彩虹琥珀/Rainbow Amber


Rainbow Amber by 木更木更/Mu Geng Mu Geng/静水边/Jing Shui Bian

《彩虹琥珀》Cǎi Hóng Hǔ Pò

The author didn't really write a synopsis, but basically: Zheng Yu An met Yan Shu Wang because of his work as a banker, but slowly developed a good impression of Yan Shu Wang under Yan Shu Wang's teasing. 

Long-haired/Beautiful/CFO Gong X  Gentle/Charming/Banker Shou

Here's the exact translation of the author's description:

Yan Shu Wang (Gong) (35 years old) & Zheng Yu An (Shou) (30 years old)

Age difference of five years; straight to gay; long-haired Gong. 

Shou had been single for more than three years, he had ex-girlfriends, but none of them were peculiar. Gong is naturally gay; has only ever been Gong; has been Gong from beginning to end; the type of Gong that’s extremely manly. He’s not a jerk, never cheats, and is affectionate. That’s the set up, you guys judge for yourselves whether it is acceptable, lots of love! 

Thank you, Weibo@桃黑波太, for the cover.


The author wrote the novel under the name 木更木更 (Mu Geng Mu Geng), but she's better known as 静水边 (Jing Shui Bian).

In case it's not clear, "Zheng" is Shou's last name, and "Yu An" is his first name. Same goes for the other characters. (It's just that Yuan sounds and looks like a single character. Plus, Yu An's nickname is Yuan Yuan, which means circle)

The cover for this page and all the following chapter pages are from the Rainbow Amber manhua!