
Mr CHAO Shing-kie, MH

趙承基在 1950 年代中期已參加童軍運動 ,由於就讀的學校沒有童軍   旅,故加入歷史悠久的公開旅-九龍第5(Roving Fifth)。為何選擇這旅團?只因巧合經過漆咸道天主教玫瑰堂,看見對面一小屋有童軍在集會,詢問後覺得合適便參加了。這間位於現今紅磡理工大學校園範圍内的小屋,當年供九龍區總部三個不同的旅團作集會用地,不同時段有不同旅團使用,若趙前輩在其他時段經過,可能加入九龍第3旅或第8旅了。


趙前輩由童軍團升上深資童軍團不久後,便完成榮譽童軍獎章,並在1961 年聖佐治日獲頒發榮譽童軍證書。趙家亦由九龍紅磡半島搬遷到港島新落成的北角新邨。完成深資童軍階段後,趙前輩初時仍在九龍第5旅服務,1963年,北角新邨開辦新旅團(港島第86旅),趙前輩獲邀加入為領袖,由起初的小狼團長、童子軍團長及深資童軍團長到1980年出任旅長。在港島第86旅的服務,除了參加不少區及地方的比賽外,趙前輩最難忘及引以為傲的,是在同一年度培養了七位考獲榮譽童軍獎章的深資童軍。這對資源有限的屋邨公開旅來說,實在難能可貴。

除了港島第86旅外,趙前輩亦被邀加入區及訓練隊服務。對紅褲子出身的趙前輩來說,這是駕輕就熟。在1970 1973 年間,趙前輩擔任筲箕灣區訓練總監,1973 年更接任筲箕灣區區總監。自 1969年加入港島地域訓練隊後,趙前輩一直協助地域訓練工作,如出任地域總部總監(訓練)、助理地域總監(訓練)、及大潭營地總指導員等工作。及後,逐步參與行政工作。1998年,筲箕灣區因旅團數目超過上限要分拆為兩區,這時已是區議員的趙前輩二話不說,出任新成立柴灣區區總監一職,並向地域總監承諾只需用三年時間建設柴灣童軍區。大約一年半後,趙前輩把柴灣區交付給繼任的莫振昌區總監(其後趙前輩被委任為柴灣區名譽會長),那時,不單有完善區務委員會,還為區會申請到漁灣邨地下一個舖位作為區總部。趙前輩在處理繁忙工作和區議會的公務外,為私人屋苑「杏花邨」成立有三個支部的童軍旅-港島第6旅。


趙前輩認為從訓練工作改為行政工作,只是轉換跑道 ,仍是服務青少年。多年來的行政經驗,加上自 1991 年起到 2011 20年間在區議會的工作和角色,對拓展童軍運動助益良多。

對趙前輩來說,長期服務四星獎章是對其童軍運動服務 60 年的認可。

Mr CHAO Shing-kie joined the Roving Fifth (5th Kowloon Group) in mid-1950s because there was no Scouts Group in his school. Mr CHAO obtained the Queen's Scout Badge shortly after he was promoted to senior Scouts and received the Royal Certificate on St. George's Day in 1961. Later the CHAO family was relocated to the newly completed  North Point Estate. Mr CHAO invited to join as a Scouter in a newly established Scout group there.  He was firstly assigned in Wolf Cub Pack as Cubmaster, then Scoutmaster, Senior Scout Leader and later became the Group Scout Leader in 1980. The most memorable and proud moment when serving the 86th Hong Kong Group was that, seven Senior Scouts were completed the Queen's Scout Badge in the same year. This was invaluable to an Open Group in a public housing estate with limited resources.


Mr CHAO was asked to serve in the district and the Training Team later. Since then, he has been focused on training for decades. He was invited to establish Chai Wan District which was split from Shaukeiwan District in 1999. Soon after 18 months later, he handed over the duty to his successor, with not only a well-established district committee, also a district headquarters in Yue Wan Estate. He had also set up a Scout Group in a private housing estate Hang Fa Chuen which was not often at that time.


From front-line training to administration work, Mr CHAO devoted his time to serving the young people and contributing to the development of Hong Kong Scout Movement.


For veteran Mr CHAO, the Long Service  Medal with 4 Stars is not a reward, but an recognition of his 60 years of service.