2019 Allowed Uses by Zoning Districts

Below see the City of Evanston Zoning Use Summaries (updated November 2009).

"The chart below identifies uses that are allowed in each zoning district. Permitted uses (P) are always allowed in the indicated district. Special Uses (S) are allowed only by a Special Use Permit granted by the City Council (applications are available -at the Zoning Office). A shaded box indicates that the use is not permitted. Additional conditions may apply in certain cases and are identified by footnotes".


Below see the same document with highlights and marks pointing out the uses permitted (or not permitted and hand-marked with an X) in the U Districts.

The U2 District is not allowed uses for "Commercial Outdoor Recreation".

The U2 District is not allowed uses for "Commercial Indoor Recreation".

The U2 District is not allowed uses for "Performance Entertainment Venue".

Districts that allow the above three categories:

Commercial Indoor Recreation is a Permitted use (P) only in the following Districts:

  • B2, B3, all C's, D1, D2 (as P2 and S5), D3, D4, RP

Commercial Indoor Recreation is a Special Use (S) only in the following Districts:

  • B1 , B2, MU, MUE, MXE, O1

Commercial indoor recreation is a P2 & S5 use only in the Following District:

  • D2 District:

Commercial Outdoor Recreation is a Permitted use (P) only in the following Districts:

  • C2

Commercial Outdoor Recreation is a Special Use (S) only in the following Districts:

  • B1a, B2, B3, C1, C1a, MUE, MXE

Performance Entertainment Venue is a Special Use (S) only in the following Districts:

  • D2, D3, D4, RP

Below see the same city of Evanston document with highlights. "X" handwritten marks are for uses not permitted.

City of Evanston Zoning Use Summaries.pdf

Below see the zoning code , updated May 16, 2019 . On the second page, see permitted uses in the U2 District.

2019 U1U3Districts updated May 16.pdf

The following shall be considered permitted uses when conducted in association with the permitted uses outlined for the U2 University Athletic Facilities District.

- Intramural and intercollegiate sports and athletic events and practice therefor; Local, regional and State elementary and high school athletic events and practice therefor; Band playing and practice in connection with the above events; Commencement, convocation and graduation exercises.; University-sponsored lecture, speakers, musical performances and other cultural events held within an enclosed building provided that attendance is limited to ten thousand (10,000) or less; Luncheons and dinners and dining room facilities in a stadium provided that attendance is limited to the seating capacity of the facilities; Accessory uses to the above permitted uses, including administrative and faculty offices, classroom, auditoriums, athletic facilities and parking spaces; Off-street parking for hospital employees and for university students and employees.