Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The fifth article of "The Bible of Love".

  "Lovers have their own living space, easy jealousy is a bad emotion. You should show your lover that you do not care at all, and don’t need them to accompany you, so that your lover can go anywhere on their own without any worries."

  "Eighty percent." Lu Ming suddenly said.

  "What eighty percent?" Guo Qianqian looked up from her game.

  "I saw this set of data a while ago," Lu Ming said, "according to a sociologist's statistics, eighty percent of couples who marry for love feel unhappy, while eighty percent of couples who marry due to age or pressure from family feel quite happy. "

  "So what do you think your situation is?" Guo Qianqian asked again.

  Lu Ming scratched his head, troubled, "I just do not know, I feel as if I am quite happy. Anyway, we quarrel occasionally, even if I’m angry at the moment, I’ll forget about it the next day. But Liang Yesheng does not seem to think he is happy."

  Then again, he doesn't feel that he and Liang Yesheng are the kind of couple that married just to settle down. Before he met Liang Yesheng, marriage was not on his mind at all. He felt that he was very young and had a lot of time to squander, and never really considered the future.

  Guo Qianqian was also unsure, she is now free of these worries, having quit her job more than a year ago and moved out from home to start a freelance career. She’s no longer an elementary school art teacher, she now prefers to go street graffitiing instead. Because she was too tough, her parents changed their attitude, and now they were quite happy if she could go back to visit them once in a while.

  Guo Qianqian was also no longer a hip-hop fan, she said that in the past two years hip-hop has gotten too popular, so she is not interested anymore. But still they still have contact, because Lu Ming’s poor company sometimes need promotional posters for their new songs, and need Guo Qianqian to give a friendly discount price.

  "A ten-dollar WeChat red envelope is not called a friendship price," Guo Qianqian said, "it is called dismissing beggars, you still have the nerve to come to me to press for the draft!"

  "That's just the deposit!" Lu Ming replied, "I will give you the poster fee! Liang Yesheng gave me a share of 300,000 dollars."

  "Where's the money?" Guo Qianqian asked.

  "......" Because of Liang Yesheng's bad signal, he hadn't gotten the money yet.

  "I actually didn't want to break up with Liang Yelsheng," Lu Ming hung his head, resting his chin on the table, "but coaxing him is so tiring, he must have cheated because he was too annoyed with me. And I suspect that he has never not been angry with me, the way he looks at me every time ......"

  Lu Ming recalled, "it’s the look I got when I was in elementary school. When I failed the math test after the millionth try, the teacher began to criticize me, and then he would look at me that way, as if saying, ‘this kid is hopeless’!"

  The phone rang, Lu Ming picked it up to see, the female fan is still sending private messages asking him why he ignored her. Lu Ming was a little annoyed, he clicked on the interface of the release microblogging, started typing, thought about it, and then deleted everything, and re-entered: "Some fans may be too enthusiastic. I’m glad you like my songs, but there is no need to invade my private life. Besides, I’m gay, it's no fun to waste time on me."

  Lu Ming could never be mean to girls, it’s only when it comes to buddies that he’s not as polite, and oftentimes would say curse words without fear.

  But to Liang Yesheng, he’s not quite the same. Lu Ming has a unique way of getting along with Liang Yesheng. But now that he suddenly has nowhere to perform the unique magic that he had practiced for two years, Lu Ming felt somewhat lonely.

  The WeChat group immediately exploded, everyone was asking him why he has become gay, and what would happen to their sister-in-law? No wonder you're getting divorced. A few buddies that know Bing Bing well, knew some of the gossip, but felt a bit of regret seeing that the secret they’ve been keeping so well has been told to the public.

  Lu Ming sent a voice message over, in which he said gruffly, "When did I say he was a woman? I like men, if you have an opinion, keep it to yourself and leave!"

  Guo Qianqian gave a ‘tsk’ next to him, "Now you're coming out, how come you didn’t do it before?"

  Lu Ming brightened up, after thinking for a while, he took out his usual notebook, turned a page, and there in bold headings: Reasons for Divorce.

  The first line reads: being a deadbeat.

  Lu Ming added on the second line: afraid to come out.

  The phone vibrated again, but Lu Ming closed his eyes and unlocked it, and threw it to Guo Qianqian, "Tell me what it says."

  Guo Qianqian said: "What are you afraid of? It's okay, they’re all supporting you, no one is saying that homosexuality is disgusting. Even if they’re saying anything, they’re certainly going to do it privately, who would say it infront of you?"

  By now, Lu Ming must confess that he had his worries, he didn’t purposely hide, but wasn’t exactly honest either. The hip hop circle is almost 90 percent male. It’s full of people who have a love for music, but sometimes it’s not very tolerant. Many lyrics of the older generation of rappers contain dirty curse words like "faggot." Besides, Liang Yesheng was such a famous doctor in a public hospital at the time. Back then, Lu Ming would comfort himself that this is between them, there is no need to spread the news to others.

  But now he suddenly can't help it. Fuck! I’m going to come out of the closet, who cares what they say! Anyway, he is not rapper, if they want, they don’t have to come to a gay person to produce songs.

  Unfortunately, now he doesn’t even have a partner to come out with, though his cheating partner is there, Bing Bing. But he’d rather not have him as a cheating partner, it’s really easy to talk nonsense when you’ve had too much wine.

  Lu Ming was annoyed to the point of hunger and needed to order another dish to solve the problem.


  "Dr. Liang," Li Yubing was knocking on the door, "are you coming for lunch?"

  "I'm not going," Dr. Liang shook his head and raised a lunch box from the small refrigerator in the cabinet, “I brought food from home."

  "Your wife?" Li Yubing vaguely recalls hearing that Liang Yesheng was married, and seeing Liang Yesheng nodding, she sighed again, "She's so virtuous. No wonder you wouldn’t tell her about your injury, you don't want her to worry."

  Liang Yesheng added, "But he found out within a few days, he said it’s from the way I move, it’s as if I were always trying to cover up something."

  "Your relationship is too good." Li Yubing was a bit envious, and after chatting a bit more, she went to eat lunch.

  Liang Yesheng took the lunch box, put it in the microwave to heat up, and soon smelled the aroma of rice. He has to admit, Lu Ming was quite good at finding take-out restaurants. He still remembers that Liang Yesheng does not like ginger and garlic, and ordered another one separately to put in the fridge. He can only be considerate to this extent, and perhaps is very proud of it.

  Nevermind, having been with Lu Ming for so long, he seems to have a little bit of straight man cancer1. It’s not Lu Ming’s job to cook food, he never required Lu Ming to cook anyway.

  Liang Yesheng didn’t think he lied to Li Yubing just now. Lu Ming did actually notice something wrong and ask him about it. Liang Yesheng was even in a somewhat good mood when Lu Ming finally couldn't resist asking him what was going on.

  He certainly wouldn't take the initiative to tell Lu Ming. It was just a small injury anyway, he didn’t want it to look as if he's unable to withstand the pain. Besides, Lu Ming can't help with much anyway. But he never said any of this, it was Lu Ming who finally gained some sense and realized that something was wrong.

  But at the end, this was what Lu Ming said, "You look like you have been devoid of sexual desires lately. I’m going to ask you bluntly, are you cheating?" 

  The phone rang, and Liang Yesheng looked. It was the online consultation app he had previously registered for. Occasionally, there would be patients asking questions. Recently, all kinds of things have been piling up, and he actually forgot to log out.

  The consulting patient was asking.

  "My gums are bleeding, I ate out today, and I feel like a guy at the table next to me is particularly gay, do you think that I’ll get AIDS?"

  "The likelihood of you getting AIDS is minimal, but I'm likely to be infected by your retardation," Liang Yesheng typed out on the line, then deleted it all again.

  He re-typed and said, "You won't."

The author’s notes:

  The story of Thoughtless and Unhappy ......

1 Straight man cancer (直男癌) is a derogatory neologism used by Chinese feminists to describe men who are stubbornly supportive of traditional gender roles