Chapter 18

Chapter 18

  Teacher L did not accept the money that Lu Ming transferred, she said there is no hurry, she’ll wait to settle the matter with Lu Ming after the problem has been solved. Lu Ming was a little uneasy, he went to ask Bing Bing if this person would charge a lot of money.

  Bing Bing's voice sounded breathless, "Don't worry, it's not expensive, if you spend too much money I can pay for you."

  Lu Ming didn’t believe him, "Come on, you’re pretending to be rich, do you even have money?"

  ...... I am rich now… from the money your husband gave. Bing Bing would like to say so, but can only hold back.

  Teacher L also asked Lu Ming when he was going to give the tickets, Lu Ming said this morning, that way Liang Yesheng can see it when he goes out to work. But the problem is that he needs to get up early, which is difficult.

  Lu Ming felt that he had really given a lot of effort.

  He managed to get up early the next day. Estimating Liang Yesheng's work time, he went a few minutes early, ready to stuff the ticket on the door handle, without considering how much this behavior is like posting ads.

  But at the same time, Liang Yesheng actually opened the door and walked out.

  Lu Ming was panicking as if he was really posting ads and was caught by the city police, but he did not run away, because waiting for the elevator would take a long time, there’s no chance to run away.

  Besides, Liang Yesheng already started to speak to him, Liang Yesheng asked him, "What's wrong?"

  Lu Ming said, "This, the show tickets."

  "This is a QR code." It was a QR code that was sized to fit the entire piece of copy paper.

  "Nowadays people use electronic tickets." Lu Ming said, "but I specifically found a print store to print it out for you."

  Lu Ming saw Liang Yesheng holding the paper, and felt a little embarrassed a moment later. He doesn’t know why Liang Yesheng came out so early today, but now that he’s standing here, Lu Ming can't help but say something, "Saturday night at eight, at the Wildfire livehouse. It’s ...... we have new songs!"

  He can not think of a reason why Liang Yesheng must come, maybe the first live performance of a new song would make it more attractive?

  "That Xu Ou's?" Liang Yesheng actually asked him.

  It was indeed Xu Ou's new song, Lu Ming thought, and it seemed that Liang Yesheng had listened to more songs than he had thought.

  "Then you will go, right?" Lu Ming asked him.

  Liang Yesheng said, "I'll go when I'm free."

  The task was completed, it was time for Lu Ming to go, and he took two steps back, "Then I'll go first ......"

  "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Liang Yesheng called out to him.

  Seeing the look in Lu Ming's eyes, Liang Yesheng thought, finally he was experiencing in real life what it means to be pulled to the same IQ level by a dumb person, and then get defeated by the other party’s rich life experience of being dumb.

  As soon as Liang Yesheng faced Lu Ming, he could not think of any smart moves, and he might even be dumber than Lu Ming.

  Lu Ming didn't expect Liang Yesheng to actually take him to morning tea.

  "Are you able to get to work on time?" Lu Ming asked, "Why do you have so much time?"

  "Then you eat faster." Liang Yesheng said, "If I’m late it’ll be your responsibility."

  Lu Ming didn't know how it became his responsibility. In fact, he bought a few buns before he left home today. But once Liang Yesheng asked, Lu Ming accidentally told a big lie.

  But he was really a little full, he only ate a few bites. Liang Yesheng also did not eat much, he was looking at Lu Ming.

  Liang Yesheng is good-looking to the point where people will curse, Lu Ming was thinking, if his photos were posted on the Internet will be criticized by straight-men due to jealousy. Fortunately, Lu Ming is not a straight man. 

  But when Lu Ming looked at the time, he realized that even if he did not finish eating, Liang Yesheng probably had to go to work. He also wanted to look at Liang Yesheng a few more times, but there was no reason to. 

  When he was about to go checkout, Lu Ming said, "I have a toothache." 

  Lu Ming’s wisdom tooth was peacefully growing, but had to suddenly face such a tragic false accusation. If it had consciousness, it would probably feel very aggrieved. Lu Ming did not consider its feelings at all, so he followed Liang Yesheng down stairs and got into his car. 

  Liang Yesheng asked Li Yubing to help watch Lu Ming. Lu Ming always felt very strange, Liang Yesheng was treating him like a kid who needed coaxing. 

  Li Yubing's attitude is not quite the same, she gave Lu Ming a glass of water and began to ask him, "How come you didn't tell me you and Dr. Liang were a couple last time?" 

  Lu Ming didn't know what to say, so he asked her in return, "Did Liang Yesheng tell you?" 

  "Yeah," Li Yubing said. 

  "What else did he say?" Lu Ming asked, "Then he shouldn’t have said those words about his wife being gentle and virtuous!"

  If those words are repeated once more, Lu Ming was afraid he would really have a toothache and headache. 

  "I don't believe him now," Li Yubing said honestly, "you don't look like his wife." 

  "Of course I don't look like his wife," Lu Ming said a little reluctantly, "I'm a man!" 

  "I'm not blind, I can see that you are a man." Li Yubing couldn't help but tease Lu Ming, "But you look younger than my brother, when did you get married to him? This year?"

  This is the limit of Lu Ming's age that she can estimate, but Lu Ming feels that he is despised.

  Lu Ming thought, is it because he wears oversized clothing too much, maybe he needed to go buy a few polo shirts to look more mature? But Liang Yesheng usually does not wear polo shirts either.

  Liang Yesheng, who was a little late, finished treating the patient and called Lu Ming in.

  Liang Yesheng asked Lu Ming to open his mouth and said while looking at it, "I rarely do extractions and fillings these days."

  Of course, it is impossible for him to do everything, but an exception could be made for a family member.

  But Lu Ming feels that this doctor doesn’t seem too professional, he has been to the dentist before, but isn’t Liang Yesheng a little too close?

  "Remember to come on Saturday." Lu Ming still couldn't help but say, "I've already invited you, so don't say anything about being too busy ......"

  "I will go." Liang Yesheng said through the mask.

  "How come you don't usually wear glasses," Lu Ming asked again, "so do you actually not know what I look like at all?"

  Liang Yesheng paused for a moment and pressed his gloved thumb on Lu Ming's lips, "You're talking so much today, it doesn't look very much like a toothache."

  After a while, Lu Ming walked out, a little dizzy.

  When Liang Yesheng went to prepare the anesthetic, Lu Ming regretted it again and said that he wanted to reconsider whether to pull it out or not. He is still a little afraid of pain, besides, his brain is already a little numb right now. So numb that he forgot his cell phone in Liang Yesheng's place, and turned back to get it.

  He contacted teacher L again, "I accidentally kissed him just now, What do I do?"

  Teacher L: "Accidentally?"

The author’s notes:

Teacher L: ^ ^ waiting for the problem to be resolved before I settle things with you