Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The fourth article of “The Bible of Love”:

  "Anniversaries don't matter, it's every day you spend that counts. You don’t need to waste months of salary on gifts, and you don’t need to say anything to your lover, being together is the proof of your love."

  There is a reason why Lu Ming only speaks to Guo Qianqian about his relationship problems.

  After all, Liang Yesheng had almost turned into Guo Qianqian's husband. If it wasn't for Guo Qianqian, Lu Ming would have never gotten to know Liang Yesheng.

  Two years ago, Guo Qianqian was a hip-hop fan, but in real life, she was a quiet-looking elementary school teacher. As soon as she got off work on fridays, she would switch gears and turn into a completely different person. Back then, Lu Ming’s company had even fewer fans, so it was easy to spot Guo Qianqian, who always came to support the show, and they became friends over time.

  Unfortunately, Guo Qianqian was too good at hiding her personality, and so naturally her family expected a normal life from her. As soon as she hit a certain age, they believed that she should get married and have children. That day, Guo Qianqian was complaining to them that her parents were forcing her to go on a blind date again, saying that it was with a doctor, and in their eyes, a doctor and a teacher made a good match.

  "And he’s a doctor!" Guo Qianqian has reversed academic discrimination, "I hate getting set up with people with PhDs on blind dates! Anyway, every time they would say, ‘just get to know them first’, what they don’t know is that, I have met several people who have become stupid from studying too much, and they sometimes irritate me to the point where I can not eat. The last one I met had a bald head, and has been blabbering about how even though he doesn’t have much income now, he will earn high wages once he graduates. He spat all over my face while talking, and after dinner he told me that he forgot to bring money! At the end, he would not let me go, and asked me to hang around, fuck!"

  "Then don’t go," Lu Ming didn't understand what was so troubling about this.

  Guo Qianqian said, "You certainly have not been urged by your parents to get married, if you say you don’t want to go, they'll annoy you to death. If you go home on vacation they will ask you questions and force you to talk. You can only tell them that you found the date unsuitable. My dad also told me I must get married this year, how am I supposed to do that!"

  "Why don't I go and scare him away!" Lu Ming rolled up his sleeves and started looking for his sticker arm tattoos, "These kinds of people focus only on studying in school and are very innocent. I'll go and tell him that I'm your boyfriend, so that he gets self-conscious and quietly withdraws himself."

  "I don't think you have the strength to scare people back." Guo Qianqian refused his good intentions.

  Lu Ming was very unconvinced, he felt that he was still very intimidating, others even call him Ming Ge.

  But the minds of girls are really ever-changing, and within a few days, Guo Qianqian had another big fight with her parents, and came to them drunk at noon to cry.

  "I'm not going!" Guo Qianqian said, "To actually say that I'm only coping with them, that I simply do not want to go on a blind date. Anyway, they think it's my problem, and said, ‘why aren’t others picky like you?’ and that they've put up with me for a long time. It’s me who has been putting up with them for a long time!"

  She gurgled down almost half a bottle of wine, and gave Lu Ming a punch when he said, "Are you annoyed because they were right?"

  "Guo Qianqian, get up quickly, you are sleeping on my computer," Lu Ming said, but Guo Qianqian was lying on the table and ignored him. Her phone started ringing, it wasn't a phone call, but a reminder for her blind date at 3pm. The location was at a coffee shop a few kilometers away.

  "Don't sleep in our studio, Guo Qianqian!" Lu Ming shouted. He didn't shut his computer down, and he was afraid that Guo Qianqian might accidentally press something that would erase the new songs he’d written. 

  Guo Qianqian half opened her eyes and looked at the screen: "Fuck, I don't want to go! Lu Ming, this is your task!"

  "How did it become my task?!" Lu Ming was confused.

  "You said it," Behind Lu Ming, the buddy who had been silent suddenly spoke, "You said you’d help her get rid of that nerd, so go ahead."

  "Right!" Guo Qianqian heard, slammed the table, and even fished out a pile of money from her bag, "Lu Ming, go help me solve this trouble, if you can stop him from going to my parents to tell on me, this money will be yours!"

  "Damn, how do I solve this, I don’t have any special clothing on," Lu Ming wore a white T-shirt today, his hair was also messy from sleep, he didn't look intimidating at all. He turned his head to look at the other person in the room, "Why don't you go?"

  His buddy smiled rather sheepishly, "She’s drunk, I need to take care of her."

  Lu Ming froze. He thought about it, then thought about it again, and it struck him, "fuck, are you trying to come on to her!"

  "If you get it, just leave," the buddy said, "Why? Are you scared now?"

  Fuck, the prodding worked. Guo Qianqian's cell phone rang again, it was that reminder again.

  Lu Ming took the money out of Guo Qianqian's hand and put it back in her bag: "Fine, I’ll go, pay me when I get back."

  While walking backwards out the door, he warned his buddy: "Xu Ou, don’t you do anything illegal, there are cameras in the studio, I will be able to look at the security tapes from my phone, I’ll call the police if I have to."

  "You're crazy, it’s broad daylight, you think I'm heartless?" Xu Ou scolded him back, "I’m trying to make a good impression here with my goddess, understand!"

  Today is a weekday at noon, they had just set up the company, most of the members who have joined were working and only came to do songs or performances in the evening and on weekends, so they were the only two hobos there. And Guo Qianqian, Guo Qianqian is different, she's on summer vacation. But this summer, she was being pushed to meet all kinds of people, intermittently being tortured, and now she can’t take it any longer.

  But how could I help, Lu Ming thought, he really does not know why Guo Qianqian's parents are so anxious, what’s so good about getting married? Like, his parents never cared about these things.

  When he looked up, he realized that he had arrived at the café. Lu Ming walked in, the blind date was easier to find than he thought. Only two tables were occupied, the largest table was occupied by a group of people, all holding computers and pen and paper at hand, you could tell that they were there for a meeting. 

  There was another customer in the corner. The place was poorly lit, so the shopkeeper thoughtfully placed a small lamp. The soft light shone down, reflecting the man's silhouette very clearly.

  When he heard Lu Ming’s footsteps, he raised his head from his book and looked at Lu Ming. There seemed to be a trace of doubt in his eyes.

  Lu Ming thought, "Damn, Guo Qianqian will regret missing out on this blind date.”

  How the fuck can I say that I am Guo Qianqian's boyfriend? Guo Qianqian would be blind if she chose to be with me instead of this guy.

  Fine, he’ll just go with the original plan, he did not know what else to say, so Lu Ming said, "I am Guo Qianqian's ......"

  "You are Guo Qianqian?" Lu Ming’s moment of hesitation caused the other person to speak first, so he asked Lu Ming.

  Then, Liang Yesheng saw the boy who was wearing a white T-shirt with messy hair look at him, and heard him say dully, as if he hadn't woken up, "I am Guo Qianqian." 

  Liang Yesheng thought, it seems that today, he won’t have to think of a way to leave. His teacher’s wife must have found out his sexual orientation, but hadn’t said so explicitly, she’s just no longer introducing him to people of the opposite sex.

  But they'd better change the location of their date now, that group of people in the meeting were too noisy.

  They could barely even hear each other.

The author’s notes:

  Lu Ming didn’t actually say that he was Guo Qianqian, they just couldn't hear each other! The people at the other table were too noisy!