1987 Byron Coon Sports Center Remodeling

The minutes below were probably from the ZBA meeting of August 1987, or another earlier meeting regarding the remodeling of the Byron Coon Center. At the time the present U2 was designated as U-5.

1987 remodeling byron coon sport ctr.pdf

In the above minutes the following conversation is recorded between ZBA member Balch and NU lawyer Perry [emphasis added]:

Member Balch: Yes. This building is going to be located on the current site of three tennis courts?

Mr.Perry: Yes, sir, correct.

Member Balch: Are you now going to replace those three at some other point on the property, or have you -- are you just abandoning those?

Mr Perry: We will abandon those. What we feel is this fall with the opening of our sports/aquatics center on the Lakeville portion of the campus will contain interior tennis courts that can be used for that purpose. In addition, we also have the existing tennis courts along Sheridan Road. So the main -- what we will be using here is expanding into that area and would be losing three tennis courts. But the rest of the courts will remain at that location.

Member Balch: Do you have any other expansion plans for this part of campus?

Mr. Perry: No. I think the --once you go beyond the -- this area here and you have the tennis courts, then the driveway goes back to the parking and you come into the Welfield baseball project which we have a special use permit for two or three years ago. But I think once that is completed, everything here is pretty well up to the state as to what we're looking for in terms of athletic facilites in that area.

good 1987 aug 5 ordinance spec use byron coon.pdf