Emanating from the U2 District

8/17/2023  Read below the latest documents  regarding the issue of sound experts analyzing the data re. NU proposals !

ERT provided a recount of the time line regarding Interwest (hired by by the City of Evanston), Arup (hired by Wilmette residents) and WJHW's study (commissioned by NU).

The New Ryan Field - Disaster Awaits.pdf

NU’s sound consultant originally conducted a sound analysis predicted from the concerts using the dBA scale. The City of Evanston paid for a further study (Interwest) that used the dBC scale. Despite the fact that this sound analysis was insufficient in scope [see above documents], it is evident that:

Sound levels will exceed 80 dB SPL to the west and north of the stadium and will reach up to 95 dB  SPL around McCulloch Park. While football game only has isolated loud sounds, the typical concert according to the updated report will emit 80-95 dB SPL levels constantly for 3-4 hours. 

2 hours at 80 dB SPL and/or 50 minutes at 95 dB SPL will damage hearing. 

With every 10 dB increase, the sense of loudness to the ear doubles. As sound levels rise from 60 to 80 dB SPL, the noise level sounds 4 times louder. 

Information provided by Fiona McCarthy, mechanical engineer, and Stefano Mereu, simulation expert. 


Such excessive sound levels for a period of hours will also cause a host of other health problems. Several concerts and sound from the proposed band-shell performances will only exponentially compound the detrimental effects. 

Below: Updated sound analysis

Sound  issues caused by NU's buildings  in the U2 District and NU's  attitude regarding such problems are also evident in the still unresolved Welsh Arena's chillers issue. 

 2018-2023 Wilmette vs NU Arena Noise .

Below see the latest correspondence between affected residents and Dave Davis (NU) re. the chillers issue. 

If NU cannot fix this relatively smaller noise disturbance, how can the City of Evanston expect NU to handle much louder and wide spreading noise that will emanate from the proposed stadium and bandshell?

2023: NU's inability to fix the Welsh Ryan Arena chillers sound issues still persists

4/23/23 1:04 PM, D Thiersch to Mike Miller

Was the problem with the chiller noise ever resolved? Was it still a problem last summer? 

4/23/2023 at 1:22 PM Mike Miller to D Thiersch

No, it is not resolved. They supposedly did something last autumn, then when I asked this year when a neighbor heard the noise Dave Davis gave us this timeline [Note that they already did some sort of "soft wrap" about 3 years ago]


4/16/2023 Dave Davis to Mike Miller

With the warm months approaching, I wanted to provide you with an update on the chiller sound attenuation improvement project.

As you know, last summer, we worked with a third-party engineering consultant to measure and analyze the chiller noise. Based on those findings, we identified the primary noise sources and determined recommendations for mitigating the noise. The following information provides an update on the key factors involved with the recommended work.

Scope of Work

Turn-key design and installation of new sound attenuation materials:

Anticipated Timeline

It’s important to note that these improvements will reduce the chiller noise but NOT eliminate the sound in its entirety. Even though the sound attenuation will provide noticeable relief, we are unable to forecast how the sound experienced by some neighbors will be perceived. We can only say that we are reducing the noise as promised, which should result in a better overall experience for our neighbors.