2019 Mislaid City Packet Information

Residents prepared several economic documents and some of these were submitted to be included in the August 28 Plan Commission packet. All City submission rules were faithfully followed, but instead of appearing in the packet, these documents were buried in a "Historical packet" which the PC chairman, at the September 11 meeting, admitted he did not read. He stated they were not relevant. It's doubtful any of the other PC members or Aldermen who voted against the residents read the material either.

See below the documents submitted, which include economic data and also other relevant material to the NU amendment issue.

List of items in “Historical” packet

The Plan Commission Aug 28 page: https://www.cityofevanston.org/government/agendas-minutes/plan-commission published a link to: Historical Documents submitted 8.23.2019. This link/information was unread and dismissed as irrelevant by 2019 PC Chairman

1. 2019: Proposed Zoning Changes to U-2: Text Amendment or Map Amendment? (6pp) not the same as the one submitted in the pre pc file

2. 2016 June 29 journal article What constitutes a zoning map change for notice requirements, The Legal Intelligencer (4 pp)

3. 2019: Three business owners’ communications: Evanston School of Ballet, Berglund Animal Hospital, Walsh Natural Health (5pp, incl intro page & affidavit)

4. 2019: Residents’ communications – (13 pp, incl intro page)

5. 2016 & 2019 Evanston & Wilmette communications re. noise, parking and other issues re. NU U2 District. One page was placed in wrong order by Meagan Jones (12pp, incl 2 intro pp)

6. 2019: Lynn Trautman Top 10 Endowments (3 pp, incl affidavit)

7. Brief NU history: early 1900’s to 2019 (2 pp)

8. 1976 Feb 11 Wilmette re. joining lawsuit NU v Evanston (2 pp)

9. 1982 ZBA re. Wilmette opposing U2 District commercial activities and expansion of facilities (1p)

10. 1997 Mr. Proskie’s home appraisal proving adverse effect of its proximity to U2 district (5 pp)

11. 1990’s summary of Tec Search report, Implications of pro-sports events in NU facilities (6 pp, incl intro page)

12. Balance of Hardships. Includes 2018 NU financial reports & 2019 data re. NU facilites on Lake front (12 pp)

13. 2019 Residents’ communications to City re. liquor at Arena (7 pp, incl 2009 journal article)

14. 2019 Economic impact report (Ody) (6 pp)

15. 1976 May, NU Statement of facts - salient passages (1 p)

16. 1976 May, Zac re. NU and pro-sport frequency of events’ scenario (1p)

17. 1976 Oct, Zac re. safety issues with U2 events (1p)

18. 2016 & 2018 NU student blogs re. parking, misbehavior & traffic issues during U2 District sport events (2 pp)

2019 PC historical packet NUNeighborDocumentsAttachm.pdf