Instructional Moves

Co-Teaching and Collaboration

Because of the depth and breadth of this work, it is imperative to team with colleagues in this process. It does take hours of planning time outside of school. It is a constant reflective process that evolves in response to student needs. The instuctor' purpose is to provide the overarching framework and necessary DOK for the learning goals and then to support the students' ownership and movement forward of the work at hand.

Panel Discussions

Initial panel discussion - students having to demonstrate conversational competence to answer analytical questions (RL.61, RI.6.1, SS.6.8, SS.6.14, SS.6.22) based on the text from All Thirteen, using their team members to collaborate and justify/illustrate their thinking using specific examples from the text. Students were required to think in a flexible and fluid way in response to their teammates.

Written Response

Book Creator is a tech tool students use to demonstrate their deep understanding of concepts and ideas within the text. This platform allows for ongoing feedback, provides collaboration opportunities, and is a mulit-media tool that allows students to demonstrate their learning in mulitple ways. (RL.61, RI.6.1, SS.6.8, SS.6.14, SS.6.22)


Students use these strategies to make meaning from text, to synthesize informaiton, and to pull out central ideas within the text. This visual format allows students to demonstrate the understanding of relationships, and how the layers of complex ideas and concepts are interconnected. (RL.61, RI.6.1, SS.6.8, SS.6.14, SS.6.22)


Podcasting is an authentic opportunity to build conversational competence. Students are confident in discussing their new learning. This sets the stage for subsequent steps in this work. Students begin to see how they can add value to the 'greater good'. They begin to see that this is bigger than the individual. All voices are needed. This is a natural connection to introducing Iowa's Universal Constructs ( creativity, productivity/adaptability, collaboration, communication, flexible/adaptible and critical thinking).


Students learn multiple pathways in order to organize and format their thinking. These include: formal notetaking, main idea and details (bold words and bullets), mind mapping, sketchnoting, and diagramming. Students determine what format works best for them by weighing the necessary outcome with the resource(s). (Universal Constructs)


In reponse to the current instruction, students meet briefly to discuss next steps. This is can be a teacher response to the "in the moment learning" in the room to help student reset, pivot and adjust their work. Stand-ups are also student led when they need to realign as a team, share information, reprioritize tasks, and they use stand ups to create goals and assign accountability for the task ahead. (Universal Constructs)