Day 4

Today students are going to work to refine and be consice with what direction they plan on going. For this lesson students will use three pieces of chart paper to showcase the following

#1 – Clearly stated driving questions

#2 – User stories

#3 – Sketches of solutions

An idea that cannot be articulated is an idea not fully understood.....yet

True ownership of learning, setting goals, and accountability by starting each class with a daily stand up meeting reach our goals

Group work doesn’t have to be forced or mandated when Ss are in the driver seat. They will naturally find connections & collaborations through the journey. Let them make the group work for them instead of forcing it.

When your library has multiple grades crossing paths of learning all day chart paper used as a screen so prior learning is not lost. This is so darn powerful of students seeing other students in action!

In a system CONFIDENCE is expected, there isn’t room for EGO…if ego is present it denies the REAL WORK, growth/change, & improvement. It’s the easy route bc it feels good-CONFIDENCE builds a strong system…ego can dismantle one…


Template for Elevator Pitch

FG Survival Project Problem Elevator Pitch