

1930年代末葉,世界政治局勢動盪。日本於1937年全面入侵中國,為了逃避戰亂,很多人來到香港,帶來不少社會問題。部分學校由廣東等地區南遷至香港復課, 這些學校被稱為「僑校」,為湧入香港的適齡兒童提供教育。 由於內地學校於高小及初中階段均設有童子軍科,故這些僑校亦同時開辦童子軍團,並在中國童子軍總會註冊。除了有香港童子軍總會分發的旅號,亦同時有中國童子軍的番號。 也許因為香港總監侯利華牧師經常兼顧聖公會廣州教區的工作,因利成便,常協助廣州童子軍會的訓練,與中國童子軍總會保持良好關係,故容許僑校旅團雙重註冊,他更在制服的右袋上配帶上「中國童子軍軍籍章」。 因應社會需求,童子軍提供適時服務,如難民營和各類籌款活動等。 香港政府為了應付大量從國內湧入的難民,在港島北角及新界錦田等地修建大型難民營。不少童子軍團,特別是僑校的童子軍旅團,義不容辭地加入難民服務行列,到難民營與他們一起生活,並協助分派食物和各界送來的救援物資,亦幫助成立難民自治組織,讓難民可以自行管理。 

Towards the end of the 1930s, the global political environment became more and more unstable. As a result of Japan’s invasion of China in 1937, Chinese refugees flooded to Hong Kong, and caused many social problems. As Scouting was taught as a subject in elementary and middle schools in Mainland China, it was common that they ran a Scout Troop at the same time. When some of these Chinese Schools migrated south to Hong Kong to resume operations, many of their Scout Troops were registered with both The General Association of the Scouts of China and The Boy Scouts Association, Hong Kong Branch. Because of his good relationship with the Boy Scouts of China, Rev. Halward took a generally tolerant attitude towards dual registration of the Scout Troops. In response to the need of society, the Hong Kong Scouts actively involved themselves in community services, for instance, helping out in the refugee camps and various fund-raising events. Later on, when the government set up large-scale refugee camps in North Point and Kam Tin, etc., numerous Scout Groups, particularly those affiliated with the overseas Chinese schools, volunteered to help distribute food and relief supplies in the camps.


First post-war St. George's Day Rally


     Colony Rover Moot 1940


Local Scouters joined the HKVDF in 1940

金屬防空隊員章 A metal badge for ARP

因當時局勢緊張,香港政府全面檢討防衛政策除了修建防空洞,更鼓勵巿民加入各類民防組織。香港童子軍總會回應政府要求,成立童子軍防空傳訊隊,並委任陳福康為負責領袖,為童子軍提供民防訓練。除了可以考取民防專章 (Civil Defence Badge)外,總會還組織了童子軍傳訊隊,分配成員到各區協助民防工作。 1941年中,已有500名各級童子軍接受訓練並加入傳訊隊,約佔全港童子軍人數三份一。 

As political unrest grew in the region, the Hong Kong Government fully reviewed its defence policies. Apart from constructing air-raid shelters, the Government also urged citizens to join various civil defence organizations. In response to the request of the Government, a Boy Scout’s Air Raid Precautions Despatch Corps (headed by Chan Fook-hong) was established with the aim of training the Scouts in air raid precautions and distributing them to different districts in Hong Kong to aid civil defence. By mid-1941, over 500 Scouts and leaders, accounting for one-third of the Scout population in Hong Kong, have completed the training and joined the Despatch Corps.

1941年12月8日,日軍入侵香港至12月25日香港投降這17天的防衞戰中,童子軍表現英勇,約有20多名童子軍和領袖在各類行動中喪生當中包括有不少童子軍精英的義勇軍第3連在12月19日黃泥涌戰役中,更有重大傷亡。 香港淪陷後,不少童子軍成員千方百計逃離香港,返回中國繼續抗戰,當中有20多位童子軍在這段期間犧牲。 逃回內地的童子軍領袖,部分來自英文書院的大多選擇加入英軍服務團(BAAG-British Army Aid Group)工作,例如香港第12旅(皇仁書院)童子軍團長許文偕、九龍第17旅(喇沙書院) 領袖馬基香港區區總監柯昭璋等。 其餘沒有參軍的童子軍,利用在童子軍學到的知識謀生,如香港第13旅(中央華人)的鄺志雄新界區領袖廖爵榮等在國內學校教書,並同時擔任童子軍科老師。留在香港的有替戰俘營的軍人提供協助,或替英軍服務團工作而受到迫害。 香港第1旅(聖約瑟書院)的李耀培因替英軍服務團工作表現出色,獲英政府頒發軍功勳章(Military Medal)。 當中亦有不少領袖犧牲成仁,包括香港第1旅小狼團長林劍鏗、香港第7旅的楊文安、九龍第17旅的Enrique Lee及香港第10旅創旅領袖黃紹本等。 九龍第5旅(Roving Fifth) 的前任童子軍團團長W.M. Gittins在日本戰俘營內喪生;還有很多被遺忘的英勇忠誠的事蹟,然而他們的名字只有上帝才知道。 


Colony ARP Despatch Crops Parade in June 1941

On 8 December 1941, the Japanese army invaded Hong Kong. During the 17 days before Hong Kong surrendered, the Scouts fought bravely against the Japanese, and around 20 were killed in action. After the fall of Hong Kong on 25 December, many Scouts fled to Mainland China to join the resistance forces against Japan, and approximately 20 more lost their lives. After they went to China, those Scouters affiliated to an English grammar school usually joined the British Army Aid Group (BAAG) instead. Examples are Hui Man-kai of 12th Hong Kong (Queen’s College), Henry Ma of 17th Kowloon (La Salle College), and Quah Cheow-cheang, District Commissioner for Hong Kong, etc. Scouts who did not join the forces also made a living with their knowledge acquired from Scouting. For instance, Kwong Chi-hung of 13th Hong Kong (Central Chinese) and Liu Cheuk-wing of New Territories District became teachers in Scouting during their stay in Mainland China. During this tough period, whereas Francis Lee of 1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph’s College) was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of his exceptional service in BAAG, many Scouts lost their lives in the Japanese prison camps or during the defence of Hong Hong, such as Lim Kim-huan of 1st Hong Kong, Yeung Man-on of 7th Hong Kong, Enrique Lee of 17th Kowloon, Wong Shiu-pun of 10th Hong Kong, and W. M. Gittins of Roving Fifth. There were, however, many more unsung heroes who were not remembered by name. 


"Boy Scouts trained as ARP Despatches" from local Chinese Newspaper in 1941

1945年8月太平洋戰爭結束,留在香港的戰時童子軍傳訊隊的負責領袖包德漢隨即召集前童子軍傳訊隊隊員,協助英軍政府工作,直至年底局勢穏定才解散。香港區區總監柯昭璋則隨英軍服務團的先遣部隊返港,領導香港童子軍活動復員。 部戰前的旅團亦在熱心舊團員的召集下,漸漸恢復集會。 1946年初,已恢復集會的旅團約有個,港島玫瑰崗有新旅團準備成立。 1946年1月戰後首期復刊的《香港童軍》報導了以下九個旅團恢復活動,名單如下:

In August 1945, the Pacific War was put to an end. John Pau, Scouter-in-charge of the Boy Scout’s ARP Despatch Corps and Group Scoutmaster of 7th Hong Kong, summoned the former members of the Despatch Corps to assist the military Government until the political situation became more stable in late 1945. Quah Cheow-cheang, District Commissioner for Hong Kong, returned to Hong Kong with the advance party of BAAG and led the Scout Movement in Hong Kong to revive gradually. In early 1946, approximately 10 Scout Groups had resumed meetings, and a new Scout Group was about to be established on Rosaryhill, Hong Kong Island. The first post-war Hong Kong Scouting Gazette published in January 1946 reported the re-establishment of 9 Scout Groups (as listed below): 


Roll of Honour in 1946 Hong Kong Scouting Gazette


Group news published in Hong Kong Scouting Gazette

in early post-war period

香港海童子軍第1旅(公開旅)     1st Hong Kong Sea Scout Troop (Open Troop) 

香港第1旅 (聖約瑟書院)     1st Hong Kong Group (St. Joseph’s College)

香港第7旅 (戰前屬英皇書院)   7th Hong Kong Group (King’s College) 

香港第12旅 (皇仁書院)    12th Hong Kong Group (Queen’s College) 

香港第13旅 (華人公開旅)   13th Hong Kong Group (Central Chinese) 

香港第16旅 (聖類斯工業學校)   16th Hong Kong Group (St. Louis Industrial School)

九龍第11旅 (華仁書院)  11th Kowloon Group (Wah Yan College) 

九龍第16旅 (玫瑰堂)    16th Kowloon Group (Rosary Church) 

九龍第21旅 (中華基督教青年會)    21st Kowloon Group (Chinese YMCA)

1946年4月28日,來自全港15個旅團的600多名童子軍、國際童子軍支援服務隊 (Scout International Relief Service)和由駐港英軍組成的羅浮童子軍團,出席了在俗稱「兵頭花園」的香港植物公園舉行的聖佐治日童子軍大會操,受軍政府總督菲士挺將軍(Major-General Festing) 和署理副總監(Acting Deputy Colony Commissioner) 柯昭璋的檢閱。 同年8月16日,香港童子軍再聚集一起,歡迎回港的香港總督楊慕琦爵士(Sir Mark Young),並將義勇銀十字章頒發予香港海童子軍第1旅童子軍副團長黄啟忠,表揚他於1941年5月7日在橫瀾島燈塔附近的南中國海水域,英勇拯救了一名遇溺的中國漁民。 而在開戰前接替離港的陳福康出任童子軍傳訊隊負責領袖之包德漢,因在戰時的出色忠誠表現,獲英皇佐治六世頒發大英帝國獎章(B.E.M)。 

On 28 April 1946, more than 600 Scouts and Scouters from 15 Scout Groups, together with the Scout International Relief Service and Services Rover Crew attended the first post-war St. George’s Day Parade held in the Botanical Garden. The salute was taken by the General Officer Commanding Major-General Festing, accompanied by Acting Deputy Colony Commissioner Quah Cheow-cheang. On 16 August, Hong Kong Scouts gathered again to welcome the return of the Governor Sir Mark Young. On this occasion, Wong Kai-chung, Assistant Scoutmaster of 1st Hong Kong Sea Scout Group, was presented the Silver Cross for Gallantry for his saving the life of a drowning fisherman in southern China waters whereas John Pau, Scouter-in-charge of the Boy Scout’ Despatch Corps, was awarded the British Empire Medal (B.E.M) by King George VI for his meritorious and loyal service during the war. 

在國際童子軍支援服務隊和駐港英軍的羅浮童子軍團協助下,香港童軍運動迅速恢復正常運作。1947年4月,童子軍總會香港分會重新登記已恢復集會或新成立的旅團超過30個,香港童軍會亦重新組織。由於香港總監候利華牧師未能經常在港,故由副總監柯昭璋領導重組,鮑德漢任香港區區總監、黃溢雄為香港區童子軍區長花利亞任九龍區童子軍區長,小狼總監仍由戰前已出任的卜架夫人擔任 (Mrs. F.E. Booker) 。 

With the help of the Scout International Relief Service and Services Rover Crew, the Scout Movement in Hong Kong revived. In April 1947, more than 30 pre-war and newly formed Scout Groups were registered with the Boys Scouts Association, Hong Kong Branch. As Rev. Halward could not always stay in Hong Kong, Deputy Colony Commissioner Quah Cheow-cheang was responsible to lead the Association’s revival. The key positions after reorganization are as follows:

John Pau - District Commissioner for Hong Kong;

Wong Yat-hung - District Scoutmaster for Hong Kong;

S. L. de Faria - District Scoutmaster for Kowloon; and

Mrs. F.E. Booker - Assistant Colony Commissioner for Wolf Cubs. 


Hong Kong Scout Rally to honour Chief Scout Sir Mark Young returned to Hong Kong 1947

戰後初期,香港民生困苦,但童子軍運動亦有良好發展。物資雖短缺,但得到駐港英軍協助,將卡其色的夏季軍服改為童子軍制服,不過童子軍徽章和帽仍供應不足,這些物品需要從英國運來,而英國本土的童子軍亦同樣需要。 因為在戰時所有工廠轉為生產軍用物資,以致童子軍帽等非必需品需要暫停生產。戰時亦試過用絲印專章,甚至將一些少用的專科徽章以人手改成缺貨的專科徽章。 

Following the end of the war, the Scout Movement in Hong Kong was soon back on track, although the Hong Kong people were still having a tough time. The supply of Scouting badges and accessories during early post-war period remained in shortage as all factories had switched to produce military supplies during wartime. Thanks to the support of the British Forces Overseas Hong Kong, Scouts in Hong Kong managed to get hold of uniforms converted from the khaki summer military uniform.


Stone Laying Ceremony of Morse Hut in 1949

童子軍運動在九龍和新界地區均有顯著增長,童軍會於1948年委任盧孟煊為九龍及新界區區總監;江嘉仁則為九龍區區總監。 1948年,全港童子軍旅團超過50個,人數高達2,200餘人,當中約有八個旅團在新界地區。 

Scouting activities in Kowloon and the New Territories expanded noticeably. In 1948, Loo Mang-hoon and Johnson Kong were appointed as District Commissioner for Kowloon and New Territories and District Commissioner for Kowloon respectively. At that time, there were over 50 Scout Groups in Hong Kong with members as many as 2,200, and about 8 were in the New Territories. 


Scouting competitions that existed before the war resumed. The Annual Scout Swim Meet was once again organized in August 1946, where the 2nd Hong Kong Group (Catholic Cathedral) won the champions for both Scouts and Rover Scouts. However, the Prince of Wales Banner Competition was only resumed in 1948. The first post-war winner of the competition was the 17th Kowloon Group (La Salle College); a newly-made banner (the original one was damaged during the war) was presented to the Group by the Chief Scout Sir Alexander W. G. H. Grantham at the St. George’s Day Parade. 


Commissioner Meeting in 1950


Remembrance Day Service in 1950

40年代將要結束時,發展快速的香港童軍運動略受波折,童軍人數稍為減少,大概是因為國內政治形勢轉變,部分政治背景較重或跟隨國內童子軍訓練制度的旅團被取消註冊,雙重註冊亦自此成為歷史。 部分旅團因發展過速,水準未能達到應有標準而被註銷。1949年,總會著手準備未來的發展、以迎接50年代帶來之新挑戰。 

As the 1940s were drawing to a close, the rapidly developing Hong Kong Scout Movement experienced a slight decline in membership, probably caused by a shift in the political winds in Mainland China. The Association became less tolerant of those Groups that inclined too much towards Chinese nationalism, and some were deregistered, thus putting an end to the dual registration era. In addition, Groups that failed to reach the minimum standards were disbanded. In preparation for the upcoming challenges in the 1950s, Boy Scouts Association, Hong Kong Branch, began to restructure itself in 1949.