Chapter 24

Explicit content warning

Chapter 24

  Liang Yesheng answered and explained the second half of the sentence about housework, but ignored the first half of the sentence, the most crucial part of Lu Ming’s request.

  Lu Ming's request, however, was now a little too specific, touching that hidden time bomb deep inside Liang Yesheng's heart. Liang Yesheng, for the time being, did not know which wire to cut, and could only let the time bomb sit there first, bypassing it.

  Because Lu Ming began to say random words again, and his face also began to appear abnormally pink, Liang Yesheng had some other thoughts about Lu Ming. He leaned over and blocked Lu Ming's chattering lips.

  Lu Ming stopped. When Liang Yesheng was ready to end the kiss, Lu Ming hesitantly reached out and hugged Liang Yesheng's waist, not quite wanting to let Liang Yesheng leave. He tilted his head to continue the kiss, and the kiss deepened some more.

  At the end of the kiss, however, Lu Ming not-so-angrily bit Liang Yesheng's lips. Finally, he still couldn't help but complain, "In the past, every time I said I was wrong, you would continue to be angry. But I really didn't know what to say anymore. I just want to be with you, but you still say you want a divorce. Fuck!"

  Normally, he wouldn’t say any curse words in front of Liang Yesheng. But this time it’s different. He’s sick, and his brain is still dizzy. Precisely because there is hope, he tried asking for more.

  Besides, Liang Yesheng has already seen his Weibo, his real personality has probably long been exposed. It’s just that Lu Ming only found out today.

  One time, Chen Dog was spreading his madness on Weibo, saying that City D’s hiphop environment is way better than City C. Lu Ming got angry, and started refuting him on Weibo, saying that some City D people really have mental problems.

  If he had known at that time that Liang Yesheng was looking, he would have boldly written: "By City D people, I’m referring to Chen Zi (Flying Eagle's stupit Lone Wolf), and does not involve other innocent people from City D, especially Liang Yesheng, whose citizenship has already been moved to City C."

  But while cursing, Lu Ming hugged tighter. Liang Yesheng was no longer in a standing position, and was somehow rolled onto the bed.

  Lu Ming felt hotter, and the places where Liang Yesheng's skin was against his seems to be burning. He felt like he was floating on water or in the clouds. Probably because of the fever, Lu Ming's voice is a little hoarse. When Lu Ming gasped for breath, Liang Yesheng’s erectile response became even more apparent. Lu Ming had little intention and little strength to resist, allowing Liang Yesheng's fingers to reach in with lubricant, which soon changed to something else. When it was too deep, Lu Ming felt a bit of pain, which made him want to cry a little. And he did end up shedding a few tear drops.

  Liang Yesheng kissed his eyes and asked him what was wrong. But he asked the question in a solemn air while grabbing Lu Ming's calf, with no intention of letting him go. When Lu Ming thought about it, however, it really didn’t hurt that much, and he really didn’t know what he was whining about.

  Lu Ming then said, "This can’t be sex before breakup. You promised to make up. Don’t…don’t pretend you didn’t hear me say it."

  He has clearly shown his good intentions so many times, but Liang Yesheng never gave a direct response. Yet Liang Yesheng would always do things that made Lu Ming want to continue to approach him. It’s not that Lu Ming didn’t think of talking to others, he actually complained to Xu Ou once, but the results were not very good. After hearing Lu Ming’s story, Xu Gou said, "Dude, maybe your narrative isn’t accurate? How come your story about two gay men sounds more like a story about you being the spare tire of an angelic bitch1?"

  Lu Ming was so angry at once that he spat and cursed at Xu Ou, and was only able to get some comfort after consulting teacher L. He certainly does not believe that Liang Yesheng is this kind of person. But in this moment–when his body and mind are extraordinarily fragile, and he’s fucked to the point where he could only talk in broken sentences–if Liang Yesheng still rejects him, then Lu Ming may cry even more.

  Fortunately, this time, Liang Yesheng is gentle enough. He comforted Lu Ming while touching his back, "we’re back together, don’t cry."

  It’s easy for humans to do wrong things when they are in extreme anger, Liang Yesheng is not an exception. He will also do things that he regrets. Although he’s done very few regrettable things, one is more than enough.

  For example, it's not easy to force a high score on a student who can barely pass an exam. In fact, there’s no point. He knows full well how much effort Lu Ming has already put in. Plus, he can’t be considered a perfect husband, either. But now he has also dug himself a hole, and doesn’t know where to start filling it.

  Until Lu Ming was so tired that he fell asleep, Liang Yesheng was still awake. He turned on his other phone, which was logged onto a WeChat account with only one contact. 

  After looking at the money that Lu Ming transferred to him again, Liang Yesheng began to wonder if he had really gotten into the wrong occupation, since he was able to scam Lu Ming into giving him so much money by pretending to be a marriage counselor. Maybe, in another parallel universe, he is using a beautiful avatar in WeChat to scam a certain fool also called Lu Ming into buying tea leaves2. And he might even be doing very well in the business, because it just happens to be that he is able to so easily find a person who truly loves him.

  Lu Ming slept very soundly. When he woke up, the sun was already shining, and Liang Yesheng had already gone to work.

  Lu Ming sat up. He didn’t do anything; he just sat there recalling things, and smiling at the air.

  He didn’t forget what happened yesterday. He found his phone and started to ask Liang Yesheng: "Can you take half a day off this afternoon?"

  Liang Yesheng quickly replied to him, "I lost my ID card."

  Lu Ming let out an "ah": "How can you lose your ID card?"

  "Maybe there’s a thief in the hospital," Liang Yesheng replied again, "My entire wallet is missing."

  He sent a photo to Lu Ming, showing the police-issued receipt for ID replacement.

  "I have to wait for another sixty days." Liang Yesheng said, "they need the original documents to handle these applications, we’ll go after I get the ID card."

  Lu Ming froze there, he didn’t know how to react. He wanted to complain to God about the unfortunate event, but he also just got a promise from Liang Yesheng, so it seems that he doesn’t need to be too unhappy. After all, the receipt says that ID replacement will take at most sixty days. Who knows? It could be earlier, or it might even be found before that.

  He hadn't even said it, but Liang Yesheng had already thought of what he wanted to do, and this alone made Lu Ming happy for a while longer.

  But at this time, someone came to spoil Lu Ming's mood, a person Lu Ming never expected.

  "I think your wife is a fool." Teacher L said.

  Lu Ming frowned. Seeing how Liang Yesheng was inexplicably scolded, he instantly flipped out and replied: "Holy shit, you're fucking out of your mind, right?"

  Liang Yesheng is sitting in the car, looking at the two bright red marriage certificates in the open storage box, thinking: Maybe I really am.

The author’s notes:

  Lu Ming cursed at Dr. Liang twice within 24 hours.

1 Angelic bitch refers to people who pretend to be pure and innocent but in fact are manipulative and calculating. In Chinese, these types of people are also referred to as 绿茶, or “Green Tea”.

2 Here, Liang Yesheng is referring to the “tea leaves” online dating scam. Gangs would use photographs of beautiful women to lure (usually male) victims into chatting on WeChat. After months of building up trust, they would swindle their “boyfriends” by using fictional family tragedies as ruses to promote tea, wine, or investment in precious metals through a platform controlled by the group. For more information, read this article:,300-arrested-in-tea-leaves-online-dating-scam