Day 9

Today you should start to see the ideas that seemed unclear start to come to fruition. The prototypes will start to actually look like their solution. Not perfect, not glamorous, but pay attention to how proud of their work they are and just imagine where they will be in the final build stage.

Don't be an imitator, be a creator!

It's not our story to tell

Transfer of Power

Prototypes are almost ready for conversation…they have the opportunity to ask ?s, gather more information & adjust, pivot, or abandon ideas…this input will help them design the best version of their solution in the next few weeks

Natural Wonder

1st graders come into the library and wanted to see everything the students were making. Awesome opportunity to build culture, share, and express ideas.

Self Made Seed Container

This group continues to learn how to build and design a self watering mechanism to keep plants live without human interference.

Bridge with Morse Code

This group is developing a bridge system for craters along with a morse code communication system.

Fountain and Water System that will pump water in a sprinkler type action to help keep plants alive.

Brainstorming ideas of a bridge and rover project.

Figuring out how to design and engineer the best spacesuit for radiation

Bring ideas to life as this group prototypes a rover

Power of Community Spaces

Impromptu Sharing

Our 1st graders are curious and want to see what these 6th graders are up to…today’s task: designing a water pump that will detect moisture or lack of…which then triggers a “sprinkler” so watering can happen…

Ownership of Learning....

begins to take shape when others see your work and you just have to share with the world what you are creaging and making! This is true power of a learner journey when they want the world to know their ideas even if in prototype development.

Across grade levels. Asking questions. Supporting deeper thinking and creativity.