

首先要向各位前輩致謝,無論是接受訪問、借出珍貴相片或提供資料,特別在疫情反覆期間,他們仍然踴躍支持。諸位先進對童軍運動之熱愛,實在令晚輩感動萬分。同時更要感謝兩位「老總」(謝炳奎及張枝繁)之家人,捐贈了一批珍貴的童軍文物,豐富了展覽內容。還要感謝沈榮光、游汝鍇、連瑜、吳和來、鍾明浩、盧奕文、施浩能、馬賢德、謝煥權、楊國強、朱詠芝及公共關係署同寅傾力襄助。最後向借出老童軍(Old Men)海報設計之何中強先生,致以崇高謝意。




The Scout Gallery would like to take this opportunity to thank all the veterans who accepted for interviews or lent us rare photos and memorabilia for this exhibition. Especially grateful to the families of two “Lo Chung”  (Old Commissioners): the late Mr TSE Ping-fui and Mr CHEUNG Chi-fan, for their generous donation with historical papers, photo and souvenirs. Furthermore, we would like to thank, for the contribution and support, Mr SHUM Wing-kwong, Mr Eric YAU, Mr Jimuel Y. LIN, Mr NG Wo-loi, Mr Klaus CHUNG, Mr Dominic LO, Mr Donald SUTHERLAND, Mr Bruno MA, Mr TSE Woon-kuen, Mr Frank YEUNG, Ms Francesca CHU and all brothers and sisters of Public Relations Branch.  Last but not least, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr William HO for his generous support and allowing us to use his design, the “Old Men” poster.