Chapter 16

Chapter 16

  Teacher L was very kind and friendly, enough for Lu Ming to start talking about his emotional experiences.

  "It was so damn hot that day." Lu Ming sighed, "And the coffee from that café, it was so bad that I almost threw up back into the cup."

  No, that didn’t seem to be the point.

  In the café, the group of people in the meeting were too noisy, it was impossible to hear what Liang Yesheng was saying across the table. Lu Ming put down his cup and said to Liang Yesheng, "Let's go outside."

  Liang Yesheng did not seem to hear what he was saying, Lu Ming stood up and pointed outside. Lu Ming ran to the front again to pay, and after giving the money, he didn't have much cash left on him. But Lu Ming was actually thinking that if he found a cheap place, he could still treat Liang Yesheng to dinner.

  Although Liang Yesheng does not look cheap at all.

  Lu Ming made several phone calls to Guo Qianqian, and sent messages, telling her that if she doesn't come she'll regret it, this person is not some unsociable dead nerd. But Guo Qianqian completely ignored him. Liang Yesheng noticed, and asked, "Do you have something urgent to take care of?"

  Lu Ming immediately subconsciously said, "No, I'm good, I have a lot of free time."

  "Ah yes, it's summer vacation." Liang Yesheng said, "When will you start school?"

  "What school ......" Lu Ming said, and froze. Stopping, he feels that Liang Yesheng seemed to have misunderstood something, "I, I am not an elementary school teacher."

  He is also not Guo Qianqian, he’s just here for fun, and has nothing to do with Liang Yesheng.

  Do doctors and teachers necessarily go well together? Lu Ming now feels that the answer is no. But this is not his business, he knows that he should immediately explain it to Liang Yesheng, so that they don’t have to walk outside in such hot weather. But Lu Ming was stuck there, unable to say anything.

  He even had a little desire to lie, but he was so bad at it that he could only stand there.

  "Guo Qianqian is my friend, I'm not Guo Qianqian, my name is Lu Ming." Lu Ming said, "She had something to do and couldn't come, I came to tell you for her."

  As for nonsense such as pretending to be Guo Qianqian's boyfriend to scare Liang Yesheng away, Lu Ming has forgotten all about it.

  Liang Yesheng, however, had already guessed it when Lu Ming was hesitant. The introducer really won't arrange this kind of surprise that is comparable to a shock. The person in front of him, even regardless of his name, looks nothing like the art teacher who teaches in elementary school.

  Lu Ming looked panicked and flustered, and clumsily pulled the corner of Liang Yesheng's coat, and begged, "Can you go back and not tell the person who introduced you about this?"

  "Then what do I say?" Liang Yesheng asked Lu Ming.

  Lu Ming scratched his head with worry, "If you say the blind date failed because she was in a bad mood and didn't come, she will go back and be scolded by her parents. Can you just say that you don't think it's suitable?"

  Of course, in fact, Liang Yesheng also intended to go back and say that. But now he had other plans.

  "I'm not going to say that," Liang Yesheng said, "but don't worry, I'll explain clearly, no one will blame your friend."

  "How will you explain it?" Lu Ming asked with some curiosity.

  "It's not because your friend isn't good enough," Liang Yesheng said gently, "it's because I like men more."

  Liang Yesheng never really spoke about this with others. Except for his parents, few people know about it. But he was quick to say it to Lu Ming, as if he was possessed.

  But of course Lu Ming needs to know about this, he needs to see Lu Ming's attitude.

  Liang Yesheng is also eager to put a stop to this fatiguing matchmaking. And Lu Ming might just be the solution.

  Lu Ming was really stunned. After ten seconds or so, he turned his head, not letting Liang Yesheng see his expression, only his ears were red.

  "Oh," Lu Ming also had to forcefully pretend to be calm. He said incoherently, "that, that’s quite good."

  He doesn't know what's good about it, and didn’t think about why Liang Yesheng is talking to him about it.

  Liang Yesheng repeated it again, asking him, "When will you start school?"

  "I'm not starting school...?" Lu Ming wondered, "I ......"

  He suddenly realized something and looked down at his whole outfit, "Shit, I'm not an elementary school teacher and I'm not a college student, I don't have to go to school."

  Lu Ming again wanted to find some face for his high school education, although in a sense this actually has nothing to do with Liang Yesheng.

  "I studied in the United States before," Lu Ming said the name of a school, in fact, by now, he almost only remembers the name, "then my family suddenly came across financial problems, and can not pay tuition fees so I rolled back to the motherland, ha ha."

  His grades were not good, his family had a factory, and they only thought that foreign education sounded good. His father wanted him to learn some management to inherit the family business, but unfortunately, the economy is getting worse and worse these years. Lu Ming was forced to take the TOEFL four or five times, but when he finally arrived in America, he had to come back because the family went bankrupt. At least there was still money for the return ticket.

  The result? Well it wasn’t for nothing, his English is still much better than many of his friends, and ...... he heard a new kind of music.

  City C has the best hip hop atmosphere out of the surrounding cities. So Lu Ming came to city C, and later joined Deer Mountain, and stayed there.

  Lu Ming was only concerned about talking about himself, and did not see Liang Yesheng's look. When he finished, he looked up at Liang Yesheng, who was much taller than him, and asked, "Which hospital do you work at?"

  Lu Ming felt that he might go see him when he is sick in a few days, so there is no harm in being prepared.And besides, it is not illegal to ask.

  Liang Yesheng looked at Lu Ming, probably not knowing why this stranger is asking him about his workplace. But in the end, he said, "I work in the Third Hospital, should I leave a phone number for you?"

  That's certainly better, Lu Ming nodded and took his number, but until he went back, still confused, he thought he might be suffering from heat stroke.

  Liang Yesheng said he is a dentist and an implantologist. Lu Ming looked in the mirror at his teeth, but he really could not figure out which one to knock out. 

  When Lu Ming came back, Guo Qianqian had already left. Xu Ou was the only one there and asked Lu Ming, "How was your date today, did you drive that doctor away?"

  He said it as if it was Lu Ming who had a blind date, but Lu Ming did not refute him. He did not know how to answer, there are more serious problems to solve, such as his sudden realization that he might, in fact, be gay?

  Guo Qianqian, who was sober and home, was messaging him instead, "What kind of mess did you send me today, you messaged me and said that I would regret not going?"

  "It’s nothing," Lu Ming said calmly, "forget it. Your blind date and I have already helped you fix it, remember to send me the money."

  Guo Qianqian half-believed it, she was scared by the strange people she met before, not to mention this time it was indeed her own fault, "Are you sure he will not say I missed the blind date and did not go?"

  Lu Ming is very sure, Liang Yesheng has promised him, Liang Yesheng also said he is ......


  Lu Ming certainly know one thing, on gay pride day, many people hold rainbow flags in the street, and most of those people are dressed beautifully, very stylish.

  And Liang Yesheng ...... Liang Yesheng himself is very beautiful.

  Lu Ming really has no experience in dealing with this situation.

  He was distressed.

The author’s notes:

  Half an hour later…

        Lu Ming: "Have you eaten dinner yet?"