Day 2

Organizing a Plan to Execute Day 2

Today students put the SCRUM tools and learning to use for the second day. Giving them a specific time to do a stand up meeting so they process how to take ownership of the work as a group along with individual accountability.

Today will need to be a bit more guided until they grasp the flow and responsibility.

Main goal is to develop a project planning form(provided) to be able to share with educators two days later.

Learning is a cycle of reflective team work + problem solving framework in order to be authentic real world problem solvers.

Capturing All Voices

Our teams have come together to share ideas, information, & research that will help each other’s cause-when we care about the system and the success of all people we are WILLING, we LISTEN to do better, & we CARE about the outcomes ⁦

Doing some reading and came across this passage. Reinforces the project we are piloting using SCRUM with sixth grade students. Real world applications and systems.

“We keep coming up with more questions…” as they dig and search their ideas begin to morph and evolve, changing and challenging their previous mental models…PERFECT!

Ss meet to talk work goals, plan tasks & assign accountability, DO, then celebrate, and reorganize and prioritize work for tomorrow…ss own the IDEAS & the PROCESS…they are leading, designing, creating & THEY are driving the work


Template for Elevator Pitch

FG Survival Project Problem Elevator Pitch