What is PBL?


"PBL is the act of learning through identifying a real-world problem and developing its solution. Kids show what they learn as they journey through the unit, not just at the end."

What Project Based Learning Isn't

What is PBL?

"To own this work we need to be brave. Having ownership over something can feel scary sometimes. It can make you feel pressured and overwhelmed, like any tiny mistake will mess up everything. You can feel responsible for anything, good or bad. Sometimes having that opportunity to have ownership and feel that way can be scary.

We need to be able to grow comfortable in our individual work. Because ownership is also rewarding. You get to feel like you are valuable. You get the chance to say "I own this" and feel pride in what you've accomplished. When we focus on being empowered instead of scared, we might be able to move forward as a leader."

Additional Resources

Oldie but goodie

This video comes from the year 2015 while still working at a middle school. This was to capture examples of project based learning in action to showcase what students are capable of doing when given permission.

Author of several PBL books

How can you expect me to do this in my classroom?

Most Likely To Succeed Documentary