
Day 23 - Rehearsing, revising, and practicing presentation.

Today students will work on their scripts and practice their presentations with goal of not being tied directly to the script, but showcasing who they are as people to display their learning journey.

Today students are also getting their space location for their exhibition setup.

A lot of work with lots of moving parts. If you can bring in admin, other teachers, or outside help to give students another perspective to the presentations while teachers work on setup, handouts, logistics, and feedback it is really helpful.

Feedback from new voices

We brought in educators from the community to help give feedback who have project based learning experience.

coaches/Admin exploration

We brought in admin, coaches, and district personnel to provide more feedback as we shore up our presentations and work to be professional in our storytelling of our learning adventure.

Day 24 - practing presentation, final product work, space setup

It finally levitates!

Nothing like crunch time to finally get your final product concept working! The maglev train concept finally levitates with one minute to spare in class.

Painitng Home Dome

Painting and adding final details to the Home Dome. First time using rollers which was an experience in and of itself.

Exhibition Design

Team display areas slowly coming together. How do we use our background to strengthen our storytelling?

Tim Needles Advice

Tim Needles gave us great advice on how to “tell our story” in a way that engages & connects our audience…he told us to “go with the flow”…he shared how he wrote one word on each finger to help him remember the most important points…today we see his advice in action…

Day 25 - final presentations to whole class

John Spencer Graphic

The human journey…it’s messy, not isolated, it’s interwoven, it’s human-centered, not scripted, not YOURS (teacher) & at times just plain frustrating - BUT when you choose to commit & when you value & believe in the outcomes, it’s MAGIC!

Human Journey Learning Process

Taking a look at our journey and how our SYSTEMS THINKING around SURVIVAL is interwoven throughout the past, present, and future…stepping back to see the BIG PICTURE helps us reconnect with where we’ve been and where we’re going…

Day 26 - exhibition

Agenda for Exhibition


5:45: Pizza arrives and let people get settled into cafeteria

6:00 - 6:45:

  • 5 Minutes - Opening comments by Aaron

  • 10 Minutes - QCESC Opening Remarks

  • 10 Minutes - Steven Smith opening remarks

  • 5 Minutes - Thank you to sponsors, support, etc.Aaron Mauer

  • 10 Minutes - Expectations for evening and discuss driving question - What are the ingredients required to survive regardless of time, space, or place?

Learning Journey

6:45 - 7:00 - Students will share overarching idea of the project and then focus in on their learning journey from the past and present

7:00 - 7:15 - Students will have their learning journey from the past and present to the the future where students applied all the learning.

Celebration: The Arena

This is the part that is pure celebration and fun. We have covered the learning journey and now students can simply show off their energy and excitement for what they have created.

7:15 - 7:45

Now that students have shared their learning journey and the process it is now time to share with everyone their final product(s) and the prototypes that brought them to this point of the learning journey.

Additionally, during this time Steven Smith from NASA will be open for Q&A for anyone who wants to speak with him.


7:45 - 8:00 - Final thoughts and conclusion with opportunity to leave a comment card for the groups

Student Badges

Each student has a plastic nametag with lanyard. Their name goes where the white space is seen on the badge.


Team Posters

All six posters are in this PDF that showcases their research, solution, and the pros and cons to their work.


Exhibition Handout

This is what is provided to each person who comes to the exhibition

Opening exhibition slides

Display Walls Entering the Exhibition

Final Presentations: