Sprint Cycle 3

This Sprint Cycle is not broken down by days as it was for Sprint Cycle 1 and 2. The reason being is that this is a huge and often times stressful week of shifting from prototype to final build design. We have captured thoughts and ideas through this five days of crazy, busy work, but essentially each day teams made a quick plan with a focus on really prioritizing the work and making it happen.

By the end of these days the final products should be around 75-80% complete.

Note - Very few pictures and video were taken as everyone is in major crunch mode. We barely had time to do much of anything except move from group to group to offer assistance as needed.

Day 13 - 17: Work Days

Maglev Train Test 245(just kidding)

Constructing Plant Growing Chamber

Learning how to create cardboard geodesic dome for greenhouse

Designing various rover wheels

Sometimes we just need a moment to ourselves to work through a problem. Ebb and flow of individual, small group, and whole group is essential.

Can we create treads like a tank out of cardboard? I don't know, can we?

Why, yes we can!

Which size is actually accurate?

Learning to pivot......again

When we hand the work over to kids we tell them we BELIEVE in them-they become self-directed and own their work…this prototype caused a team to change course on design and build…caring about work that matters to them…feeling accomplished

The CONFIDENCE becomes real. They have experienced "I CAN"!