guys."

  Until now the play count has not even exceeded three hundred. Chen Zi said “for you guys” as if he had a lot of fans at that time.

  "Cool, right? He actually used to be your fan." Lu Ming said, "I thought he was your enemy in his previous life."

  "It’s none of your business." Xu Ou's reaction is far from Lu Ming's imagined excitement, and even a little annoyed, "Did you get your ex-husband found back? You have so much time on your shoulders."

  True, he hasn’t, yet. But Lu Ming ranted to the counselor today, and recalled some memories, which made him much happier. So now he’s worrying about other things.

  Teacher L actually does not say much, but it is as if he knew what was in Lu Ming’s mind, guiding Lu Ming to continue talking.

  "Aren't you surprised?" Lu Ming asked Xu Ou, "And this, this was when he started participating in competition, look at this paragraph, he's totally using your rhymes."

  But Xu Ou got annoyed and scolded Lu Ming, "It’s none of my business!"

  "How is it none of your business," Lu Ming was still energized, "If you post this, you get to humiliate him!"

  "I'm fucking humiliating myself, okay?" Xu Ou said, "He started out listening to my song, and now he’s better than I am. When we issue new songs around the time, his song gets more views than mine."

  As Xu Ou talked, he gets more frustrated, "it’s just ...... a lot of people follow me, but when I release a song, not many people listen, you know? I'm only twenty-nine years old, but they make me feel like a living fossil, every day people are reminiscing about my past, but they just don’t realize that I’m not dead yet."

  "Shit, your ex-husband isn't younger than me, right?" Xu Ou said.

  "Stop calling him my ex-husband," Lu Ming said, "I don’t like it."

  He now finally does not like people to call Liang Yesheng his ex-husband.

  Teacher L was right, at that time both of them were too impulsive, he shouldn’t have agreed to divorce Liang Yesheng. A slip of the tongue and Liang Yesheng has become a "former husband", and now it has to be mentioned repeatedly by Xu Ou.

  When Xu Ou's message window popped up, it was actually Chen Zi who sent him an audio clip.

  "It seems to be his new song," Xu Ou listened to it and said to Lu Ming, "it hasn't been released yet."

  But Lu Ming caught something in his sentence, "Holy shit, how do you know it hasn't been sent out, when the fuck did you listen to all his songs, Xu Ou?"

  It turns out that Lu Ming was the only one who would hear Chen Zi's song and immediately skip it. It turns out that everyone else was listening.

  "It’s like I’m a nationalist in a TV show," Lu Ming said, "I'm the only one who still believes in the Three People's Principles, and everyone except me is actually an underground party."

  Chen Zi was still bragging, "I made the song myself, how about it, it's much better than Lu Ming’s song, right?"

  He even sent another message, "I heard that he is gay."

  It was a very strange declarative sentence, it was as if he wanted to ask something, but could not ask the question, and could only stop there. But Lu Ming did not care so much, he was just very angry. Flaming with anger, he took Xu Ou's phone and typed, "Lu Ming is much better than you, what fake foreign devil stuff you do. Now eminem is even afraid to call people faggots, you’re still discriminating against homosexuals? ***! Also, is Xu Ou's ‘Tomorrow's Lover’ good, do you like it? And would you like to cover it again?"

  Xu Ou was stunned.

  After another moment, Xu Ou said, "Don't be like that, what do you care about him, don't care about Chen Dog's opinion, I don't discriminate against you."

  He actually knew what Lu Ming cared about and tried to console Lu Ming.

  Lu Ming's chest was still stuffy, and asked Xu Ou, "Why did the country pass same-sex marriage?"

  "I don’t know," Xu Ou was more confused, "the state suddenly figured it out, and did not ask my opinion. Don't worry, I would have agreed if I had been asked."

  Lu Ming thought about it for about a minute, and thought, what the heck, why would he care about what Chen Dog thinks, he still has to try to get back together with Liang Yesheng. Hope the dentist can bless Chen Dog so that all his teeth fall out tomorrow.

  But Chen Zi is obviously not so easy to figure out, and soon sent Xu Ou a large paragraph of curse words, but the focus was entirely on the first half of the sentence, "you actually said I can not compare to Lu Ming?” And "your song has long been out of date I have not listened to it for a long time!" He scolded for about a minute, before adding, "who the fuck is discriminating? You have problems!"

  Then he actually sent a few more audio clips to Xu Ou, "I make traditional style music too!"

  Lu Ming added, "According to my rich gay experience ......"

  Actually his experience was not rich at all, but Lu Ming relied on intuition, and thought, Chen Zi seems to be deep in the closet.

  But Xu Ou is even more soft-hearted than Lu Ming, he remembered the song Lu Ming showed him. In the video, Chen Zi nervously coughed to clear his throat before starting to sing, it was just like when he first started singing rap, he felt incredibly bullish and powerful, but was also incredibly timid.

  Lu Ming saw Xu Ou walking a little farther away, he seems to have gone to the phone. Lu Ming felt bored, and began to chat with teacher L.

  "I think you're right, we communicate too little sometimes. I sometimes wonder if he even knows what I do, after all, he hasn't come to any of our shows. Guo Qianqian has scolded me, saying that I didn't invite him either."

  "How do you know he hasn't been there?" Little L teacher said, "Didn't you say that you couldn't find a reason to contact him, isn't this a reason to ask him?"

  Ask? Lu Ming hesitated for a moment, but called, he had not heard Liang Yesheng speak for a day.

  Liang Yesheng picked up the phone, but did not speak, not even a "hello".

  "Liang Yesheng," Lu Ming said first, "have you seen our label's performance?"

  Liang Yesheng seems to be waiting for Lu Ming to mention this question, but after hearing him ask, he was not in a hurry to answer. He let Lu Ming wait a long second or two before saying, "I didn’t listen for too long, I was sprayed with a face of alcohol and went out."

  The rapper's vice. When the performance is high, people would hold a bottle of water or alcohol to spray offstage. Lu Ming really can not imagine people such as Liang Yesheng watching offstage when rappers are recklessly wild.

  "Then I'm hanging up." Lu Ming, again not knowing what to say, looked down and saw something on the table and began to state, "I'm having a midnight snack."

  After saying this, Lu Ming suddenly thought, his habits are really bad, all day long, eating indiscriminately. Xu Ou and his buddies used to wonder where all the meat Lu Ming ate went, they just know that he blindly eats but doesn’t gain weight, it was a waste of food. 

  But Liang Yesheng will never comment on these, he will even accept Lu Ming's junk food feeding. Whenever Lu Ming leves an order of takeout for Liang Yesheng, he always eats it.

  Liang Yesheng heard Lu Ming’s strange live broadcast, he was a little helpless, and tried to remind Lu Ming, "So?"

  Lu Ming did not know what to say: "Good night?"

  He said good night to Liang Yesheng and quickly found teacher L again, "What do you say, how about I put our tickets for next week's show at his door?"

  This time Lu Ming must forbid them to splash wine and water, or write a reminder on the back of the tickets so that Liang Yesheng can stand near the back.

  Lu Ming still didn't have his brain turned around, as if Liang Yesheng specifically stood in the front row to go see how the rappers looked.

  Teacher L said, "Why are you putting it in the door secretly? Can't you just invite him directly?"

  Lu Ming said, "But in the case that he doesn't want to go, it would be embarrassing for me. He just told me that he left not long after he went last time, and I think he might not like it."

  The tickets would be placed at the door, and Liang Yesheng could come by himself if he was interested, which Lu Ming thought was more appropriate.

  Teacher L sent Lu Ming a string of ellipses.

  Was chatting with him very tiring? Was teacher L going to start charging him money?

The author’s note:

  Lu Ming: Huh, I accidentally started referring to Liang Yesheng as “he”, forget it, teacher L teacher also wrote the wrong pronoun, it’s not important.