


隨著世界第一次童子軍大會操於1909年在倫敦舉行,年後(即1915年的3月20日),香港童子軍亦舉行了相信是香港童子軍歷史上首次的大會操。其時香港童子軍運動正處於起步階段,童子軍發展以聖約瑟書院的香港第1旅為骨幹,首屆香港童子軍大會操亦順理成章選址聖約瑟書院舉行。參與這次會操的童子軍單位除聖約瑟書院初級童子軍團及高級童子軍團外,還有山頂小狼及由Mrs. Raynes 帶領的小狼。所有隊伍在聖約瑟書院童子軍團的樂隊引領下,接受香港總監安史導海軍准將的檢閱。


The first Scout Rally in Hong Kong

The first Scout Rally was held in London in 1909. Six years later (on 20 March 1915), the Hong Kong Scouts organized a Scout Rally, which was probably the first one in Hong Kong Scout history. At that time, Scouting in Hong Kong was still at its infant stage of development. The 1st Hong Kong Group of St Joseph’s College was regarded as the hardcore in the development of Hong Kong Scouting, and so its campus became the venue for the first Scout Rally in Hong Kong. Apart from junior boy Scouts and senior boy Scouts of St Joseph’s College, Peak Wolf Cubs and Wolf Cubs led by Mrs. Raynes also participated in the Rally. The parade led by the Scout band of St Joseph’s College was inspected by Commodore R.H. Anstruther, the then Chief Commissioner.




唯一在戶內舉行的 1959 年度聖佐治日會操

 The only Rally which was held indoor in 1959 

St. George’s Day Parade

The Scout Rally, which is held every year now, used to be known as “St. George’s Day Parade”. In 1934, in view of the rapid development of Scouting, King George V determined to hold St. George’s Day Parade in April every year to inspect the parade formed by those awarded King’s Scout Badge or Award for Gallantry. Since then, it has become a tradition among the Commonwealth regions. St. George, born on 23 April, was the patron of England and was known for defeating the devilish dragon. In fact, the reason for Lord Baden-Powell to choose St. George as the Patron Scout was that he wanted to encourage the Scouts by his fighting against the devilish dragon bravely and also to follow knight spirits in their behavior. As Hong Kong was a member of Commonwealth, we also share the tradition to hold Scout Rally before or after St. George’s Day. From 1986, St. George’s Day Parade was renamed as “Scout Rally”.

Tracing back the history of St. George’s Day Parade, the most memorable one must be the first post-war St. George’s Day Parade held on 28 April 1946 at the Zoological and Botanical Garden at Central. It was the first post-war Scout gathering in Hong Kong with the participation of 15 groups of more than 600 Scouts. The inspection was made by the General Officer Commanding, Major General Festing and C.C. Quah, Deputy Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association, Hong Kong Branch. Since then, St. George’s Day Parade had been held in April every year until 1986. It was rescheduled to October afterwards.



Commemorative Badges of the Scout Rally

With the flourishing development of Scouting, more and more people have participated in the Scout Rally. At present , the number of participants rises to a striking figure of 20,000 to 30,000 people every year. To celebrate this special occasion, the Association issues commemorative badges every year, and members can wear the badge for 6 months as a token of celebration. So how many commemorative badges do you have ?