Present, Reflect, Prep for Lab

Academy Presentation Day

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Today everyone presents their work. We listen to learn. We listen to be inspired. We listen to come up with new ideas in the weeks to come. It is a very exciting day to hear how all the little pieces and designs matter!

Today the ACADEMY ends…students presented their colonies…focused on the story & how the small parts interconnect. Next, we start the ACADEMY…teams will develop a “user story”, a vision,& they’ll need to define “done”…then work continues…

The LAB opens next week!: New teams, SCRUM training, research, analyze feedback, and then jump in AGAIN…this time with a specific focus and direct questions to help us plan for a bigger better build…

Academy Lunar Colony Presentations

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Presentation 3

After a week of hard work and having so much fun bringing ideas to life we have to close the Academy. Part of this process is taking everything we worked on creating this during this stage. It is not fun. The kids don't like, but it will yield so many new ideas moving forward.


Sad News

Well…..this wasn’t their favorite thing to hear!


Disappointment was real…when you have OWNERSHIP, VOICE & you’ve INVESTED in REAL work that you CARE about, it’s hard to break it all down & restart…but…restarting means new GOALS, new UNDERSTANDING, & stronger IDEAS