Work Time

Work Session on Ideas

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Today is a work day. We have prepared them and now they just need time to work, build, process, staying flexible and agile as ideas work and don't work. They key for today is making sure we capture all ideas and remove the labels of good or bad or right and wrong. We will need these ideas later when we move into developing and uncovering real problems that need real solutions.

Putting Ideas Into Action Through Connections

Systems - The human Lens

Today’s message was simple: In a system we need humans, humans that LISTEN, humans fueled by HOPE, and humans that SHOW UP…not because they were asked to but because they WANT to…

Key Ideas of Work From Today

Planning, Reflecting and Revising

  • We figure out WHY & HOW to effectively use our strengths to move forward toward a common goal,we become UNSTOPPABLE.Designing models for living on the moon…using what we know about systems & survival,past & present as a guide

  • Team meetings,ideas that “stand tall”, collaboration,adding VALUE to existing plans,listening to all VOICES…

  • ....these are some of the pieces necessary when working toward a common GOAL…ss reflect on pieces of the process that WORK

Work Day Progress

We solve problems for a PURPOSE.

1. We ARTICULATE & ILLUSTRATE how our system interconnects and how the pieces thread together creating the bigger picture…

2. Students define “done” - how will we know when we get to that point?

No Right Or Wrong!

We realize there isn’t a “right” answer…in fact ALL ideas have possibilities…keeping an open, flexible, and willing mind makes this work FUN and hard to leave.