SCRUM Workshop

What is SCRUM?

SCRUM Workshop in Action

Learning a cycle of reflective team work + problem solving framework in order to be authentic real world problem solvers

"In our first SCRUM session, we learned that EVERY VOICE MATTERS. We know this by applying all of our strategies into something great. After this, we are blown away at what we created. This method is sort of like a reflection on YOU. How are you as a team member? Are you collaborating and sharing out? Is there something you want to add onto? These personal questions affect the way we function as a member of our team. This will challenge us to think bigger and stronger, but also deeper and wider. When we can do this, our projects can turn into something we didn't anticipate in the first place. Scrum also taught me how to showcase my strengths and my weaknesses, because when it comes to contributing, I know I need to step up to the plate and share what I have to offer. We all need to break that mental barrier of keeping us from doing great things when making new ideas come to life. Laura did a great job making sure this wasn't an issue for us. She did this by ensuring we understood how to feel comfortable and confident"

Compass Direction Processing

Compass Direction Processing

"Scrum showed me a different way to think, it gave me new insight on how to stay organized and in order. I thought it was cool to learn about how different personalities can connect, almost like each one balances the others out. It was interesting to see a team less like a group of people, and more like a system of contributing gears. Each one with it's own skill and value it brings to help keep the others moving. Scrum really taught me a lot about teamwork and ideas. It gave me some new things to think about, and new things to reflect on. Such as the teamwork piece I mentioned earlier. In conclusion, Scrum was an amazing learning experience I'm glad I got to participate in."

SCRUM Notebooks

"My reflection on this first Scrum is that it helped me open up and find my best qualities to share with my team. When working in groups I get more ideas than I would on my own time. I have uncovered all the ways you can come together, collaborate and add value as a team. What Laura taught us is going to help me in the future by helping me adjust to different situations. Going into this with an open mind helped me because it shaped and shifted your mind to learn this new way of thinking so you can use it with different things"

Ping Pong Team Challenge

Power of Iteration and Retrospecting

The Power of Discovering Ourselves

A great day of SCRUM training with 6th graders. Another great system to use in our epic project to empower students with autonomy, teamwork, and real word solutions.

Important goals not just for SCRUM but in all things that we do.

Powerful training today empowering students to "deliver value, in a safe environment, for the purpose of making people awesome while solving real world problems.

As media specialists and libraries dwindle we must see how valuable these spaces serve to learning and community when seen as more than book checkout(which is very important) I love the vision of Beth Campbell to model how a library space can serve in so many powerful ways.

Power of learning spaces to allow for learning to feel right for each student. Without safe spaces for learning with flexibility for each learner authentic learning and vulnerable think can’t occur.


Agile Project Canvas

Agile Project Canvas


AEA Online SCRUM Playbook