Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The tenth article of “The Bible of Love”:

  "There will never be a universal bible of love, if you really need to solve a marriage crisis, what you need is accurate analysis and interpretation of the relationship. For specifics, please contact teacher L (WeChat code: shabicaixin123). All you need is a month's salary, and you can return to the stage of passionate love. "

  Liang Yesheng of course did not remarry, it has only been a few days. If he can go to work and find a new partner to marry so quickly, then he should go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a membership discount card. If he goes out to find someone else every night after Lu Ming falls asleep, and then comes back quietly in the morning, then he should not be a dentist, he should be a spy instead.

  When listening to Li Yubing, Lu Ming just felt as if... he was a little ...... he couldn't really describe the emotions.

  Seeing that Liang Yesheng did not answer, Lu Ming asked again, "You’re into this type1?"

  Of course not, if so, Liang Yesheng would have just gotten a gentle and virtuous wife, and will probably even have children now. He never needed Lu Ming to do things like that, but in the eyes of ordinary people, the measure of happiness is such. That's why Liang Yesheng would describe it to others this way, trying to prove the happiness he got from being with Lu Ming.

  If this is what Liang Yesheng wants for him deep down, then Lu Ming feels that he can't do it even if he goes to the hospital tomorrow and has his genital cut, not to mention how Lu Ming doesn't want to go cut—

  Fuck, why would he even think about this.

  Liang Yesheng watched Lu Ming's expression change, and thought, here it goes again.

  Lu Ming began to be aggrieved again, he looked like this every time he didn't know what he did wrong, looking very innocent. It will make Liang Yesheng can't help but feel that it may not be Lu Ming's fault.

  "I was just hanging around your place," Lu Ming said, "trying to find your adulterer."

  "And did you find them?" Liang Yesheng was curious to know what conclusion Lu Ming came up with.

  Of course not, Lu Ming was biting his finger, he was relying on this to distract himself from his toothache, "It could be anyone here. That person is really fucking trash, knowing that you have a ...... still have the nerve to mess with broken shoes2!"

  "That's not how the word is used." Liang Yesheng couldn't resist reminding Lu Ming of his use of words, and asked, "What did you say I had?"

  Lu Ming did not want to repeat that word, because he simply did not meet the requirements of Liang Yesheng's choice of spouse, and Liang Yesheng’s gentle and virtuous wife was all bullshit. He felt like a wisdom tooth of Liang Yesheng; he was originally not supposed to be in Liang Yesheng’s life, but he rashly forced his way in, and then grew crooked, squeezing the normal growth of teeth. And last night’s love making felt as if it was just a shot of anesthetic before surgery to take the tooth out for good. 

  He did not want to be the tooth being pulled out.

  "Why is it always me who’s wrong." Lu Ming felt that now it was not only his tooth that ached, "What about you? Are you always right? I can't see you at all! I can't see you during the day, I can't see you on weekends, and you're always angry with me when I see you, dammit!"

  That’s why when his friends wanted to get together after a show, Lu Ming always had to rush back, he wanted to see Liang Yesheng, he wanted to hold him and kiss him. Lu Ming is a person without a plan, so it feels like he’s rushing forward every day, but never looking in the right direction.

  He was thinking yesterday that maybe he should just forget about it, getting cheated on is inevitable, he can give in to Liang Yesheng once more. After all, after having breakup sex, he does not want to break up anymore. But Lu Ming didn’t dare say it, he did not know what Liang Yesheng was thinking.

  This is not like a rap battle competition, there is no moderator to announce the winner, but Lu Ming really wants someone to come and give him and Liang Yesheng a score.

  "You are not either!" Lu Ming looked up at Liang Yesheng, he was so sad that his face was wrinkled, "You are not gentle and virtuous either!"

  He is certainly not a careful and gentle person who can do housework, but Liang Yesheng is also not a girlfriend who can be coaxed by buying lipstick.

  "Other people's girlfriends are very easy to coax," Lu Ming actually began to accuse Liang Yesheng, "they’re just as beautiful as you are, but they just need the boyfriend to buy a gift and admit that they’re wrong."

  But, Lu Ming’s friends are mostly rappers. And their girlfriends, most of whom are fans, naturally have a filter and a sense of admiration for their boyfriends.

  "If you wanted a virtuous wife why did you marry me, you must be crazy." Lu Ming said as he stared down at the floor again.

  Liang Yesheng felt it was time to interrupt him, "Then why did you marry me?"

  "If I didn’t like you, why would I have married you?" Lu Ming asked rhetorically, "I got married on my birthday, remember? My twenty-second birthday!"

  Twenty-two years old, the legal age of marriage for men, even when same-sex marriage is passed, this law has not changed. That day Lu Ming woke up early in the morning, told Liang Yesheng that he was going to do something big, and dragged Liang Yesheng to the Civil Affairs Bureau. People looked puzzled and asked him if he was here to do the low income insurance or to receive college grants for orphans.

  Lu Ming learned that there was a separate window for marriage registration, as well as the fact that the way he dressed made him look poor.

  And Liang Yesheng just stood on the side with his arms crossed, watching Lu Ming toss and turn with some amusement, running from one place to another. Lu Ming was so apprehensive that he turned his head to look at Liang Yesheng again and pulled Liang Yesheng's clothes, "I want a birthday present."

  He was actually a little afraid that Liang Yesheng would reject him, but Liang Yesheng bowed his head and very gently kissed Lu Ming's eyes and signed his name. Lu Ming, of course, knows that feelings do not necessarily last and are likely to deteriorate, even uneducated people understand that. But when he recalls that moment, he still feels that Liang Yesheng loves him. 

  "I married you for the same reason you married me." Liang Yesheng said. Lu Ming is sitting across from Liang Yesheng, who is now in a working state and wearing a pair of glasses, "stop overthinking, I’m with you only because I love you."

  There was a knock on the door. The patient who came for the examination had arrived.

  Not waiting for Liang Yesheng to speak, Lu Ming already stood up and walked out, almost hitting the door. He panicked, feeling like he had just forgotten to ask something.

  Next time he would take his notebook with him.

  Liang Yesheng was acutely aware that it was wrong to let private life interfere with work, especially when the assistant was very gossipy. He should have just let Lu Ming go to a random dentist office by himself.

  Li Yubing said, "I just asked him who he was, and he seemed a little angry, and said he was your mistress."

  "He just has no control over his mouth," Liang Yesheng said, "Don't listen to his nonsense."

  "How can I believe it?" Li Yubing smiled, "You have a wife."

  "......" Liang Yesheng paused for a second and said, "He’s my wife."

1 Here Lu Ming is referring to what Li Yubing said in the previous chapter: "Dr. Liang has a wife, who’s especially gentle and virtuous, and cooks for him every day, never letting him do a bit of housework."

2 An insulting slur, referring to sexual relationships with prostitutes; also a general term for men and women who engage in inappropriate sexual behavior.