Chapter 3

Chapter 2<<     ToC     >>Chapter 4

Chapter 3

The third article of "The Bible of Love":

  "There is no need to compliment your lover, as long as you truly love them, the other party will definitely feel your love."

  "Dr. Liang." Assistant Li was calling Liang Yesheng who had wandered off, "Is the wound better?"

  Dr. Liang came a few days ago, it was rumored that it took a lot of effort to scout the capable implantologist from the Third Hospital. Although their private hospital is considered quite famous and also offered very good benefits, Dr. Liang still considered for some time before deciding to come over.

  It was said that Dr. Liang is a very responsible doctor. Nowadays, many dentists directly send the patient’s teeth model to the processing plant, and then make the appropriate changes, but Dr. Liang is much more demanding, and the dental caps that he made have been taken by his mentor to the national implant conference more than once as a model. Li Yubing originally thought that he could soon see the rumored capabilities of Liang Yesheng, but he did not expect Dr. Liang to be delayed by an accident.

  The hospital does several charity events every year for the sake of fame. Liang Yesheng happened to come just in time for one event, so he followed the team into the mountains to set up a charity clinic for children in rural elementary schools. Everything was going smoothly originally, they found many children with tooth decay, helped them apply medicine, and reminded them to brush their teeth with the correct method in the morning and evening. Liang Yesheng also pulled out a wobbly tooth for a child and gave him a doll from the hospital.

  As a result, the child's father was so grateful that he had to invite Liang Yesheng to dinner, and without waiting for Liang Yesheng to refuse, he took out the phone and called back home, asking his wife to prepare the chicken, and told her that the guest would be coming right away. His colleagues were all  laughing, saying that Dr. Liang is really popular, and encouraged him to go. They would eat their work meal while they waited for Liang Yesheng. He was also advised that the people here were very warm and respectful, and if Liang Yesheng insisted on refusing, then they might think that Liang Yesheng was looking down on them.

  Liang Yesheng thought about it, and finally decided to go, the child’s father drove a broken tricycle, letting Liang Yesheng and the kids sit in the back. In fact, the view was beautiful. Liang Yesheng was sitting in the car, watching the sun set in the distance. If the car had not turned over, this would have been a perfect charity event.

  Fortunately, no one was killed, and Liang Yesheng is still sitting in front of her now, smiling back at her, "It's almost healed, it's nothing."

  "How can it be nothing!" Li Yubing shouted, "I was in the work group chat and was shocked to see the photos. You fell because you were trying to protect the child, a tree branch even stabbed through your abdomen. It’s a good thing that none of your internal organs are hurt."

  When Liang Yesheng fell, his elbows propped up on the ground, so the injury was not deep, it just looked scary. The others wanted to notify his family for him, but he refused. The child's father also suffered minor injuries and went to the hospital. After bandaging, he rushed to Liang Yesheng's room to apologize repeatedly. Liang Yesheng listened to his remorse for almost ten minutes, then interrupted him: "Actually, I agreed to go to your home because I wanted to say something to you. If you really feel bad, then why don't you help me do something?"


  The other party naturally agreed immediately and heard Liang Yesheng say that he should go to this hospital's dentist for a checkup. As expected, the results came out, the man's periodontal disease has been quite serious. Liang Yesheng is a bit OCD when it comes to dental diseases, even if the person he is facing is not a patient. When this student's parent spoke to him, he saw red and swollen gums, plus the unbearable strong bad breath, it was obvious that this father's dental health problems were much more serious than his son's. But Liang Yesheng did not say this in front of others because the father might feel a little embarrassed. He thought he would wait until they got to the child’s home to talk to him privately, but did not expect to end up in the hospital.

  "It's not a big problem, but if you keep ignoring it, it's possible that you won't be able to keep your teeth in the future," Liang Yesheng said to him.

  "Dr. Liang, you are too nice, whoever marries you in the future must be really lucky. By the way, are you married?" The father wanted to praise Liang Yesheng, but like all older adults, he was concerned about Liang Yesheng's personal problems.

  "Yes." Just as Liang Yesheng mentioned Lu Ming, he remembered that Lu Ming is probably still at home, soundly asleep.

        So Liang Yesheng does not want others to tell Lu Ming. Anyway, he feels that it’s nothing serious, he could do the discharge procedures tomorrow, and then buy a new phone.

  He couldn’t see Lu Ming for the past few days and missed him a little, but when he actually goes back to see him, he was sure that Lu Ming would only make him angry again.

  Lu Ming will probably pretend that nothing has happened, dawdle to the study to ask Liang Yesheng to come over to eat — as if he really cooked himself. In reality, he just brings in the take-out, and sometimes he is even too lazy to pour the food into proper plates. Liang Yesheng might also hear him complaining on the phone with friends, asking how others coax their wives. Then, after the failure of comparison, would choose the more convenient method of climbing into bed. While kissing Liang Yesheng he would say, "Why are you upset again, stop being angry, it's all my fault, okay?"

  Liang Yesheng thought that it would be much better if he could directly pull the progress bar to the last step, which was to turn over Lu Ming, fold up his legs and f*k him. Of course, he has to turn Lu Ming on silent mode by covering his mouth, and also wait until the injury heals.

  However, this time, he didn’t even get the chance to wait for the injury to heal, forget about the last step of his original plan.


  "You should rest for a few more days, we are very concerned about you, did you see the notes sent to you?"

  Of course Liang Yesheng saw it. They sent several articles with big shiny headlines. He could only cover his phone with the palm of his hand so that Lu Ming, who was nested on the sofa eating snacks, would not be too curious to see.

  "There is a patient coming for a follow-up check at ten o'clock," Li Yubing said that this patient was originally operated by Liang Yesheng in the Third Hospital a few months ago, but followed him over when she heard that Liang Yesheng had changed his job.

  Mrs. Zhang had her teeth implanted three months ago, but her alveolar bone was too low so she had her teeth implanted only after she had a bone graft. In addition to the content of the check-up, she also consulted other questions in passing, "Dr. Liang, how are the orthodontists in this hospital? If possible, I want my daughter to do the procedure here. She feels that her mouth is convex all the time, and every day she looks in the mirror, she sees a bunch of problems."

  "Do you have a clearer picture of her?" Liang Yesheng asked, orthodontics is not his department, he could only give her some suggestions. Mrs. Zhang gave her daughter's photos for Liang Yesheng to see. She was quite a pretty little girl, only the incisors were a bit prominent, but Liang Yesheng felt that she should reconsider.

  "She can do it, but it’s not necessary. If it does not affect the face shape, or her bite and pronunciation, it actually gives her characteristic." When working, Liang Yesheng is incredibly normal and has high EQ, "Most beautiful people have slightly buckled teeth1, look at female celebrities like Wang Zu Xian and Zhou Hui Min."

  Mrs. Zhang was very happy to hear this, it’s as if her own daughter also entered the ranks of the beautiful actresses. She thought it was right to continue to look for Liang Yesheng, although it’s a private hospital, he would not encourage others just to make money, but to advise her to reconsider. Unlike the last time she went for a beauty treatment, those people couldn't wait to pick out a hundred kinds of problems to convince her to do different procedures — the most annoying thing is that she really did it, but when she went back, no one could see any change in her.

  Unconsciously, Liang Yesheng added, "My wife is also like this, his teeth are a bit messy, but very cute."


  "I’ve figured it out!" Lu Ming said, "Men being deadbeat really doesn’t work!"

  "Didn't you say you didn't spend his money?" The girl across the table asked.

  "I didn’t spend any large amounts." Lu Ming said, "But I thought about it, I live in the house that he bought, and sometimes he drives me home when I work late."

  "I don’t think that's the reason," the girl disagreed, "Look, you said it yourself, he drives you home after the performances, so why don't you let him in? No one has ever met the rumored sister-in-law."

  "But he never said he wanted to come," Lu Ming felt wronged. "If he wanted to see, he could have come in himself. And if he came in with me no one would charge him admission. I think he’s just not interested, and he has to work the next day anyway."

  "On Valentine's Day, my boyfriend sent me a red envelope of five hundred and twenty dollars2 and said I love you." The girl couldn't help it, "I didn't ask him to do it, but if he did nothing and said, ‘you should‘ve told me that you wanted five hundred and twenty dollars, how would I know what you want if you don’t tell me’, I would kill him."

  But Lu Ming also could not help but say, "Stop, Guo Qianqian, since when did you get a boyfriend?"

  Guo Qianqian said, "I'm giving an example! How can Dr. Liang be so unlucky to meet someone like you!"

  Lu Ming thought about it, and it seems that there are times when, after he waved and said goodbye, Liang Yesheng did not immediately drive the car away, but rolled down the window. When Lu Ming asked what's wrong, Liang Yesheng would say, “ it’s a little hot, I’m trying to get some air.”

  "The main thing is that our lives are too out of tune." Lu Ming said, "I just never thought that he would want to listen to hiphop."

  "He doesn't necessarily want to listen to hiphop," This was the first time Guo Qianqian spoke to Lu Ming about relationship problems, and she only just found out how difficult it is to communicate with Lu Ming, "He probably just wants to stay with you."

  "Really?" Lu Ming's voice became a bit muffled, he was not quite sure of Guo Qianqian's speculation. Strangely enough, he was never embarrassed when talking to anyone, including his own parents, about the industry he was in. Hip-hop is niche and has many not-so-good points, but Lu Ming genuinely likes it. It just feels out of place to put Liang Yesheng in. Liang Yesheng won't like this kind of music. Lu Ming thought so from the beginning, so he didn't let Liang Yesheng listen to his songs or take him into the live house. If Liang Yesheng frowns and says the music is bad, Lu Ming would feel embarrassed. He doesn't want to lose face in front of Liang Yesheng.

  "You know what, it is good to split up, I always feel that I am not in the same circle with him." Lu Ming added, "You see, he is a doctor, and I did not even finish college. He is a dentist, and I ......"

  Lu Ming looked up and grinned at Guo Qianqian: "I don't even have straight teeth!"

The author’s notes:

  His teeth are really just a little messy, the very cute kind of messy!

1 This is an old saying that writes, 美人三分龅

2 520 (五二零) sounds like “I love you” (我爱你) in Chinese. Usually couples would gift each other with red envelopes of five hundred twenty dollars on valentines day to show their love. 

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