Day 14: Tim Needles

Day 14: Speaking with Tim Needles About Story Design

Story Elements

Story Mapping

Narrative Arc

Conversation around stories

How To Craft Stories With Tim Needles

01:10 Who is Tim Needles?

03:10 How do begin to tell a story beyond a slide deck and notecard presentation?

09:30 How do we build connections between our insights with an audience that needs a relatability element to the story?

14:00 Power of surprise

14:40 Story Mapping

17:40 How do we use various mediums to help tell our story?

22:30 What is the best way to remember things without notecards?

24:00 How do we handle the situation where we don’t know the answer?

28:14 What do you do with NASA as Solar System Ambassador?

31:00 What was your TED talk about?

32:00 Who have you interviewed and spoken with?

34:00 Is there an easy way to connect elements when they don’t feel connected?

37:00 How do we figure out the story development while in a time crunch?

39:00 What is your main tool/device when you are stuck in your own work?

See his work at

Resources mentioned