Communications Index

The picture above is from 1970, when the Chicago Bears played once in Dyche Stadium. The resulting traffic congestion was enough to convince residents in the surrounding neighborhoods, and the City of Evanston that once was enough.

Spotlight has scanned or transcribed many of the letters and affidavits. Transcription has been done, either for clarity since the originals are hard to read, or to hide the more recent signatures (privacy concerns).  The older letters were originally photo-copied in 1996  from records archived by the City of Evanston.  Spotlight still has the "original" photocopies as part of a trove of documents testifying to the turbulent past involving the City and NU.

In the 70's and to some extent in the 90's, letters were either handwritten or typed and sent through the post office. The extra effort required to produce and deliver the letters, was more than compensated by the willingness of members of the various committees to hear their residents, and the City's cooperation in keeping and providing documentation and timely information.